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August 02, 2021
The Morning Report - 8/2/21
Good morning, kids. Start of a new week and a new month but of course it's the same old shit. Yes the ramping up of fear over a virus that is fractionally more deadly than seasonal flu and the persecution and censorship of all political opposition to the demented pervert and his puppet masters who stole the 2020 election and installed him in a high chair behind the Resolute Desk. But in this case, it's a golden oldie: Multi-thousand-page spending bills written by lobbyists, criminals, degenerates and other grifters looking to raid whatever crumbs are left in the Treasury to be used to further dismantle our society or merely as embellishment.
I'm talking of course about this insane "Infrastructure" bill which has about as much to do with funding the construction of dictionary-definition infrastructure as Shaun King has to do with being a dictionary-definition colored person of color.
If the United States Senate votes this week on the bipartisan so-called "infrastructure" bill, it would be humanly impossible for any U.S. senator to read it before voting on it.
Sources familiar with the drafting of the text of this bill told Breitbart News it was being written in secret for months outside the normal legislative process, which is supposed to happen in relevant committees of jurisdiction. These sources made the unauthorized leak of the draft text to Breitbart News out of concern that the murky and secretive process behind this bill may have led to widespread corruption throughout its nearly three thousand pages.
The text of a draft of the bill, obtained exclusively by Breitbart News from U.S. Senate sources not authorized to leak it, shows the plan is 2,701 pages long. . .
. . . Senate proponents of the proposal released the final text of the legislation late Sunday evening after this Breitbart News publication, and the final bill text is almost exactly the same as the near-final draft provided to Breitbart News as an unauthorized leak from Congress earlier in the evening. The final bill is only one page longer at 2,702 pages.
Breitbart seems to have the exclusive on this as of this morning and here are some of the goodies it found:
Bipartisan 'Infrastructure' Bill Allows Feds to Bypass 'Buy American' Rules, Outsource U.S. Manufacturing
'Infrastructure' Bill Caters to 'Climate Change' with State-Mandated Carbon Reduction Programs
Infrastructure Bill Contains Billions for Border Crossings; $0 for Border Wall
Infrastructure Bill Will 'Study' Job Losses from Canceling Keystone XL, Without Restoring It
And of course, this observation from the estimable Joel Pollak:
When Trump Wanted Infrastructure, Democrats -- and Establishment Republicans -- Blocked Him
Bingo. You can bet your sweet ass that all sorts of graft and grift are being shoved into the maw of goniffing pigs like Collins, Portman, Tillis, the Alaskan Snowblower, the Maine Pain and Pee-Air Defecto to get them on board. Honestly, with everything else going on is borrowing and spending several trillion dollars more that we don't have, on things we either don't need or will make our lives only marginally more miserable than they will be given the trajectory we're already on, really worth getting our collective Irish up about?
Funny, as in tragic, how the usual talking-while-empty-heads always bemoan "gridlock" in Congress, being completely clueless about the fact that the framers intentionally made the enactment of laws - and especially spending and taxation - as difficult as possible. You were responsible to the people who elected you to represent them and so advise and consent, give and take, and compromise while adhering to prudence, ethics and morality meant that it would often take at the least weeks if not months to finally craft a bill, usually no more than a couple of pages in length, that would be ready for the president to enact. That is if he did not veto it. The Senate was known as the greatest deliberative body for a reason. The aim was not to cavalierly enact legislation for the hell of it, and certainly not for self-aggrandizement.
Okay, you all can stop laughing at me now. At the end of the day, as I consider the last vestiges of America as founded dead and gone as of last January 6th, I don't necessarily give a damn. Let the Cloward-Piven collapse come quickly. But that said, there may be things buried deep on page 837 or 1,455 that repeal the 2nd Amendment, the 9th and 10th, and even the 1st. You can bet there's phraseology in there such as was in Obamacare or that hideous Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that sets up permanent politburos that cannot be defunded or dismantled and give the apparatchiks unlimited power with phrases like "at the Secretary's discretion" or whatever crap was in those aforementioned travesties.
