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June 14, 2021
The Morning Report - 6/14/21
Good morning kids. Start of a new week but it's still the same old story. On the heels of Veep Throat Harris' disastrous "fact-finding mission" to Mexico and Guatemala, where most of America saw a woman, whose entire career is based solely on her skill in tonsil hockey and the D after her name, so out of her depth and arrogant that even the propagandists charged with protecting her couldn't spin it, we had a geriatric mental patient supposedly the leader of the free world shambling about the G-7, with our allies barely able to suppress howls of laughter as he spouted out gaffe after gaffe. I guess "Doctor" Shill Biden didn't bone up enough whilst in the hot seat on Air Force One, but have no fear; she'll have the opportunity to redeem herself when she, I mean her husband, goes one-on-one with Vladimir Putin. Yes, that Vladimir Putin; the one Biden referred to last March as a "killer" and who was "going to pay a price." Maybe by "pay a price" he meant 10 million in rubles for "the big guy."
I'd be laughing right along with AMLO and the G-7 attendees were it not for the fact that our economy, our sovereignty, our safety and security, and our rights have been so thoroughly trashed like never before. And it's only been five months. Lest we forget, it was an axis of evil comprised of Big Brother Tech, our intelligence services and the Democrat Party establishment that sabotaged the 2020 election and installed these two dangerous, inept boobs as president and vice president. Of course with the help of many millions of legitimately cast ballots for them. The question is, of course, how many of those votes really were legitimate? A big story that has been percolating these last few months has been the election audits in Arizona and in Georgia, two of the six states where after 10:00PM on election night the vote counts were stopped, observers ejected and pallets of ballots trucked in. Now, a number of other states want to audit their votes as well and the reaction from the Left, as you can imagine, has been the Pris-shot-by-Deckard paroxysm, only with more limb-flailing. The reason for that is obvious; ever since that night the spin has been that Biden not only won fair and square, but that it was a mandate. In fact, to even question the results now gets you labeled as a dangerous terrorist, insurrectionist and white supremacist by the DoD, and perhaps puts you in line for a less than honorable discharge.
On April 9, 2021, Secretary Austin issued a memorandum announcing the establishment of the Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG) to spearhead the military's witch-hunt to locate and stamp out "extremism" in its ranks.
To lead the CEWG, Austin appointed as his senior adviser on Human Capital and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, a black American named Bishop Garrison, who has made no secret of his profound contempt for former President Trump and the scores of millions of people who voted for him. In July 2019, for example, Garrison said in a tweet: "Support for him [Trump], a racist, is support for ALL his beliefs. He's dragging a lot of bad actors (misogynist, extremists, other racists) out into the light, normalizing their actions. If you support the President, you support that." "There is no room for nuance with this," Garrison added. "There is no more 'but I'm not like that' talk." This is the man in charge of purifying our military...
...Austin's remarks about extremists in our midst were a clear reference to the January 6 protest at the Capitol, which Democrats denounced as an "armed insurrection" even though there were no arms found, and therefore no insurrection. Under pressure from Black Lives Matter radicals, the incident was also denounced absurdly as a "white supremacist coup." The incident itself was, in fact, far more "peaceful" than the more than 600 riots conducted by Democrat supporters and encouraged by Democrat mayors over the summer of 2020.
In fact, the only person killed on January 6 was an unarmed Trump supporter, a 14-year air force veteran named Ashli Babbitt who was murdered by a Capitol police officer. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi jailed the Hispanic reporter who videoed the murder, revealing that Babbitt was standing by herself and menacing no one. The journalist was charged with the crime of appearing at the event. Pelosi has concealed the identity of the officer. Attorney General Merrick Garland, revealing himself as a partisan extremist, called the whole event "the most dangerous threat to our democracy," and refused to charge the officer who shot and killed an unarmed woman with a crime.
Garland is right. The whole event was the most dangerous threat to "our democracy." That is, their reaction to the legitimate protests of January 6th by organizing the "break-in" and mayhem as a Reichstag Fire pretext to then hound and persecute decent, innocent citizens, dozens of whom are still rotting in jail. Psaki-psircling back to the election audits, there is no reason for the Left to object; not if they fully believe that Biden won fair and square. The audit would confirm that, no? Of course, their reaction is telling. But it raises the question, what happens when one or more states' audits actually prove that at a minimum major fraud occurred or if the fraud actually did indeed throw the election to Biden?
