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June 29, 2021
The Morning Report - 6/29/21
Good morning kids. Tuesday and last night Tucker Carlson dropped a bomb, claiming that the Biden junta has been spying on him and his staff. Given the undeniable facts that the Federal Leviathan, with at the very least the tacit approval and quite probably at the behest of the Obama regime, attempted to sabotage the 2016 election, and the fact they did indeed rig and outright steal it last November, TuCa's revelation does not necessarily come as a surprise. But given all the other third world banana republic thuggery going on as we speak, the implications are terrifying.
White supremacy may be ugly. Many opinions are. But it's not a meaningful threat to the nation. Claiming otherwise is a lie.
So why does the Biden administration persist in telling that lie? Well it's a racial attack, obviously. It is waged for partisan political purposes. Tell black voters that Republicans are the KKK, and maybe they'll keep voting for you. That's the idea. It's certainly easier than fixing Chicago or raising test scores, which they should be doing. But there's also a deeper significance. The Biden administration is signaling a very real change to actual federal policy. The war on terror, now ongoing for 20 years, has pivoted. It's now being waged against American citizens -- opponents of the regime.
We saw this on display on January 6. We told you a couple of weeks ago, based on the language in publicly-available indictments, that the FBI clearly had foreknowledge of the riot at the Capitol that day. The agents we spoke to this weekend confirmed that's true.
We told you a couple of weeks ago, based on the language in publicly-available indictments, that the FBI clearly had foreknowledge of the riot at the Capitol that day. The agents we spoke to this weekend confirmed that's true.
Quote: "The FBI had sources in that crowd -- confidential courses, snitches. That's 100% certain."
But it's not just political protesters the government is spying on.
Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the U.S. government, who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications, and is planning to leak them, in an attempt take this show off the air. Now, that's a shocking claim, and ordinarily we'd be skeptical of it. It's illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It's a crime. This isn't a third-world country. Things like that shouldn't happen here. But, unfortunately, they do -- and in this case, they did.
The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story we're working on that could only have come directly from my texts and emails. There's no other possible source for that information, period. The NSA captured it without our knowledge for political reasons. The Biden administration is spying on us. We've confirmed that.
This morning we filed a FOIA request, a Freedom of Information Act request, asking for all information the NSA and other agencies have gathered about this show. We did it mostly as formality. We contacted the press office at the FBI and the NSA. We don't expect to hear much back. Only Congress can force transparency on the intelligence agencies -- and they should, immediately. Spying on opposition journalists is incompatible with democracy. If they're doing it to us -- and again, they are definitely doing it to us -- they're almost certainly doing it to others. This is scary, and we need to stop it right away.
Emphasis mine. But, it's not going to stop, Tucker. The writing is on the wall and this party is just getting started. Vanilli Milley, Gilday and all the other brass-holes at the Pentagon as well as other traitors to the uniform like Mattis, McChrystal (who more than likely was at the planning table to the 2020 election theft) and schmucks like Barry McCaffrey are down for the struggle-session. It's more than self-flagellation over being white or not wearing heels and sipping a little penis while wearing pregnancy flight suits. This is about training recruits to fire on American citizens in American towns without even thinking twice about it.
I love Tucker Carlson but if he really thinks Congress is going to do something about this, he's got his head in the sand. We have to be honest with ourselves; America as founded is no more. Mortally wounded on November 3rd, it got smothered with a My Pillow on January 6th. There is no regular order. There are no courts. There are no guardrails or firewalls. All of those depend upon very flawed, frail human beings who, even in seemingly normal times are known to be venal, corrupt and power-mad. Even if we had a political opposition that was 100% in lockstep about fighting this, they're in the minority and most crucially, they will look to seek redress by playing a game and following rules that those who overthrew the government long ago have tossed into the bonfire.
Whether it's the courts, Congress, the bureaucracy, law enforcement, the military and now even down to the average citizen, people are going to act in one of a few ways. One, they're wholly on board with the persecution and ultimate liquidation of their political enemies. Two, they may or may not be on board with what's going on but they value their own necks and keep their heads down and their mouths shut. And it's not necessarily a weaponized military or police that will keep people in line. It's perhaps even one's own brainwashed neighbors, co-workers, bosses, banks and children that will act as the regime's enforcers.