But there is one ray of hope, dim as it may be. This is the Senate bill, which has to be reconciled with the version from the House. And it's now all but open warfare between the Left hand and the Far Left hand as the latter is being strident in killing the bill entirely if it does not get 100% of its demands. Titty Caca AOC is leading the charge against her geriatric overlords:
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that there were "more than enough" votes to prevent the bipartisan infrastructure bill from passing the House without the much larger bill that Democrats want to pass with the reconciliation process.
Anchor Jake Tapper said, "You just heard Joe Manchin a few moments ago talk about the reconciliation bill, $3.5 trillion. He said he can't give him any guarantee it would pass the Senate. what's your response to that?"
Ocasio-Cortez said, "These deals on infrastructure that have gone out are not just bipartisan, but they were bicameral. . . It was made very clear at the beginning of this process that this bipartisan deal if it even survives the Senate, the only chance that it has at passing the House is if the House passes the Senate bill and if the Senate passes the House bill, which is largely in reconciliation. So we can't just have one body driving the entire legislative agenda for the country and, frankly, 20 senators within that one body. So we need a reconciliation bill if we want this bipartisan bill to pass."
Of course she and the other brain damaged psychos in her orbit are pissed because everyone at the bargaining table is white. That's their big concern. Sheesh. In any case it now looks like open warfare between her and Malig-Nancy Pelosi, and the Biden Junta itself. The focus of her ire was the moratorium on evictions relating to the Chinese COVID situation expiring:
"Who's to blame here?" Tapper asked.
"First of all, you are absolutely correct, in that the House and House leadership had the opportunity to vote to extend the moratorium. And there were many and there was, frankly, a handful of conservative Democrats in the House that threatened to get on planes rather than hold this vote," she responded. "And we have to really just call a spade a spade. We cannot in good faith blame the Republican Party when House Democrats have a majority."
"Now, there is something to be said for the fact that this court order came down on the White House a month ago, and the White House waited until the day before the House adjourned to release a statement asking on Congress to extend the moratorium," AOC continued. "This came after weeks. I sit on the Financial Services Committee, which has jurisdiction over housing. We had the housing secretary there, asking about the administration stance. We asked the Biden administration about their stance. And they were not being really forthright about that advocacy and that request until the day before the House adjourned."
Whoa. She just fired a shot across the bow of the Big Guy. In any case, it would be ironic indeed if this entire fiasco were torpedoed by the Maoists. They just don't seem to get or want to play the game as it's been played - to the detriment of the taxpayers - since forever. Dems make demands and the GOP makes compromises so that the Dems get like 90% of what they want and the GOP gets to make excuses. Whatever the outcome this time, it will be a strong indicator of who now controls the whip hand of the Democrat Party.
Anyway, as this garbage floats at the top of the bowl, the undercurrent of unrest and anger over the re-institution of masking and lockdowns and vaccine passports continues. It's pissing people off all over the world and that anger is hitting our shores. Let's see if Alex Mayorkas can turn it back like he did the Cuban refugees. Sorry for the metaphor-mixing. The linkapalooza awaits so have at it.
- "The more mud they fling at Trump, the more they soil themselves."
Bawling Cops Not Going Over Well With Public; Poll Shows Drop in Support for Jan. 6 Commission
- Julie Kelly: "The Justice Department won't have January 6 evidence ready until 2022."
"Unprecedented, Unreasonable, Unconstitutional, and Wrong"
- "The ruling class and elites in the United States today view millions of Americans as partisan insurgents."
American Zapatistas
- "[Malig-] Nancy Pelosi's January 6 investigation lost even more support among Americans, with Trump being held less responsible for the events in question following the tear-filled testimonies of Capitol Police officers attacked on January 6 during this week's emotive hearing, according to a poll from Morning Consult."