The forensic audit of the popular votes in Arizona being conducted right now is intriguing and also a little scary. The forensic audit of the popular votes should be able to catch and identify voting irregularities, cheating, abnormalities, and felonious actions. What happens if not only Arizona flips, but also Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin?
The vote-winning margins in these four states were about 1%, or even much less. Not a whole lot of cheating and theft required to flip the states, if that is what actually historically happened. With Arizona's 11 Electoral College votes, with Georgia's 16, with Pennsylvania's 20, and with Wisconsin's 10, if those slim margins went to President Trump rather than Biden, the Electoral College vote would be 289 votes for Trump and just 249 for Biden. With Trump needing only 270 for the win, maybe that is why the Progressives are so determined that the forensic audits should not happen. Maybe that is why the Deep State cabal does not want light to shine in on the actual votes last November.
What would happen next? What does the military do? How does the Supreme Court rule? And then how do the masses react? How do both the Patriot and also the Progressive citizens react? Does the military put troops and tanks on the streets, especially in Washington, D.C., to keep Biden in the White House? Does the military arrest Trump for winning? Does the Supreme Court finally "man up" and hear the case of election fraud? Does the Supreme Court rule that President Trump is actually president? Does the Supreme Court rule that Trump is President Trump, but then the military vetoes the Court's decision and keeps Biden in the White House?
What then do the people do? How then do the masses react to a probable fraudulent election? Do the Patriots finally take to the streets for a "mostly peaceful protest" of the election? Or do the Patriots say they have had enough of the election fraud and fake president, and it gets violent? Does it become the Reds/Patriots versus Blues/Progressives on our streets? What happens to America if?
As a purely academic exercise, and like everything else over the past few years, we are in uncharted waters insofar as what is the remedy, if there is a remedy, for this ex post facto. New elections? Biden and Harris forced to step down? You think last summer was lit, the reaction to this would be insane. While there is no way that I can see Biden and Harris and the rest of their minions forced out, there's no doubt in mind at all that these audits are necessary. The truth must come out, and the reaction to that - if indeed the audits continue to show that the election was stolen - as painful as it will be, we cannot live a lie and cannot allow the monstrous crime and lies of 11/3/20-1/6/21 to become mythologized and etched in granite as truth, no matter the consequences to our already divided nation.
- "In an exclusive interview, former President Trump took a victory lap over the theory that the Chinese coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
Vindicated Trump Says Only Lab Leak Question is If It Was "On Purpose"
- "A study by the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences revealed recently that shutdown orders made little to no difference in [Chinese] COVID's impact."
Chinese COVID Shutdowns Destroyed Nearly 40% of American Small Businesses for No Damned Good Reason
- "It remains unclear how G-7 nations plan to ensure transparency, as they called for, regarding the WHO and its investigation going forward."
G-7 Nations Call For New WHO Investigation Into Origins of Chinese COVID-19, China
- "It was never the business of men like Fauci to lead the way in deciding how any government -- but especially the government of the United States of America -- should govern during a health crisis."
Anthony Fauci, Prophet of Scientism
- "Despite Dr. Anthony Fauci's insistence that his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, never funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, a podcast featuring Dr. Ralph Baric, who conducted studies manipulation bat coronaviruses with top Wuhan researchers... reveals otherwise."
LISTEN: Fauci-Funded Researcher Describes Gain-of-Function "Collaboration" With Wuhan Lab, Reveals NIH Was "Very Supportive"
- Brian C. Joondeph, MD: "It's their chief 'distinguishing characteristic' these days."
Ditch the Donkey -- Democrats' New Mascot is the Face Mask
- "Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is pressuring Capitol Police to answer questions about Jan. 6 and why they weren't prepared to stop people from entering the building."
New Video Shows Capitol Police Letting Jan. 6 Rioters Inside -- And Sen. Ron Johnson is Demanding Answers
- "On June 1, 2020 and afterward, corporate media didn't simply get it wrong, they flagrantly and shamelessly lied to Americans in order to hurt the president."
The Media Didn't "Get It Wrong" on Lafayette Park, They Lied to America -- And They're Still Lying
- "Republican lawmakers were right to be skeptical of Wray's claim that the FBI is motivated to address all domestic terrorism threats equally."