There's a post at Frontpage Mag that, while admirable, is just so damned naive as to be irritating:
This letter is an urgent call for America's 20 million military veterans and veterans organizations to actively speak out against the "forces" wanting to change America into a Marxist, communist-like state. As explained below, this is a significant national security issue in which America's veterans need to become very actively involved.
The "forces" are nothing less than domestic enemies of America's cherished Constitution and individual liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the Second Amendment. If the forces are left undefeated, future recruitments of young Americans into the nation's Armed Forces will undoubtedly suffer, perhaps greatly suffer.
Today, the weapon of choice of the forces is Critical Race Theory (CRT). Simply stated, CRT is nothing more than a derivation of Marxist, communist ideology wherein a person's race rather than a person's class -- i. e., working class versus managerial/owner class -- is the basis for struggle and conflict. Rather than unite Americans of all races into a strong, vibrant nation, CRT strives to divide Americans and keep them divided into different racial groups in conflict with one another . . .
. . . A very important and needed action for veterans and veterans organizations is to attend local school board meetings as a group of concerned veterans. As a show of force, their spokesperson would ask his/her fellow veterans to briefly stand (sitting together if possible).
The spokesperson would then explain how the teachings of CRT will undoubtedly have detrimental effects on future recruitment efforts for America's Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Among other reasons, fewer young people will be willing to serve in the military (and put their lives at risk) for a nation that they have been indoctrinated to believe is overly racist; where oppressors (white people) are constantly oppressing the oppressed (black people/other minorities). The spokesperson should say that such indoctrination must stop, and if it does not stop, then America has a significant national security issue.
Aside from the fact that the author, an officer and Vietnam vet, essentially is calling for nothing more than the equivalent of a strongly worded letter to the New York Times, he bemoans the fact that CRT in schools will have a detrimental effect on military recruitment -- totally ignoring what dictionary-definition TRAITORS like Vanilli Milley are now imposing on those already in uniform and its ultimate endgame.
Nearly 50 years ago, Bill Ayers talked about having to annihilate roughly 25 million people who refused to be "re-educated" after the Weathermen and Black Panthers overthrew the United States and imposed a Marxist-Leninist dictatorship. Alarming as it was, it was nothing more than a Marxist's wet dream. But with what is happening right now on direct orders from the Pentagon and the commander-in-chief (whoever it is because Biden is just not in his right mind), it won't be the terrorist cadres of BLM and Antifa doing the annihilating. Soldiers wearing the uniform of the US military are going to be the ones making Ayers' dream a reality. Mark my words because this is where we are headed. And no amount of touchy-feely happy talk and peaceful protest is going to stop it. Hell, our peaceful protest has now been defined as "white supremacist" hate speech and "insurrection." And the DoD and DoJ have identified "white supremacy" as the number one national security threat to "our sacred democracy" (spit).
And see Julie Kelly's report with confirmation that January 6th was indeed a setup involving the DC cops along with BLM/Antifa and at the behest of top Democrat leadership.
The time for talk is over.
- "Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the U.S. government, who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications, and is planning to leak them, in an attempt take this show off the air. Now, that's a shocking claim, and ordinarily we'd be skeptical of it. It's illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It's a crime. This isn't a third-world country. Things like that shouldn't happen here. But, unfortunately, they do -- and in this case, they did."
Tucker Carlson: "The Biden [Junta] Is Spying on Us -- We've Confirmed That"
- Julie Kelly: "If the American people deserve the truth about an 'attack on our democracy' then they deserve the truth about the way law enforcement handled the crowd on January 6. Release the tapes."
Did Cops Attack and Provoke Peaceful Protesters on January 6?
- "The data 'makes it crystal clear,' he reports, 'why two weeks to 'flatten the curve' turned into a never-ending 15-month nightmare and why lockdowns as a strategy were a misbegotten fantasy that was doomed from the start.'"
The Wages of Chinese COVID: Institutional Deception
- Daniel Greenfield: "Championing critical race theory, undermining the military."
General Vanilli Milley Leads the Enemy Within
- "The techniques of political warfare that Nazi Joseph Goebbels pioneered remain powerful and effective, especially when they go unrecognized and unchallenged."
