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June 11, 2021
Remember the ONT
Howdy Horde. I'll be posting this from somewhere in San Antonio, as I'm down here for the weekend. Tomorrow I'll be visiting The Alamo.
Speaking of The Alamo, this week some bint on Twitter was sniffing about how unfair it was that the Texans attacked Santa Anna's army while they were napping, moaning about how unfair it was that we took advantage of their cultural conventions (siesta) and moaning about the Geneva Convention (in 1836??). Bitch, we're Americans, it's kinda our signature move.
In any event, she got roundly roasted, but one guy too the time to actually educate her about the facts of what happened in the Texas Revolution here. Note particularly what happened at Goliad, which was a straight up war crime, despite the incompetence of Col. James Fannin, who apparently went to the General Montcalm school of military tactics.* It's a good read.
*Montcalm was the commander of the French forces in America during the French and Indian War. British General Wolfe had him pinned in his fortifications on the high ground in Quebec, but really had no chance of dislodging him and no time to lay siege before French reinforcement would arrive. Instead of waiting Wolfe out, Montcalm marched out of his fort, onto the Plains of Abraham, where he was roundly defeated, pretty much ceding France's North American possessions to the Brits. At Goliad, Fannin marched his 400 men out of the only actual fort in Texas, was quickly surrounded by Mexicans under the command of General José de Urrea. After the two day Battle of Coleto, which was fought on the open plains instead of, you know, from the confines of the nice cozy fort, the Texans surrendered, expecting to be treated as prisoners of war. Instead they were murdered on the orders of Santa Anna, over Urrea's protestations. The Texas troops yelled “Remember The Alamo” and “Remember Goliad!” as they fell on the napping Mexicans at San Jucinto, winning their independence. Fun fact: my parents lived on Fannin St. in Amarillo before I was born, named after Col. James Fannin.
Enough with the history lesson. On with the Friday night festivities!
Bill Nye, the science lie
Fido Friday, just chillin
Musical Interlude
This picture freaked me out for about 10 seconds
Not the bees!
But can you dance to it?
Coming soon
One generation...
This guy needs CBD's food thread
It's a mystery, I tell you
Putting a camera on a cat
He looks good
I've got the morbs because my friend got tight as a boiled owl and tried to put his sauce-box on Cupid's kettle drums at the party. I was completely poked up.
There's a dirty joke in here somewhere
Good gag
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by parenting:
Oh, and if anyone in the San Antonio area wants to have dinner or drinks or something tomorrow night, drop me an email.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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