No, Director Wray, the FBI is Not "All In" on Antifa/BLM Riot Cases
- "Traditional Americans can only be free if they create the conditions for their freedom." (having overthrown society at every level, the Enemy within will never allow this - jjs)
Federalism is Key to Surviving a Divided Nation
- "Over the past fifty years the Marxist-inspired American Left has been hellbent on trying to convince the citizenry that the United States is and always has been a malevolent nation due to 'systemic racism' and 'white privilege.'"
American Marxists, Take Your Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and Shove It
- XiNN's Bash: "First question is, what exactly did your fellow Democrats mischaracterize? And are you saying that they are to blame for some threats against her?"
Titty Caca AOC: Democrats "Mischaracterized" Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou's Remarks on U.S., Terrorists Due To "Right-Wing News"
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "Anti-Semitism is on the rise, which means worse things are to come."
Why Left-Wing Anti-Semitism Should Matter to Non-Jews as Much as Right-Wing Hate
- "Jews need to understand that no matter how they behave or how they see themselves, the haters will hate, and for a multitude of reasons."
Anti-Semitism and the Anti-Semites
- "Biden has tapped at least 11 Albright Stonebridge alums for his [junta]."
Biden-Connected Lobbying Outfit Teams Up with Leading Chinese Law Firm
- "What happens if Trump really won in November... and now everyone knows it?"
What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump's Way?
- "We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more."
Election Fraud is an Issue That Will Not Go Away
- "The meeting came days before then FBI Director James Comey announced the bureau would not recommend charges against then Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while secretary of state, although he called her handling of classified information 'extremely careless.'"
Reporter Who Broke Story of 2016 Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Secret Tarmac Meeting Found Dead of Apparent Suicide
- "Peter Strzok texts show the Trump administration was not alone in suspecting Democrats."
Anti-Trump FBI Agent Suspected Top Democrats of Leaking Sensitive Information
- "The State Department labels Nord Stream 2 executives as 'foreign persons.'"
Lobbyists for Putin's Pipeline Dodge Foreign Agent Laws
- Daniel Greenfield with the fifth in a series of profiles.
Racist Mayor: London Breed
- This pyscho dame almost makes DeBolshevik look like Rudy
Maya Wiley Rails Against Billionaires -- Despite Big Bucks Backing by Nazi Collaborator and Convicted Felon George Soros
- "The clip was widely shared on Twitter with [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's critics commenting on his longtime tendency to gaffe, and questioning the state of his cognitive abilities, which has been under scrutiny since he launched his campaign for president." ("Stand and UPCHUCK! G-d love you. Let's all stand and upchuck!..." - jjs)
A Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia
WATCH: DeSantis Torches Biden For Being "Passive On World Stage," Leaving Middle America Behind
- "The real threat to our democracy comes from those who howl the most about it."
Every Disagreement With Liberal Policy is Now a Threat to Democracy
- "I don't talk about Senate rules."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Blocks Dana Bash's Attempt To Get a Comment on Nuking the Filibuster
- "Bless their hearts, the behind-the-scenes puppet masters controlling this administration have yet to learn that they should keep both Biden and Harris as far the hell away from cameras as possible."
Kamala Harris Is an Embarrassment the Media Can't Spin Away
- "Well, during the past election, it's amazing what happened here in South Texas," Villalobos said. "I think genuinely the Hispanic community is very conservative, yet, traditionally, they voted Democrat. It's amazing what happened this past election. I think our numbers as far as conservative voters were up by substantially. We finally, finally, have competition in South Texas. So I think it's an open up the doors for a lot of people."
Latino Republican Who Won Mayorship In Town That Is 85% Latino: Latinos "Opening Their Eyes"
- Citizens United's David Bossie: "We don't need to count on just the networks. There are so many opportunities out there, so many platforms out there that we can go to and partner with to get the message out."
RNC Might Skip Network TV Presidential Debates In 2024, Top Republican Says
- "By 2020, Bush knew enough about Trump's successes to come to his defense. He didn't."
Why Did George W. Betray Team GOP?
- "For years, the left has used the figure of Macbeth to criticize President Trump -- distracting us from their own tyrannical ambition."
Usurpers: Macbeth and the Tyranny of the Let
- "A president's troubling relationship with the American flag."
Why Flag Day "Disturbs" Obama and the Dems
- "During his first week in office, President Trump created the Victims of Immigration Crime and Engagement Office (VOICE) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For the first time, victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens were given the acknowledgment and support they deserved. That support has now come to a screeching halt with the closing of VOICE."