Weimar Turmoil and Racial Incitement
- "The strapping 'noise artist' tranny from Rochester, New York, pleaded guilty to charges of using a facility of interstate and foreign commerce to incite, promote, and encourage a riot, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of New York. Joe Biden and other Democrats have repeatedly suggested antifa isn't real. Mr. Howe was likely dying its hair that day and didn't get the memo."
Feds (Finally) Mention Antifa and (Finally) Charge Antifa Beast
- How can it? Most of the population has been traumatized and the government just had a big friggin' taste of absolute power.
Survey: 40% Say Life Will "Never" Return to Pre-Pandemic Normalcy
- Brian C. Joondeph, MD: "Time to trot out a new bogey man to instill fear in an already traumatized population."
Delta Variant -- The Chinese COVID Sequel
- "White House lowering expectations on the report to Marianas Trench depths."
Biden Junta: Our 90-Day Chinese Covid-19 Origins Review May Not Be Definitive
- "Vaccines and natural immunity are [at] all-time highs and we have data now that we haven't had since last year. And so we really need to live based on the policies of now, summer 2021, and not fall of 2020."
California Parents Plan to Sue the State Over School Mask Mandates
- "While Daszak's denials of the lab leak theory were absolutist, Dr. Anderson is taking a more nuanced
approach, saying that while the lab leak cannot be ruled out, she does not believe [Chinese] COVID-19 was 'engineered.' However, this is a major pivot for Dr. Anderson, because she herself played a role in censoring reporting on the lab leak theory throughout 2020."
Facebook Fact-Checker, Daszak Ally, Becomes New Chief Defender of Wuhan Lab
- "When people are injured by these vaccines that they are essentially forcibly pressured into 'voluntarily' taking, nobody is addressing how they are supposed to take care of their families. Nobody is addressing if the potential risks are worth taking when we are talking about people who stand very little statistical risk of a serious health threat should they contract the actual disease."
People Injured by Vaccine Turn to GoFundMe For Support
- "While the researchers also found that the coronavirus could attach relatively easily to pangolins, as well as domestic animals like cats and dogs, the findings will add weight to the increasingly repeated charge that the coronavirus escaped the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology in an accident involving 'gain of function' research."
Chinese COVID is "Best Adapted to Attack Human Cells" Say Australian Researchers
- "The very idea that the scientific community can build consensus around anything in 18 months is absurd. Some portion of it can produce a self-reinforcing institutional narrative. Unfortunately, those narratives do run the risk of being wrong and falling apart. We have already seen this around the lab-leak hypothesis [fatuous lipid mass David] Frum (who has no background in medicine or science) mentions. It went from a conspiracy theory to a subject of debate in the same timeframe. So, it was probably a terrible example for him to use. The dissenters have a strong case."
Absurd Claims of Scientific Consensus on Chinese COVID-19 Should Raise Skepticism
- "ICNA harbors death squad leader, while promoting domestic violence against women." (Her name sounds like "Stabby Now," a kissing cousin of "Ikeeeelyou!" - jjs)
Sen. Stabenow Gives Award to Group Linked to Terror and Bigotry
- "Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners -- an investment firm led by Hunter Biden -- was a lead financial backer of Metabiota, a pandemic tracking and response firm that has partnered with Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
Hunter Biden Invested in a Pandemic Firm Collaborating With Daszak's EcoHealth and the Wuhan Lab
- "Hobbs notably likened Trump supporters to 'neo-Nazis' in 2017, before she took her position as secretary of state."
Arizona GOP Strips Election-Related Powers From Democrat Secretary of State, Shifts to Republican AG
- "The audit now undergoes a new phase of review, which includes an evaluation of data from election servers and voting machines before it's completed."
2.1 Million Ballot Count In Arizona Election Audit Completed
- "The New Venture Fund, in turn, is part of Democracy Fund, whose website says it is 'an independent and nonpartisan, private foundation that confronts deep-rooted challenges in American democracy while defending against new threats.' Pierre Omidyar, a Silicon Valley billionaire who founded Ebay, also founded and financially backs Democracy Fund."