Poll Reveals Jan 6 Committee Cry Babies Undermined Support For Their Own "Investigation"
- The more this filthy bastard opens his mouth, the more he makes the case that Trump and the rally-goers were not only innocent victims, but that his (Kinzinger's) Democrat friends instigated 100% of whatever violence and mayhem occurred. He can piss up a rope. In a just world, the one he'd be swinging from.
Repulsive Fraud Kinzinger Suggests Subpoenas for McCarthy and Jordan But Not Trump in Jan. 6 Probe
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "In truth, this canard of 'insurrection' does grave damage to the country."
Dare I Say That January 6 Was Not an Insurrection?
- "The 'beginning of the end for freedom of expression' is not just a Hong Kong problem, but a D.C. problem, too."
Chinese "Justice" Comes to America
- "Transformation is plainly nothing more complicated than the complete abrogation of the U.S. Constitution."
The New Confederates
- "Regular talk of crisis can degrade liberty."
The Perpetual Emergency
- "Is this a portent?"
It Begins: A "Western Democracy" Calls In its Military to Force Citizens to Lock Down
- "If it looks like a plan, it just might be a plan."
The Left is Desperate for Chinese COVID Restrictions to Continue
- "The slides suggest that the next steps for the CDC are to 'acknowledge the war has changed, improve [the] public's understanding of breakthrough infections, [and] improve communications around individual risk among [the] vaccinated.'"
Leaked CDC Slides Call for Universal Masks, Reinstating Mitigation Strategies, Vaccine Mandates for HCP to Stop Delta Variant
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Was it ever about the virus or furthering a political agenda?"
Do the Chinese COVID Vaccines Work or Not?
- "The CDC and its public-health peers have been disaster shows all pandemic long. . . "
CDC Mask Guidance Assessments Go Under the Microscope and are Found Devoid of Science and Reason
- "Republican legislators push back against new rules: 'Don't comply.'"
Counties Ignore Low Death Rates and Return to Mask Mandates
- "So . . . sorry, I'm not buying her explanation that she wasn't talking about a federal mandate. It seems obvious to me (and should to anyone who watches the clip) that she said exactly what she meant but accidentally said the quiet part out loud."
Meesekeit Incompetent CDC Director Walensky Walks Back Comments on a Vaccine Mandate. Can We Believe Her?
* * * * *
- "A real return to normal would mean giving up the power trip that came with telling an entire country how to live their lives."
If You Let Chinese COVID-19 Fearmongers Bridle You Again, You Learned Nothing From the Last Year
- "Admittedly, Her Honor is not the brightest bulb in the room. She defaced a street in her city with the words "Black Lives Matter" and then arrested anyone who had the temerity to object. But she had to know that someone, somewhere would snap a picture or take a video of her without a mask in a public place."
HYPOCRITE: DC Mayor Bow-wow-wow-ser Attends Maskless Wedding Reception
- "I don't think we're going to see lockdowns. I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country, not enough to crush the outbreak, but I believe enough to not allow us to get into the situation we were in last winter. But things are going to get worse."
Quack-Quack Fauci Talks Out the Side of His Ass: Doesn't Foresee Lockdowns But "Things Are Going to Get Worse"
- "The left's obsessive and almost random focus on shots and masks obscures some profound societal issues connected with them."
The Consistent Inconsistencies of the Vaccination Discussion
- "Techno-talk can be a sophisticated kind of babble."
Hold Our Technocrats Accountable
- "Every time we think we're being told the straight facts about [Chinese] COVID, the 'facts' suddenly change again."
How Many Paradigm Shifts Should We Expect with Chinese COVID-19?
- "Investigators say virus likely leaked from Chinese lab during 2019 summer." (accidentally or accidentally on purpose? - jjs)
Wuhan Scientists Genetically Manipulated Chinese Coronavirus, Congressional Report Says
- "I can't imagine a carveout."
