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August 05, 2021
AOC Puts on Mask For a Photo Op-- Then Immediately Takes It Off When the Photo Is Taken
Phony flake.
Do what we say, not what we do. We are The Regime. We have special immunity from all of the restrictions and obligations we impose on you.
Shockingly, Noted Hysteric, Self-Care Enthusiast, and Murder Victim Alexandria Donkey-Chompers also called Simone Biles' decision to quit the competition and focus on her "mental health" brave.
I think the Simone Biles' quitting incident is provoking a lot of ire less due to the actual quitting, and more due to infantile leftwing feminists insisting that literally everything a woman does, including quitting a competition, is "brave."
Male athletes are not called "brave" for quitting a competition or sitting a game out. That doesn't mean they're criticized for doing so, if they have adequate cause. If a running back's foot is fractured and he could play but would only be at 90% and would also risk aggravating it, a lot of people would say of his decision to sit a game out, "It was a tough call but probably the right one" or would call the decision prudent.
Prudent -- but not brave. And prudence, of course, is the wise decision to avoid risk. Which is kind of the opposite of bravery. Prudence is a good thing, but it is, seriously, kind of the opposite of bravery. Not to the extent that cowardice is a perfect opposite.
But definitely on the other side of the Risk-Seeking Vs. Risk-Avoidance graph.
But now when a female athlete withdraws from a competition either because of stress or, it is said, she lost mental focus while in the air and this put her safety in danger -- the infantile feminist left insists on calling her "brave" for avoiding risk.
Again, I'm not saying that this wasn't a sound call or a prudent call. Bad risks should be avoided.
But I will insist it's not brave.
This is the Olympics, after all. The equivalent of a Super Bowl -- and you would generally expect a running back, even one with a fractured foot who might re-aggravate it if he plays, to play anyway in the Super Bowl.
Simone Biles was not "brave."
But that's what the infantile woman-children of the far left insist it is.
This old article from 2003 -- back when The Onion was funny -- has never been more true.