Lawsuit: Silicon Valley Billionaire Recruited Election Officials to Accept Grants from Zuckerberg
- "His pledge to preserve this crucial Senate rule is just as worthless as his promise not to vote for S-1."
Manchin Previews His Filibuster Flip-Flop
- Margot Cleveland: "For each of the challenged provisions, DOJ's complaint alleges black voters are burdened more than white voters in Georgia's new voting law."
How the Voting Rights Act Lets Biden's DOJ Insist Georgia's Photo ID Requirement is Racist
- "The need for election audits is proof that our elections are not to be trusted."
The Epistemology of Election Audits
- "There has been an increasingly frenzied gusher of leaks from the offices of New York County's District Attorney, Cyrus Vance, Jr., telling breathless journalists that the grand jury is about to indict The Trump Organization."
The Legal Lynch Mob Going After Trump
- "The Biden [junta] has been under increasing pressure to revoke Stone-Manning's nomination over her involvement in a 1989 tree spiking incident. Tree spiking is a violent tactic where metal spikes are nailed into trees, making them unsafe to log and harmful to tree-cutters."
White House Affirms Support for BLM Nominee With Ties to Eco-Terrorism
- "The President of the George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations -- which has accepted millions of dollars from a top Chinese Communist Party propaganda group -- appeared on Chinese state-run media to encourage Americans to look at the regime positively and praise its 'good governance.'"
The Bush Foundation, Paid Millions by Chinese Communist Party, Calls on U.S. to Stop "Demonizing" the CCP
- "Ryan Popple questions top DoD official about clean energy contracts."
Proterra Founder Gets One-on-One Interview With Biden Pentagon Official
- "He's still unafraid to say the things we're not supposed to."
Trump in Ohio: "You Have to Look Back" at the 2020 Election
- "Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin must watch these press conferences giggling uncontrollably at their good fortune: Suddenly the world's greatest power is in the hands of a slightly dazed-looking fellow who seems like he is always just waking up from heavy anesthesia."
As Biden Bumbles, the Question is: Who's Really Running the Country?
- "Just checks for every household. I don't think many Americans are going to support that."
Cotton: Dem Agenda Now Is Higher Taxes, the Green New Deal, "Old-Style Welfare"
- "Teachers' union backing McAuliffe stands by 'anti-racism' curriculums."
"Punk" McAuliffe Calls Critical Race Theory a "Right-Wing Conspiracy." His Union Ally Says It's Needed to "Teach the Truth"
- "The way to solve America's issues and connect with Republican voters is not to parrot libertarian talking points that enable leftist power."
No, Republicans Will Not Win Anything by Bowing Down to the Left
- "Romney wins the prize among the pathetic group of RINOS who think they can vanquish Trump by treating him and his supporters like pond scum."
Pee-Air Defecto Romney's Vicious Envy
- "...the effort could backfire by giving Democrats less time to motivate their voters, while Republicans have already gathered 1.7 million signatures to remove Newsom."
California Democrats Try to Change Recall Laws To Aid Gavin Newsom
- "The federal government must solve the federal problem caused by the Biden [junta's] disastrous open-border policies."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Set to Close Centers Housing Illegal Alien Minors: State Won't Be "Commandeered" Into Service"
- "There isn't a day that goes by that I don't read a paper or a report from my agents that talks about criminal aliens, sexual offenders that they've apprehended out there."
Biden Junta Laid Down the Welcome Mat for Sex Offenders at the Border
- "The pollsters asked, 'Do you think [so-called quote-unquote "vice president"] Kamala Harris has done a good job, adequate job, or a bad job tackling the root causes of illegal immigration?'"
Harvard Poll: So-Called Quote-Unquote "VP" Harris Fails on Immigration, Voters Want Return of Trump Border Policies
- "The court hinted it could deliver a favorable ruling to the FTC if the complaint is filed again, given that the decision admits 'the Court does not agree with all of Facebook's contentions.' The court also said an amended complaint should be filed by July 29."
Judge Dismisses FTC and States' Antitrust Complaint Against Facebook
- "Can it change with the times -- and save the country from corporate, anti-constitutional vandals?"
Updating Antitrust for a Free People
- "'Those that have experienced vaccine injury should be taken seriously so they can be helped,' Sen. Ron Johnson said."
Media Smears Sen. Ron Johnson For Letting Patients Speak Out On Harmful Vaccine Reactions
- "A modest proposal to uproot systemic racism in the media."
Step Aside
- "On their way to publishing, reworking, and retracting details; correcting some and then ultimately "clarifying" their hit piece on Christopher Rufo, virtually nothing conceptually changed about how The Washington Post characterized critical race theory (CRT)."
As Liberal Media Insists Conservatives Can't "Define" CRT, They Flub the Definition Themselves
- "All major cable news channels have lost viewers since the much-watched events of January, including the Capital riot and [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's inauguration, but CNN's losses have been the most dramatic."
XiNN Host "Fake Yapper" Jake Tapper Lost 75% of His Audience Since Trump Left Office
- Salena Zito: "Twitter is not very representative of America. Heck, it isn't even representative of Democrats."
Now More Than Ever, Twitter Isn't Real Life
- "[New York] state now has star chamber law, whereby secret gatherings of partisan Democrats decide your fate behind closed doors, and you have no right to dispute their conclusions, to their face."
Today's Blacklisted American: Rudy Giuliani Loses Law License for Daring to Represent Donald Trump
- "Along party lines, Republicans agree that America's founders 'explicitly wanted an armed citizenry to keep potentially tyrannical governments in check.' Forty-six percent of Democrats and 58 percent of unaffiliated voters also agree."
Poll: Majority of Americans Believe the Second Amendment Exists to Keep 'Tyrannical Government in Check"
- "Everything in that statement is wrong."
Direct Hit! WaPo Shoots Down Biden's Cannon Misfire
- "When did Jill Biden begin to assume diplomatic meetings with a major ally on behalf of the United States and her husband's administration? Why isn't Joe Biden going? Other than totally botching his own message about pushing through massive infrastructure legislation in Congress, what's he got going on that he can't show up?"
Why Is Jill Biden Being Sent to Hold Diplomatic Meetings at the Tokyo Olympics?
- "Surrender is the overriding theme of Biden's foreign policy."
The Biden Doctrine: American Spreadeagle
- "Thorough study of systems biology in the body can systematically analyze differences in genes and susceptibility to disease in the population and lay the theoretical foundations for an across the board improvement in levels of human health, but it can also create the potential for biological weapons based on genetic differences between races. Once hostile elements grasp that different ethnic groups harbor intrinsically different genetic susceptibilities to particular pathogens, they can put that knowledge into practice and create genetic weapons targeted at a racial group with a particular susceptibility."
CHILLING: China Discussed Bioweapons Targeting Specific Races
- "Banat's death has sparked three days of protests in the occupied West Bank and calls from the international community for an inquiry."
Palestinian Authority Deploys Forces During Protest Over Killing of Abbas Critic
- "Israel-based Begin-Sadat Center's report: 'Hamas has been known to remove evidence from sites where its own rockets caused the damage.'"
Analysis: Hamas Rockets Killed 91 Gazans During Last Month's Conflict
- "...And how and why the truth is being kept from you."
The False Claim That "Muslims Are Being Lynched in India"
- "Peace is only a reality between states that are rational and can in time become friendly towards each other."
Forget About Making Peace with the Islamic World
- "A continent lacks the courage to take a stand."
Pro-Palestinian Jew-Hate in Europe
- With Frankie the Fraud, he'll get it.
Trudeau Demands Papal Apology On Canadian Soil for Unmarked Indigenous Graves
- Conrad Black: "The longer the West placates China and pretends that it is not being aggressively challenged by China and is currently losing that challenge, the more the future of the West will be in doubt."
China vs. America
- Wesley Yang: "'White rage' is a term of art derived from the lexicon of CRT derivatives; to use it at face value is to accept the doctrine rather than to read merely to be informed about its content."
Ideological Capture: When Top Military Leaders Adopt Critical Race Theory Verbiage
- "Thanks to his appointees, the military is now 'self before mission.'"
Biden's Woke Pentagon
- "China is a malign influence on the world in general and on America in particular. They are targeting, among other things, corporate America, bribing and coercing U.S. businesses to do Beijing's bidding, including handing over highly sensitive technologies and trade secrets."