Americans Last: Biden Closes Trump's Office for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime, Opens Illegal Alien Support Office Instead
- "It's just a little cringeworthy. And I know that her allies in the White House and elsewhere are watching it and just kind of wondering, 'what is going on?'"
Critics Give "Thumbs Down" to Kamala Harris' Answers on Trip to Mexico, Guatemala
- "Ideas on the political stage have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences. A compliant media can only cover up those consequences for so long. It isn't enough for the Biden [junta] to send Harris out to tell the migrants not to come. The enforcement and policies have to match the rhetoric."
Biden's Illegal Immigration Welcome Mat Caused the Border Crisis
- Mollie Hemingway: "YouTube's position is that content on the site must parrot whatever comes from its narrow set of authorities, even though their positions change frequently and dramatically."
YouTube Bans Sen. Ron Johnson For Discussing Early Treatment of Chinese COVID-19
- "Why should anyone believe them when they insist that widespread election fraud is a Trump-fueled lie?"
Media Caught In Yet Another Massive Anti-Trump Lie; Will Election Fraud Be Next?
- "That description -- black, male, dreadlocks -- was not only in an official announcement by the APD, but it was all over social media as well on Saturday. But the city's flagship newspaper, the Austin-American Statesman, is refusing to release the description of the suspect, a dangerous mass shooter who is still on the run, because -- you guessed it -- it would be racist to do so."
Why Is Austin Media Refusing to Release Description of At-Large Austin Shooter? Just Kidding. You Know Why.
- "Lightfoot's attorneys state that her policy of only granting interviews to journalists of color was in place for a specific two-day window, and therefore their request for a preliminary injunction is moot."
Lori "Light-Loafers"Lightfoot's Defense: My Racist Refusal To Be Interviewed By White Journalists Lasted Only Two Days
- John Stossel: "Climate alarmists want to silence debate -- and Facebook lets them."
The Climate Censors
- "This time, the fake leftist narrative supports Biden designating the Pulse Nightclub as a national memorial to gay murders."
Glen Greenwald Calls Out Another Leftist Lie
- "The five bills, which are the most ambitious updates to monopoly laws in decades, are directed specifically at Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google and their hold on online commerce, information and entertainment."
Lawmakers Fight Off Big Tech, Introduce Sweeping Antitrust Bill
- "These firms, birthed during the Golden Era of the digital revolution, have now become parasitic and extractive rather than dynamic and innovative."
Reflections on the Digital Revolution
- "175 years of trustworthy information on science in America from Scientific American is over."
Scientific Americanis Not Scientific and Not American
- "Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) in California has suspended the vice president of its extended learning program, Joyce Coleman, because she made comments about the World War II Japanese internment camps that apparently offended some Asians... When she made her intemperate and somewhat ignorant remarks about the Japanese internment camps she did not kowtow properly to Asians. They complained, and got her suspended."
Today's Blacklisted American: Leftist Academic Suspended by College for Expressing Her Opinions
- "Bennett's speech to parliament Sunday focused on domestic issues but expressed opposition to U.S. attempts to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, a key priority of [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's foreign policy."
Netanyahu Officially Removed From Power After 12 Years Leading Israel
- Netanyahu: "If it is destined for us to be in the opposition, we will do it with our backs straight until we topple this dangerous government and return to lead the country in our way."
Netanyahu Vows to Return to Power With "Dangerous" New Israeli Government Poised to Take Control
- Joel Pollak: "The reason Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer the prime minister of Israel today has much to do with the Democrat Party, whose recent drift toward anti-Israel positions has become a major and imminent threat to the security of the Jewish state."
The Democrat Party Is the Dividing Line in Israeli Politics
- "Israeli lawmaker Itamar Ben Gvir, head of the right-wing Otzma Yehudit party, called for Israel's police chief to resign on Thursday over his handling of a canceled Jerusalem Day march. The Israeli lawmaker said that by postponing the march, Israel was allowing Hamas to have undue influence over Israeli policy."
Palestinian Liberation Organization Threatens "Explosion" if Twice-Postponed Jerusalem Day Celebration Takes Place
* * * * *
- "In the clip, Johnson introduced South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who was the only black leader in the room, and, after Johnson introduced him, Biden introduced the president of South Africa and pointed at him in a manner that suggested that he did not know that he had just been introduced."