Manchin Blows Up the Possibility of a One-Time Suspension of Filibuster for Voting Rights
- "Parents know something is wrong. It's why they are showing up in droves at school-board meetings across the nation. They are sending a message. They don't want their children taught that the true founding of America came in 1619, or that America is a systemically racist place, or that most Americans are oppressors. They don't want their children taught lies. And they are right."
Sen. Josh Hawley Op-Ed: Public Schools Must Shape Kids Who Love America and Our Founding
- "We've been fortunate to see a lot of excellent videos of outraged parents attacking Critical Race Theory, but this is the best one so far."
A New Video With he Best Pushback Yet Against Crackpot Disg-Race Theory
- "Elissa Slotkin, top aide tied to local group advocating for 'critical race theory education.'"
"Diversity" Group Linked to Swing-District Dem Pushes for Critical Race Theory in Michigan Schools
- "Channeling a view from the other side."
I, Criminal
- "Austin just passed its entire 2020 homicide total with its 49th homicide of the year. It's August 1st."
Adler's Disaster: Austin Surpasses Grim Homicide Milestone
- "The San Francisco wokester district attorney blames their victims."
Chesa Boudin Stands Up for Shoplifters and Drug Dealers
- "From start to finish, Fault Lines not only raises the alarm of a fast-approaching cultural catastrophe but makes a plea to the prodigal church to return to its biblical roots."
Woke Church Woes
- "What it suggests to me is that, at best, these people exist in a place where anti-Semitism is out in the ethosphere; they hear it, breath it in, and don't even recognize it as anti-Semitism."
Biden's Pick for Anti-Semitism Envoy Said Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou's Israel Comments Were Anti-Semitic
- "Hunter is the very apotheosis of the spoiled, useless princeling."
Dirty Rotten Bidens
- "We ignore the nursing home scandal at our peril. If the lives of the elderly and disabled are not valued, what is stopping the administration from lowering the bar even more?"
Death Becomes Us
- "Governor Gavin Newsom may be in greater danger than Democrats think. He has only himself -- and his hypocritical mask and lockdown policies -- to blame."
California's Chinese COVID Recall
- "Cuomo clearly won't take one, which, by his own standard, is an admission of guilt. During the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, when anyone random person could come forward with an accusation against him and be taken seriously by the media and Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats, Cuomo publicly called on Kavanaugh to take a polygraph."
Angel of Death Cuomo Accuser Is Willing To Take a Polygraph. Why Won't Angel of Death Cuomo?
- "It's classic pay-to-play. There's no doubt about it."
Real Estate Honchos Put Money Into Angel of Death Cuomo's Re-Election Bid
- "I committed no crime."
Rudy Giuliani Says He's "More Than Willing to Go to Jail" in NBC Interview
- Mark Meadows: "We wouldn't be meeting tonight if we weren't making plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump at the head of that ticket."
The Biggest Indication Yet That Trump Is Running in 2024
- "Trump-aligned PACs raised an astonishing $82 million -- a record for ex-presidents. Taken with the cash on hand for these groups, Trump's war chest tops $100 million."
Trump-Aligned Groups Raised $82 Million the First Half of 2021
- I would say you guys better be there for me this time, because a lot of people were not there for me last time."
Sarah Palin Reportedly Considering 2022 Senate Run in Alaska
- "There are several important indicators on the rise. Unfortunately, they're all bad."
Biden's "Accomplishments" So Far: A Troubling Tale In 8 Charts
- "Catering to the party's far left has poised the Democrats over a cliff from which I see no soft landing."
The Three Horsemen of the Bidenapocalypse
- "A recent Rasmussen Reports poll also indicated that at least 52 percent of likely voters disapproved of Joe Biden's performance as [so-called quote-unquote "president"]."
