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August 02, 2021
The Biggest Super-Spreader In America is the American Government and Its Willful Infection of Americans Through the Uncontrolled Southern Border
The "If it saves just one life" standard never applies when it conflicts with a leftwing agenda item.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott can't make Texans immune to the COVID virus, but he's working hard to make them immune to the worst ideas coming out of the Biden administration. Abbott is trying to complete the part of the Trump wall that is along Texas' border with Mexico. Meanwhile, President Biden is reportedly spending more than $2 billion to terminate the government's contracts to build the Trump border wall.
Last week, Abbott issued an executive order aimed at illegal immigrants who are infected with COVID. It prohibits the ground transportation of illegal migrants released from U.S. Border Patrol custody "who pose a risk of carrying Covid-19 into Texas communities." In a Wednesday statement, Abbott said, “The dramatic rise in unlawful border crossings has also led to a dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases among unlawful migrants who have made their way into our state, and we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities.”
The order means that Texas law enforcement personnel can stop and turn back private cars, trucks, and buses carrying illegal aliens. Biden can't allow anything to interfere with the tide of illegals coming in, so Attorney General Merrick Garland (who, but for Mitch McConnell, would be on the Supreme Court) sued on Friday to get a restraining order against enforcement of Abbott’s policy.
Abbott's orders and policies are his attempt to protect Texans against the biggest "super-spreader" event: Biden’s unsecured border, which enables illegal aliens to come into the U.S., some or many of whom are infected with COVID.
Abbott has good reason to worry about COVID-infected illegals entering Texas. In the border town of La Joya, Texas, police reportedly responded to a complaint that people exhibiting COVID symptoms were eating in a local burger joint. The people, who turned out to be illegal immigrants, said that they were infected with COVID. The police discovered that the feds had released them.
We don't know how many illegal immigrants are infected or have been tested, but what is clear is that regardless of proven infections, those who are caught by the Border Patrol are quickly shuffled off to other U.S. towns and cities across the nation.
Biden’s unenforced border policy is the worst and biggest "super-spreader" policy in the history of COVID. It is contrary to science, public safety, and common sense.
Remember some time ago local governments were doing "contact tracing" on covid-19 victims, to find out where they'd caught the bug, and who they might have spread it to?
And remember, the contact tracers were specifically ordered to not ask about whether those with covid-19 attended a BLM or antifa rally?
Because the left wanted to maintain plausible deniability on whether or not they were killing even more people than the police records show with their riots?
Well, obviously, if you wanted to find out if illegal aliens are infecting American citizens in these towns were Biden is secretly shipping them, you'd do contact tracing to prove that as true or disprove it as false.
Guess what the Biden Administration is not doing? And will not do even if ordered to by the Supreme Court?
I wonder why.
And of course it's because the US government is actively assisting Super-Spreader events, and they know it for a fact: