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July 21, 2021

The Morning Report - 7/21/21


Good morning kids. Midweek and as so many things come crashing down on the heads of the illegitimate regime - the economy, the border, societal balkanization, foreign policy disasters, you-name-it - it only makes them angrier and more strident in their obsession to stomp out anyone and anything that utters even a peep of discontent. The locus of this is the continuing haranguing about General Tso's Sicken - AKA the Chinese Coronavirus - and who gets to control the message about it. The fact that we're talking about control of speech just underscores where we are as a society. And if things continue, it's going to get a lot worse.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced last week that, due to 12 unnamed people on social media posting what the Biden administration considers to be misinformation, the White House is actively "flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation" and "helping" to "boost trusted content." Going even further, Psaki said nothing is "off the table" for using Big Tech to quiet opposing views.

Not only is the Biden [junta] effectively deputizing Facebook to be an extension of the federal government's communications office, but it also insists that if you're banned from one Big Tech site for questioning conventional wisdom, you should be banned from all of them.

This push for censorship is interesting for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the same political stripe that ridiculously cried "fascism" for four years under Donald Trump is now taking concrete steps to suppress political opposition, one of the hallmarks of true fascism. It's also interesting because information changes so rapidly, as Psaki herself admitted.

"Science evolves, information evolves," Psaki said during the same press conference in which she pledged her commitment to silencing vaccine dissidents online. If anyone should understand the reality of information evolving, it's the Biden [junta]...

. . . Today's "misinformation" is tomorrow's undeniable fact; it happens all the time, and that reality isn't lost on the Biden [junta].

What's going on here isn't really an attempt to save Americans from disease. It's a desperate attempt by the ruling class to save their own rear ends from information that threatens their ideological goals.

Democrats at the helm of the executive and legislative branches aren't looking to squash so-called misinformation because it's the only way to keep people from dying (which still wouldn't justify their authoritarianism, by the way). Biden, Psaki, and their friends in Congress and Silicon Valley are working to snuff out their opponents' speech because not only do they think it will help them politically, as it likely did in the 2020 election, but because they believe they can get away with it -- again, as they did in the 2020 election.

The author rightly describes the abject lying and censorship of the Russian collusion hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop and the fact of the Wuhan virus lab leak - all sloughed off, equivocated or otherwise buried when the real truth came out many months later, when the truth could seemingly do no harm to the junta and its henchmen.

I can't wait to see what Big Tech Brother does with this January 6th Commission or the news that the FBI - yet again - engaged in a disgusting entrapment scheme involving a plot to supposedly kidnap Michigan's answer to Imelda Marcos, Gretchen "Wretched" Whitmer; a plot that the FBI engineered on its own in order to make itself look important while holding up the poor boobs who shot their mouths off about hating the tyrant in Lansing (and rightly so) as evidence of the vast white supremacist insurrectionist movement that poses an existential threat to "our sacred democracy" (SPIT!). Psaki-psircling back, as I had posited above, when called out for their disgusting meshugas, instead of admitting guilt and demonstrating even a scintilla of humility, they lashed out.

The Biden White House seemed to be a bit rocked by the reaction to its admission of fascistic behavior -- government enlisting private industry to do its bidding -- but didn't back down.

Now it's doubled down again, and switched its targets. White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfeld isn't talking about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the others in the "disinformation dozen" anymore. They're individuals, not outlets, and many of them, including RFK Jr., were anti-vax long before COVID.

Instead of naming them or even including them or outlining the problems with what they've posted online, Bedingfeld widened the list of this White House's targets dramatically Tuesday morning:

White House comms director Kate Bedingfield says social media companies "should be held accountable" for misinformation on their platforms:

"There are conservative news outlets who are creating irresponsible content."

What are these "conservative outlets" and what content does this White House deem to be "irresponsible"? Bedingfeld intentionally doesn't say, just as the White House didn't name the "disinformation dozen." Better to cast the suspicion net as wide as possible than name anyone and give them the opportunity to rebut.

This is clearly ground prep for something. It has been a planned information op beginning with Psaki's comments last week. Bedingfeld chose to make these comments on MSNBC, to one of the least intelligent and most partisan hosts on cable, Mika Brzezinski, an avowed leftist who's unlikely to do anything other than let Bedingfeld attack the First Amendment without challenge. This is intentional. . .

. . . We can be assured that at least one objective related to this info op is on this White House's mind: the midterms . . . One thing they can do instead of a policy course correction ahead of the midterms is de-platform their critics to hobble their electoral opponents. Silence millions of Americans and make it much more difficult to move messages and voters. The Constitution and everything else that stands in their way may as well be damned. The Biden White House wants unchallenged power.