Devin Nunes: Big Corps That "Aid and Abet" Chinese Communists "Need to Be Held to Account"
- "Order is not currently being maintained and chaos reigns among the ranks as anti-American indoctrination of active service members runs rampant."
What Happened to Honor Among America's Military Leaders?
- "So we don't want to be party of something that might coerce the passage, and lastly, it'll, it'll probably sink both."
Sen. Bill Cassidy: "We Were Assured" Infrastructure Bill, Reconciliation Bill "Would Not Be Linked"
- The question is, will the GOP-e cave and concede the lion's share of what the Marxists want or will the Marxists dig in their jackboots and demand the whole thing?
Bernie Sandersnista Says "No Deal" on Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill With No Reconciliation Bill
- "...the White House isn't giving Republicans or the public at large much cause to trust this [junta]."
Biden's About-Faces on Infrastructure Deal Suggest His Words Are Meaningless
- "Affordable, abundant, sustainable energy is a realistic, moral choice. It is an example California can set that the aspiring nations of the world will emulate instead of resist."
Fixing California - Part Two of Nine: The Electric Age
- "The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the phenomenon of more people opting for permanent telework in the wake of the [Chinese] coronavirus pandemic and the trend of people choosing to live in GOP-led states that didn't impose draconian lockdowns."
Families Fleeing California Bay Area Causing Housing Frenzy in Austin, Texas
- "Of particular focus are the East and North towers in the same complex in Surfside. The North and South towers were built in 1981, with the East tower constructed 13 years later."
Neighboring Buildings Worry About Safety After Florida Condo Collapse
- "We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this recall to all car owners."
Nearly 300,000 Teslas Recalled In China Over "Unintended Acceleration" Software Bug
- "Illegal dirt bikes and ATVs are turning Philadelphia streets into scenes from a Mad Max movie."
Welcome To Thunderdome
- "The Supreme Court should settle a confusion over how police tactics preceding an officer-involved shooting may affect constitutional rights."
Take the City of Tahlequah Case
- "Juul has agreed to stop marketing strategies targeted to youth via social media and near schools, discontinue ads stating that e-cigarettes and "safer alternatives" to regular cigarettes and only sell their products behind counters, Stein stated, according to the outlet."
E-Cigarette Company Juul to Pay $40 Million in Lawsuit for Unlawfully Targeting Youth
- William Harvey, MD: "When the chips are down, no one wants to be on the receiving end of woke medicine."
What Does Woke Heart Surgery Look Like?
- "The state could move one step closer to reestablishing the integrity of the American family."
Parents' Bill of Rights Would Be a Huge Win for Florida Families
- "This arbitrary order is a blatant violation of the students' rights to medical freedom."
Young Americans for Liberty to Protest Mandatory Vaccination at Universities
- "The founder of CIGA and chief initiator of this conference is none other than Sami al-Arian, who pleaded guilty back in 2006 to a charge of 'conspiracy to make or receive contributions of funds to or for the benefit of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a Specially Designated Terrorist' organization. He was then deported from the United States, whereupon he went to Turkey and founded CIGA."
University of Denver Co-Sponsors Anti-Israel Conference With Admitted Member of Jihad Terror Group
- "A 'civilian climate corps' is exactly what's needed in a time of rising inflation, declining productivity, and when we have a military that can't even put on its combat boots without first getting a lecture on the systemic racism underlying bootlaces. We're saved!"
Civilian Climate Corps: Titty Caca AOC's New Plan to Force Unions on Kids
- "If it bleeds (or has a miracle result), it leads."
How Bias Is Ruining Scientific Research
- "The first piece of evidence against global warming claims should be the flawed computer simulations that have exaggerated the threat."
Putting Climate Models On Trial
- "They don't talk about the health benefits of eating less meat or the cruelty of industrialized production much anymore because those haven't moved the needle. Instead, anti-meaters associate your dinnertime staples with hot-button issues because it shifts the conflict from herbivores against omnivores to left against right, urbane against deplorable, educated against working class. This improves their odds significantly. The tactic both scares and shames the left's own side and vilifies the opposition."