World Leaders Laugh at Biden After Boris Johnson Has to Remind Biden of Something That Just Happened
- "Americans must hope enough members of Congress will see the G-7 agreement on taxation is bad for U.S. sovereignty, the nation's businesses, and taxpayers."
The New G-7 Tax Proposal is an All-Around Bad Deal for America
- "It's unknown how involved the Russian president is in the execution of these attacks. It's known that he profits from the illegal hacking, even if the Kremlin isn't totally responsible. Some of the hacker groups have ties to Russian intelligence, but in Russia, it's hard to tell if rogue agents are in business for themselves or part of a coordinated intelligence effort to undermine the U.S. economy."
U.S.-Russia "Hacker Exchange" on the Agenda for Biden-Putin Summit
- "Hungary, while being located a ways into the interior of Europe, nevertheless has responsibility for parts of the EU Common External Border via its frontiers with Serbia and the Ukraine, which are not EU member-states."
Hungarian PM Orban: "Migrant Armies Are Banging on Europe's Doors"
- "Danny Fenster arrested, imprisoned in brutal Burmese facility."
Family of Imprisoned American Journalist Urges Biden to Bring Him Home
- Katie Hopkins: "I'm not sure if I'm glad to be home."
Breaking Back: My Return to the UK
- "Could strike U.S. carriers in South China Sea."
China Tests "Guam Killer" Missiles
- Robert Spencer: "None of the organizations dedicated to combating it dares face why it's so prevalent."
The Dirty Secret of Child Marriage
- Raymond Ibrahim: "...Which means -- for him -- freedom for only one religious group."
Biden's Support of Religious Freedom for "All" People
- "The Biden [junta] is radically undermining bedrock principles of equality under the law."
Judge Halts Debt Relief Program For Colored Farmers of Color After White Farmers Sue
- "If Biden fails to gain the support of ten Senate Republicans to pass the bill through the Senate, he will have to use reconciliation, although many Senate Democrats have balked at his mammoth proposal for its high price tag or its potential lack of climate change provisions."
Senate Democrats Increasingly Skeptical About Joe Biden's Infrastructure Proposal
- "Progressives are pushing the 82-year-old justice to clear the way for a more liberal replacement."
Breyer's Departure Could Make the Supreme Court More Conservative (howzat? - jjs)
- "The far more likely scenario is that an IRS employee with direct access to the records compiled the information and then went venue shopping. They looked for a news outlet that cares more about the Democrats' political agenda of raising taxes on those who don't "pay their fair share' than about the law or the rights of individuals. The left was positively gleeful about the leak, believing that the rubes in flyover country would now get behind the Biden tax increases after seeing how little many of the richest among us pay the IRS."
What to Do With a Lawless IRS?
- "Every lack presents an opportunity, but only if you have people with the inclination and the power to seize it. The Colonial Pipeline is only the latest example."
On Intersections
- "After Trump's presidency, the struggles of the middle class remain. Their opponents are eager for collective punishment."
Enjoy Your Gruel: Understanding the Deliberate Agenda of Our Ruling Class
- "Big business is addicted to China, just as it once was addicted to Nazi Germany, but we don't have to be. We consumers can do better."
Made in Communist China
- "Are we witnessing the Great Society on steroids?"
We're Not Going Back to a 1970s Economy. It's Worse than That
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's rescue package will finance a flood of questionable local government programs unlikely to produce much economic stimulus."
American Stagnation Plan
- "Californians should not accept a governor who won't stand up for victims."
Gov. Newsom, Kevin Cooper Is Guilty
- "The consequences of excessive weight gain have moved from the confines of the doctor's office and into the air as the FAA is forced to reckon with obesity."
Too Fat to Fly: FAA Updates Guidelines as American Obesity Crisis Grows
- "A 2016 study suggests that roughly 10% of deaths in America are due to medical mishaps. Authored by Johns Hopkins patient safety experts, the paper puts "medical error" as the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. -- just above respiratory illness. In raw numbers, that's around 250,000 people a year."
Should We Trust the Medical Priesthood or Their Machines?
- "Candidates opposed woke curriculum and eliminating merit-based admissions tests."
Critical Race Theory Opponents Win Board Elections at Nation's Top High School
- "If the district is really about uniting the kids, then get this course out of the way."
San Diego Parents Rally to Stop Teaching of Critical Race Theory
- "Cullors in 2015: 'Palestine is our generation's South Africa. If we don't step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that's called Israel, we're doomed.'"