The author assumes that the midterms will not be in any way "influenced" by yet another round of lockdowns leading to election integrity dismantlement and the hand of Dao-Min Yen to tip the scales like they did in 2020. As most of us are beginning to finally enjoy more and more freedom of movement and get back to some semblance of normal life (the overthrow of our republic notwithstanding), the fear porn over the so-called delta variant is being ramped up to eleventy-leven. The problem is the muddled mixed messaging over vaccination and masking, the Biden junta announcing going door to door to coerce getting the needle and now news coming out that the vaccines are killing thousands of people. Recall a number of years back that when a vaccine either for swine flu or some other contagion was being rolled out, when the death toll reached forty - 40 as in four-zero - it was recalled immediately. With at a minimum of 11,000 deaths that we know of, this is a catastrophe. But the regime cannot back down, reverse course, admit they were wrong and attempt to move on. There is just too much at stake and by that I mean both in preserving the illusion of the Left "being on the right side of history" and more crucially, consolidating their stranglehold on power in the drive to make it permanent.

It should be noted that as of 18 months ago when China, accidentally or accidentally on purpose, unleashed this virus upon our shores, or the convenient usage of it to turn us upside down which culminated in a stolen election and the January 6th Democrat-instigated Capitol Hill Riot-stag Fire, elections and other seemingly normal political processes are an illusion. We are through a glass, and darkly. America as we had known it or imagined it ceases to exist. The most frightening aspect of the whole thing is virtually every pillar of our society and other institutions thought inviolable to corruption that instead were the most easily destroyed from within. Arguably, the driving force is the Democrat Party which in a sense is a microcosm of America lost.

An astonished [Andrew] Sullivan penned this:

Take a big step back. Observe what has happened in our discourse since around 2015. Forget CRT for a moment and ask yourself: is nothing going on here but Republican propaganda and guile? Can you not see that the Republicans may be acting, but they are also reacting -- reacting against something that is right in front of our noses?

What is it? It is, I'd argue, the sudden, rapid, stunning shift in the belief system of the American elites. It has sent the whole society into a profound cultural dislocation. It is, in essence, an ongoing moral panic against the specter of "white supremacy," which is now bizarrely regarded as an accurate description of the largest, freest, most successful multiracial democracy in human history.

Why does Sullivan's angst matter, regardless how he misconstrues the cause? Because progressivism is a failed doctrine -- or as Lenin may have said, progressivism was useful until it wasn't, just as socialism is transitional to communism. Today, we're not up against progressives gone bad, but against a new generation of elites who've been inculcated with hard left worldviews. These elites were nurtured to be this way, in many cases, coming from milieus -- families, communities, schools -- that increasingly embrace Marxist doctrine, whatever mask it wears.

This transition bodes ill for the nation, at least in the 2020s, which are shaping up to be one of the most tumultuous and momentous decades in the country's history. This hard left cohort is now waging an intensifying cold civil war against the American Experience -- against the very values and principles that justified our revolution and then the founding. Whether this cold civil war turns hot is a matter of ongoing conjecture. . .

. . . Barack Obama and his presidency were transitional, which Sullivan only partially grasps. Obama nodded at the diminishing old liberalism -- that then important enough remnant of elites and swath of voters who held to American virtues and who had a nostalgia for JFK and his clique -- the Arthur Schlesingers -- that personified the zenith of postwar liberalism.

But Obama was a harbinger, ushering in the concept of "transforming" America. The concept of transformation has nothing to do with revivifying American liberty and exceptionalism. As we witness daily, it has to do with a hard left turn, an overthrowing of America as founded. . . and not just our politics, but more critically, our culture. Who we are as a people -- the essence of the American character -- is to be erased.

What replaces that character is more familiar to the PRC's oppressed souls -- Hongkongers, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, and still free but menaced Chinese on Taiwan. Mao and Chinese tyranny are much admired by American leftists.

The character universally approved by tyrants is pliant, subservient, obsequious. Free expression and dissent are met with persecution and, as tens of millions of killed in China, the USSR, Cuba, Cambodia, and elsewhere mutely attest to, the mass grave.

If homegrown leftist elites have their way -- heaven forefend -- why couldn't those ugly consequences unfold here? History teaches us in abundance that Marxists (and their fascist cousins) have an unslakable thirst for power and dominance. The imprisonment and deaths of the stubbornly free, disfavored peoples, and merely inconvenient -- no matter the tally -- are means to whatever a pernicious elite care to achieve.

Speaking of the imprisonment and deaths of the stubbornly free, I give you not only the hapless boobs whom the FBI set up and took down (while being clueless about the Nidal Hassans, Omar Mateens and James Hodgkinsons roaming around with impunity for decades) but now regular folks like Paul Hodgkins and of course Ashli Babbitt. Meanwhile the Democrats unofficial/official armed militant wing goon squads of Antifa and BLM, that burned, looted and murdered their way across dozens of American cities and towns last summer get off scot free and an apology for the inconvenience.

By the way, the Biden junta has just released its first Gitmo detainee. No doubt he's making room for other detainees who "represent the greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War."


NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:24 AM

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