Biden and Harris Approval Ratings Plummet Across Multiple Polls
- "'I'm not going to shut down the country. I'm not going to shut down the economy. I'm going to shut down the virus,' someone tweeted from Joe Biden's account on October 30th, 2020. 'It's vaxxed, or masked,' Mr. Biden further claimed, in a five second Facebook video dated May 13th, 2021. Outright political lies, of course, mindlessly regurgitated by the Sanjay Guptas, Rachel Maddows, and Mitch McConnells of the world."
Mad as Hell and Taking It No More: Even Friendly Polls Show Biden Tanking Amidst Renewed Lockdowns and Mask Mandates
* * * * *
- "The House adjourned Friday for summer recess without passing legislation to extend a nationwide ban on evictions that is set to expire Saturday, prompting outrage from the progressive Squad and an overnight protest at the Capitol."
WATCH: Activists Descend on Malig-Nancy Pelosi's Home to Serve "Eviction Notice"
- "It will be hard not to hit her with it but I will bang it down."
Kevin McCarthy Appears to Make a Joke About Hitting Malig-Nancy Pelosi
- "If only we had a party of street fighters in our corner."
The GOP in Absentia
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Now proceeding with the demolition of the United States of America."
Meet the Government Junta of National Destruction
- "Seth Barron's book, The Last Days of New York,,paints a damning portrait of how Bill de Blasio's left-wing politics exacerbated civic corruption and crime."
New York is a Cautionary Tale About the Dangers of Progressivism
- "To understand the anti-American lunacy of today's left, you need to look back to what was happening in America during the Vietnam War."
Vietnam's Role In Government Putrefaction Today
- Lloyd Billingsley: "How did a composite character with a fictional biography become the most powerful man in the world? What we know about Barack Obama, and when we knew it."
POTUS 44 Turns 60
- "The allegations describe 'hundreds of children contracting the disease in overcrowded conditions which eventually spread to many employees.'"
Federal Whistleblowers Say DHHS Directed Them to Downplay Chinese COVID Outbreak in Texas Migrant Facility
- "The total number of Border Patrol agents, according to the source, reached six since Thursday. In addition, at least one Texas Army National Guard soldier working in Eagle Pass also tested positive for the virus. The source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, says the facility is rated at 300 migrants due to the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic. The facility is currently holding more than 1,000 migrants."
More West Texas Border Patrol Agents Test Positive for Chinese COVID-19
- Because of course it does.
Infrastructure Bill Contains Billions for Border Crossings; $0 for Border Wall
- Nullification is a two-way street. Unfortunately our side never seems to throw the damn car in reverse and go the other way.
Biden's DHS Violates Court Order by Approving Illegal Aliens for DACA
- "The Mexican government has stopped accepting non-Mexican families as refugees which has led to an increase in illegal aliens being held in detention. . . It's gotten so bad, that ICE officers have been pulled from their regular duties of interdicting drugs and stopping human trafficking in order to process illegals more quickly to release them into the United States."
Mexico's Turn: The Border Mess Is About to Get Much Worse
- "She's only . . . the fall person."
Stephen Miller Says Replacing Kamala Harris Won't End "Drugs, Disease, Crime" at the Border
- "The Biden [junta's] strategy for solving illegal immigration is a pipe dream of nation-building in Central America that's designed to fail."
Kamala Harris: We Can't Secure the Border Until We Transform Central America Into a Paradise
- I'm looking at you, West Virginia.
Sen. Manchin: "There Should be a Pathway" to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens
- "Immediate steps must be taken to stop this abuse of U.S. intelligence agencies to weaponize intelligence against American journalists."
Which Biden Official Asked the NSA to Unmask Tucker Carlson?
- Robert Spencer: "So since I watch terrorists, I've been watching myself."
The Social Media Giants Find a Violent Extremist: Me
- "Andrea Levin, the executive director at CAMERA, said that the purpose of the billboard is to bring awareness to, 'the deplorable role of the Times today in failing to cover the full facts about [anti-Semitism] and actually fueling hostility towards Jews with its incessant, false and inflammatory depictions of Israel.'"