Terror Group BLM's Patrisse Cullors Who Called for "End" of Israel Gives Commencement Speech at UCLA
- "...the pandemic short-circuited the education of many young children by denying them access to educational opportunities in many communities. Now, with the pandemic over, school districts are anticipating a huge influx of kindergarteners who may already be a year behind. That could cause unforeseen problems now and down the road in these children's educational careers."
Schools Brace for Massive Influx of Kindergarten, Pre-School Kids Next Fall
- "As rockets rained on Jerusalem, professors and students condemned the Jewish state."
Qatar Behind Hostile Israel Statements From American Universities
- "Cardozo law school revamps curriculum to focus on critical race theory, microaggressions."
NYC Law School Makes "Systemic Racism" Courses a Graduation Requirement
- "We are watching the rapid collapse of [Chinese] COVID-19 experts, like a house on a Malibu cliff after a heavy rain. Will the unsustainable hoax of climate change be far behind?"
Is Climate Change "Science?"
- "New Mexico Republicans sent a letter to [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden warning of the deep consequences the administration's pause on land leases will have on the state."
New Mexico Republicans Raise Alarm Over Biden Pause on Federal Land Leasing
- "Should a greenie leftist involved in tree-spiking eco-terrorism who escaped justice now be leading the Bureau of Land Management?"
Should an Eco Terrorism-Involved Individual Now Lead Biden's Bureau of Land Mgmt.?
- "It's no wonder Biden joked to the troops, 'I keep forgetting I'm president.' It's long past time for him to start remembering."
Biden's Climate Change Stance Exposes a Delusional Junta
- Our intrepid science reporter with "The science team for the rover Perseverance yesterday released a revised map of where they intend over the next few months to send the rover on the floor of Jezero Crater."
Update on Perseverance's Future Travel Plans
- Also, the graft in the name of science: "The Senate passes a law! In the NASA authorization that was just approved by the Senate and awaits House action was an amendment -- inserted by Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) -- that will essentially require NASA to build an SLS core stage designed for only one purpose, endless testing at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi."
"The Endless SLS Test Firings Act"
- "Everyone knows what a boy is -- even you."
14 Year-Old Girl Blasts School Board's Trans Bathroom Policy
- "Andrews is a frequent face in the British broadcast media, denouncing Western and in particular British history and institutions as racist, white supremacist, and so on, and often occasioning public backlash for his arguably extreme views -- but is never far from his next high-profile appearance."
Black Studies Prof: Queen Is "Symbol of White Supremacy," University Employing Him "Racist"
- Christian Toto: "Government-subsidized outlet demands Greyhound star be 'Anti Racist' now."
NPR Attacks Tom Hanks for "Playing Righteous White Men"
- "America is now at a point where its free market system, constitutional republic, Judeo-Christian values, and national sovereignty are seriously threatened."
An Explanation of Tactics to Fundamentally Transform America
- "The Communist Revolution ushered in a culture of death."
China's Three-Child Policy and the Philosophy of Reproduction
- "More evidence that Disney is not 'woke' enough."
Pixar Studios: More Animated Lies from Creative Capitalism
- "These children have adult bodies but the minds of children. They don't want to grow up," said Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson.
Victor Davis Hanson: Titty Caca AOC and Others Opposed to Childbearing Suffer From "Prolonged Adolescence"
- "Today's bureaucrats speak and think in a language of social-managerial gibberish."
The Degeneration of Public Administration
- "Review: Cheated: The Inside Story of the Astros Scandal and a Colorful History of Sign Stealing.
Houston's Cheating Problem -- And Ours
- Roger Kimball: "The forces of decadence that Jacques Barzun described are formidably potent. But decadence is no more inevitable than progress."
Pushing Through the Decadence
- "Rabbi Schneerson saw America as it truly is: great."
Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Defender of Western Liberty
- "Rescued from Stalinist oblivion, Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky's work brilliantly captures the devastation -- and absurdity -- of the Russian Revolution."
Fables for the Crossed-Out
- "In the 1976 box office hit Network, Beatty delivered a stunning 5 to 6-minute long monologue where he attempts to convince the protagonist to accept a major merger deal that wouldn't be good for the public." (a film that predicted much of what we're experiencing today with the media and corporatism. RIP to a fine actor - jjs)
Veteran Actor Ned Beatty Dead at 83
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:26 AM
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