The Left's Stupid Politicized War Against Meat
- Our intrepid science reporter with, not something related to Prince, but "I did some digging and could find no studies of this geology. It remains a mystery for some future planetary geologist to decipher, possibly one who is right now in elementary school and will figure it out, on the surface of Mars itself."
Paisley Terrain on Mars
- And also, "China also released sound recorded during that deployment, as the rover rolled down the ramps. The sound was of course enhanced, but it does allow scientists to learn something about the atmosphere of Mars."
China Releases More Images and Video From Zhurong
- California is targeting five red states, including Florida, with a ban on state-funded travel to those states as Democrat California Attorney General Rob Bonta said they have passed laws "directly targeting transgender youth."
Democrat-Run California Targets Florida, 4 Other Red States With Travel Ban
- "Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito said the Supreme Court should have taken the case."
Boys (or Girls) Will Be Boys: SCOTUS Runs for Cover on Transgender Bathroom Case
- Second look at the Taliban?
A "Celebration of Womanhood": Transgender Competitor Wins Miss Nevada USA
- "We strongly oppose these proposed actions and urge you not to proceed. The mission of the Veteran's Health Administration is to 'honor America's Veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well-being.' We believe that providing sex reassignment surgeries is wholly incompatible with this mission." ("strongly urge?!" How about marching on the VA with torches and pitchforks- jjs)
GOP Lawmakers Push Back on VA's Plans to Offer Gender Mutilation Surgery
- "Texas' updated Human Sexuality and Responsibility (HSR) curriculum exposes children to explicit sexual concepts and LGBTQ+ narratives at young ages."
The New CRT: "Human Sexuality" Program Teaches Kids About Oral Sex, Claims Boys Can Wear Dresses
- "How did the pushback across the pond survive the legal and cultural forces arrayed against it? The answer is that trans activists in the United Kingdom are fighting an uphill battle of their own -- not just against British feminists but also British institutions, particularly the socialist ones."
In the UK, Resistance to Transgender Activism Is Fueled by Socialized Medicine and Feminist Wine Moms
- "Gwen Berry, 31, turned away from the American flag and covered her head with a T-shirt that said "Activist Athlete" while the national anthem played during the U.S. Olympic track and field trials Saturday."
"Haven't Lived Up To Our Highest Ideals": Piss-Hockey Psaki Says Biden Approves of Olympian Protesting Anthem
- "Try this shit in an 'actually oppressive country.'"
Gwen "Dingle" Berry Blasted For Anthem Protest
- "We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification."
Toyota Doubles Down, Defends Donations To Republicans After Online Outrage
- "The sum total endgame of this reveal is the line, a canonical declaration that Loki dates men and women, with no effect on his character or the narrative."
What's Holding Disney Back From More LGBT Characters Like Loki? Chinese Censors
- "...a few months ago the chief historian at the Texas State Historical Association started trashing Texas history and the Alamo publicly and rather specifically. His name is Dr. Walter Buenger and he has a prestigious university post, but no expertise in the Texas Revolution. He'd say the spirit of Texas is a lie based on white supremacy, basing that mostly on the spirit of the moment, which despises all things American and wants to zero out our history."
Does the Bullock Texas History Museum Want Texans to Forget the Alamo, Too?
- "Just what continent did George Floyd discover?" (the In continent... - jjs)
Out With Columbus Statues, In With George Floyd's
- "The report claims that the Rotunda's view of history is a product of the 1930s. 'Its reverential, quasi-religious treatment of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights does not adequately reflect a full history of the founding of the United States. And as we are learning through the comments of staff and visitors, some find the Rotunda's language and imagery exclusionary,' the report claims."
National Archives: The Founding Documents Are Not "Charters of Freedom"
- "Transracial K-Pop fan Oli London 'came out' as Korean this weekend -- and now, the left hates him for redefining identity politics."
Leftist Logic: You Can Have Surgery To Change Your Sex But Not Your Race
- Christian Toto: "Film composer Ernie Mannix's novel powered by behind-the-scenes horror stories."
Six Angels in the San Fernando Valley Exposes Hollywood's Seedy Side
- "The fly-over woman understands her womanhood and motherhood deep in her bones and doesn't see maleness as a goal to achieve or person to conquer."
Meet the Flyover Women Pop Culture Ignores
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:44 AM
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