Watchdog Group Puts Up Ad Trashing the Anti-New York Times Right Outside the NY Offices
- "Even the New York Times and ACLU got it right for once."
Stop the Presses: Avid Trump Supporter Wins First Amendment Case
- "Roman has been a rebel throughout the [Chinese] COVID pandemic, believing that mask mandates, shutdowns, and pressuring or compelling people to get 'the shot' are anti-American."
Watch: XiNN's Fredo Cuomo Gets Wrecked Blocking Blows From Restaurateur on Chinese COVID Shots: "You're Failing the IQ Test"
- "The record earnings come as federal officials weigh the possibility of enacting new antitrust policies."
As Earnings Season Continues, Big Tech Rakes In Big Profits
- "The modern dark age: Because the town of Long Beach, New York has forced a Trump supporter to hide his car, festooned with pro-Trump and conservative messages, he is suing that town for $25 million for denying him is first amendment rights."
Today's Blacklisted American: Town Tries to Silence Trump Supporter; He Sues
- "It does not take much research to arrive at the truth behind the roots of the Second Amendment -- and racism is not to be found there."
The Second Amendment: Not Racist, but Definitely Pro-Freedom
- Because scientific understanding of human fetal life has expanded exponentially in the decades since those decisions, this Court should revisit its prior precedents to incorporate the compelling state interests implicated by current scientific knowledge about pre-viability fetal life."
Scientists Urge Supreme Court To Uphold Abortion Ban
- "Two House Democrats voted with their party on Thursday to pass legislation that would force American taxpayers to fund abortions."
These Democrats Who Claim To Oppose Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Just Voted For It
- "The resolution will next move to the Senate floor for approval."
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Unanimously Approves Resolution Supporting Cuba Protesters
- "Why do so many left-wing Americans insist on arguing with Cuban-Americans and telling them that they are mistaken about Castro and Communism."
The State of Cuba
- "The attack on an oil tanker off the coast of Oman killed two workers from the U.K. and Romania."
US, Israel and UK Accuse Iran of Killing UK Citizen in Drone Attack on Oil Tanker
- "On May 7, 1945, a Nazi radio network broadcast a final encrypted message to its military generals, foreshadowing defeat in World War II. Deciphered by the British, it said: 'Closing down forever -- all the best -- goodbye.' A day later, Germany surrendered, and Victory Day in Europe was declared. In many ways, this sounds like the desperate message the Iranian regime is sending by planting Ebrahim Raisi as its president."
For Iran, Two Opposing Messages
- "It's the death of a thousand cuts."
IDF and Mossad Concur About Iran
- "Iran critics have called on the Biden [junta] to push back on Tehran."
Failed Kidnapping Plot Sheds Light on Iran's Efforts to Silence American Journalists
- "The New York Times likewise reported that the appointment signals a counter to the Biden [junta's] efforts to parry rising Chinese influence across the globe."
China's New Ambassador to U.S. Will Flex CCP Muscles
- China's Xi: "We must persist in strengthening the overall planning of war and make preparations for military struggle." (if he thinks he can take Taiwan without getting his hair mussed, he never heard about what the Finns did to the Soviets in '39 - jjs)
Xi Jinping Calls on China to "Make Preparations for Military Struggle"
- "Those two things may have a connection that greatly benefits China even as it harms Taiwan."
The Coming Battle for Taiwan and the Nobel Peace Prize
- "Again and again the discredited corpse known as the 'Two-State-Solution' is exhumed and presented as the default plan."
The Warped Vision of a Two-State Solution
- "I am afraid that in Belarus they might put me in jail. I am not afraid that I will be fired or kicked out of the national command. I am worried about my safety. And I think that at the moment it is not safe for me in Belarus."
Olympian Fears Jail After "Negligence" Comment About Belarusian Staff: "Not Safe for Me"
- "Mark Frerichs held hostage in Afghanistan as U.S. military completes withdrawal."
The Taliban Kidnapped a Navy Vet in Afghanistan. The Biden Junta Risks Leaving Him Behind.
- "The National Natural Science Foundation of China, which has extensive ties to China's military and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on scientific research for over five years." (it should be shut down, Gates arrested and his assets seized - jjs)
Gates Foundation Is Longtime Partner of Chinese Communist Group Which Funded Military-Linked Chinese Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab
- "Muslim-Americans have played a major role in shaping our nation for centuries."
Daniel Greenfield: Rep. Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou Wants to Replace July 4th With Muslim Heritage Month
- "Tapper asked, 'Enough to prevent it from passing?' Ocasio-Cortez replied, 'More than enough.'" (inshalla - jjs)
Titty Caca Ocasio-Cortez: "More Than Enough" Votes to Prevent Infrastructure from Passing Without Reconciliation Bill
- Lots of goodies and payouts for RINOs; physically impossible to read the economic ass-rape should a vote occur this week; yet another travesty and further proof - as if you needed it - that DC should be nuked from orbit.
Bipartisan So-Called "Infrastructure" Bill 2,700 Pages Long
- "Using twenty-two metrics related to affordability, real estate market conditions, and quality of life, personal finance company WalletHub revealed that all of the ten worst cities are in Democrat-run states."
Report: 9 of the 10 Worst Cities for First-Time Home Buyers Are in California
- "Interior Secretary Deb Haaland gave the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) headquarters in Grand Junction a visit last week as she contemplates returning it to Washington DC."
Biden Junta Explores Dragging Land Agency Away From U.S. Land, Back to the Swamp
- "Thanks to a bipartisan and short-sighted political class eager to appear caring but not making long-term sense, this is the lose-lose housing situation that could be just around the corner."
Had Enough Strife? Just Wait
- "Amid an economy inflated from government handouts and supply chain disruptions, U.S. gross domestic product missed growth projections in the second quarter."
U.S. Economy Underperforms Amid Rising Inflation and Supply Chain Shortages
- "The budget also disincentivizes investment spending, thereby limiting other key growth metrics."
Analysis: Biden Budget Would Cut GDP By 1.5% Over Three Decades
- "What drama! What pathos! What dedication to the cause! What a load of crap.In fact, most landlords are small businessmen who, despite not getting rent money still have to pay taxes, maintenance, and a mortgage on the property. What does the Squad expect them to do?"
The Disgusting, Demagogic, and Dishonest Democrat Push to Extend the Eviction Moratorium
- "Is your memory as bad as Joe's?"
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Slammed While Blaming Others for End of Eviction Moratorium
- Looks like the Left and the Far Left are going to the mattresses.
Titty Caca AOC On Failing To Extend Eviction Moratorium: "We Cannot In Good Faith Blame The Republican Party"
- We've lost our minds . . .
American Medical Association Gets Woke: Remove Biological Sex from Birth Certificates
- "The total population of the United States at the end of February, as estimated by the Census Bureau, was 332,158,574. Thus, the 81,046,488 enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP as of February equaled approximately 24.4 percent of the total population."
81,046,488: Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Hits Record High
- "The 'evidence' for removing Roundup is meritless."
Bayer Yanks the World's Most Valuable Herbicide from American Shelves
- "It's true that after a few years of operation, a solar panel will eventually lead to a net reduction in carbon emissions compared to power generated by fossil fuels. But is the loss in efficient generation of power worth the difference?"
Dirty Business: China's Dominant Coal-Fired Solar Panel Industry Belches More Net Carbon Than Oil or Gas
- "Every year, climate-change enthusiasts tell us the earth is getting hotter."
Is Earth Actually Getting Hotter?
- "When tyranny surpasses progress."
Wokeness vs. Air Conditioning
- "As the state bankrupts its citizens, a new law is going to go into effect that will quite literally make it impossible to bring bacon home (or order it in a restaurant)."
Soon, No One in California Will Be Able to Bring Home the Bacon
- "Were these men pushing the limits of human exploration? You bet. In fact, they pushed those limits so far that following that last Apollo 17 mission in 1972 no one has dared do it again. A half century has passed, and no one has even left Earth orbit, despite having far more sophisticated and reliable technology."
Apollo: When Americans Last Did Some Real Exploring
- "Note that Inmarsat's approach here is the correct way to respond to competition. Rather than try to squelch your competitors using government regulation, as Viasat is attempting, Inmarsat is instead up its game, improving its product, and thus matching the challenge its competitors are offering it."
Inmarsat to Launch New Low-Orbit Communications Satellite Constellation
- "To ignore or downplay the reality of sex and sex-based differences is to perversely handicap our understanding and our ability to increase human health and thriving."
Harvard Lecturer Attacked for Saying There Are Two Sexes
- "A man identifying as a female in sports doesn't just steal first place -- he takes away scholarships, college offers, compensation, and life-changing opportunities female athletes have fought for."
"Truly the End of Female Sports": Athletes and Congresswomen Fight Transgender Takeover
- "I'll represent the oppressed people." (you mean, all of us non-leftist America-loving Americans? - jjs)
Gwen "Dingle" Berry Promises to Protest on Medal Stand if She Wins
- ". . . if you're a surfer, it doesn't matter if you're black, white, or in between, you all taste the same to sharks."
Bill Maher Blasts "Cultural Appropriation" After Woke Olympics Surfing Story
- Robert Spencer: "Yes, that's right. The Fixer fights al-Qaeda, and that's 'abhorrent anti-Muslim hate.
When the 'War on Terror' was young, we were constantly assured by the political and media elites that al-Qaeda had nothing, nothing whatsoever, to do with Islam, and that the war against terrorism was not and must not be construed as a war against Islam or Muslims. Very well. But if that was the case then, why is Zainab Akhtar and others now apparently behaving as if an attack on al-Qaeda constitutes hatred of Muslims?"
Batman Cartoonist Frank Miller Canceled From Comic Convention For "Anti-Muslim Hate"
- "Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, who have been climate change talking heads, are enjoying a vacation on a $130 million yacht in Europe."
Climate Virtue-Signalers Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez Have No Problem Riding Around on a $130 Million Yacht
- Christian Toto: "The fan-friendly filmmaker lied through his teeth to hawk his woke He Man reboot."
Et Tu, Kevin Smith?
- "The decadent culture that produced him remains on display."
The Church Can't Get Past McCarrick
- "The people buying these books are living politicized, often fanatical lives."
Cover Art from the Woke Bookshelf
- "Amidst woke reforms, one show from the '80s remains untouched for now."
The Pro-America Disney Show You Need to See Before It's Canceled
- "How the AntiHa movement is destroying comedy."
They're Coming For You -- And Nobody's Laughing
- "Forget Tokyo. What did you do yesterday that made the sun shine a little more dimly in your home, or a little brighter?"
Do Not Feed the Cancer
- Heather Mac Donald: "Succumbing to specious charges of racism, America's orchestras, opera companies, and conductors are abandoning the Western canon."
Classical Music's Suicide Pact (Part 1)
- "We need to rediscover the vocabulary of the founders if we are to make a success of a new vocabulary for a new Right."
Un-Lockeing the American Idea
- "Noel Coward was the last man on the ramparts of the sophisticated bygone western world."
Noel Coward: An Entertainer for All Seasons
- "Whether I was born or born again that way we'll never know. But it was Texas just south of Dallas in the 1980s and it was our culture."
G-d Gave Rock 'n' Roll to You: A Few Christian Rockers You May Have Forgotten (Or Never Known) Were So Good
- "Amusement parks adapted to changing technology and tastes -- but can they survive virtual reality?"
The Evolution of Fun
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:15 AM
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