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June 10, 2021
The Morning Report - 6/10/21
Good morning kids. Thursday and everyone is freaking out about a photo of Jill "Shill" Biden sitting at the president's desk on Air Force One that's captioned "'Prepping for the G7." Suddenly everyone's going on about a name that hasn't been in the news for over a hundred years: Edith Wilson. Seriously, is this really a story? First of all, does anyone really think that Joe Biden, a man who in the prime of his life had the intellectual agility of a wilted bracken, is really running things? We knew this going back even into the latter days of the Obama reign of error. Second, Jill Biden is not pulling the strings in the figurative, big picture sense, despite pulling Joey around by the hand in the literal one. What is confirmed, thanks to her absolutely disastrous trip to Guatemala and Mexico is that Veep Throat Harris is not only completely out of her league, inept and inarticulate to a degree that almost rivals that of being demented herself, but that she, too, is not the power behind the junta. That ultimate power resides in a large brick estate just outside D.C. - - in Kalorama to be precise.
The truly horrifying thing is that the image that all of this projects to the world is that the lights might be on but no one's home. The Chi-Coms, Russians, Iranians and every other bad actor are itching to make a move knowing full well that they will suffer zero consequences. And that can lead to catastrophe if the junta in charge of the former United States, in merely trying to prop up the image that Biden (anyone!) is in charge actually does react to some sort of military provocation from any or all of the aforementioned, and suddenly we've blundered and miscalculated our way into getting our hair mussed, but good.
No, Shill Biden standing in for the dummy is not news. But the consequences of this are just stomach-turning this early in the morning. Meh, what am I worried about? The US military as it is now led and being trained - or more accurately being un-trained - is looking more and more like a paper tiger. That is, to America's real enemies. To the political enemies of the Kaloramans, well, that's something else entirely:
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Rhodes, commander of the 1-8 Infantry -- "Fighting Eagles", has a message for all serving in the military: if you're white, you're the problem...
...He also reportedly added that only .01 percent of racist accusations are false, and that he would always believe someone coming forward about an uncomfortable situation.
The story began circulating on social media, with one Instagram post catching some important attention.
"Looks like Fort Carson got themselves a real gem of an unbiased commander," the post reads. "I hope you're not white or ever accused of anything while you're in his command. You're already guilty and you didn't even know it!"...
...The post caught the eye of the current Sergeant Major of the Army, Michael A. Grinston. "If it's true he said that 'if you're a white male you're part of the problem' then he's creating division within his formation, and it's the exact opposite of what the Army has been trying to do with inclusion efforts," an active duty Army officer told Human Events."
With all due respect, the Sergeant Major is either incredibly brave or incredibly clueless. Does he not know that the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a stand down order in the wake of the January 6th phony Reichstag Weenie Roast to weed out all "racists," "insurrectionists" and "white supremacists?" That means anyone in uniform who dares merely to have their own opinions not only about the validity of the 2020 election but about transgenderism, climate change, or merely having a fealty to the US Constitution. Does he not know that Crackpot Race Theory - teaching that America as founded is evil and illegitimate and white people in particular are genetically hard-wired to oppress non whites - is being taught at WEST POINT for fuck's sake!:
In his letter to West Point Superintendent Lt. General Darryl Williams, obtained by Fox News Wednesday, Rep. [Mike] Waltz inquired as to whether the military academy will continue to include critical race theory in its curriculum, and warned of the dangers the teachings pose to the future of the nation.
The Florida representative stated that such instruction puts the nation "on incredibly perilous ground if any future leaders of our military are taught that the civilian institutions and structures with ultimate authority over them . . . are systemically oppressive and that they therefore have a duty to oppose them."
"The underlying piece of critical race theory is that civilian institutions in this country are inherently misogynist, racist and colonialist, and therefore, it is our duty to resist them -- that is fine for activists -- but one of these cadets is going to be the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and being taught that the Constitution is critically flawed?" Waltz said during an interview with Fox News on Wednesday. "That, to me, is terrifying and destructive."
Remember that piece of shit cadet Spenser Rapone who upon graduating West Point showed the inside of his cap on which he scrawled "Communism Will Win." That was four years ago, before this Ebonic Mein Kampf became part of the core curriculum. And you can bet your ass that Rapone is not an outlier. Where there's one, there's another. Shit, the fact that John Brennan a Gus Hall-voting avowed Marxist-Leninist became the head of the Central Intelligence Agency still boggles the mind (meh, FDR had Harry Hopkins and Henry Wallace so what the hell do I know?).
This is not a joke. Despite the laughable junk-tucking, high heels and pregnancy G-suits and identifying climate change as our #1 existential threat (now #2 behind whitey), military recruits are still trained to excel in doing one thing: kill the enemy. The problem is "the enemy" is now a sizable chunk if not the actual majority of the citizenry. Our society is already being eaten alive from within but this Crackpot Race Theory madness is cancer on top of cancer:
Critical Race Theory, then, is not some new "higher nonsense" of the sort our universities cook up. It's the spawn of Marxism and its offshoot Cultural Marxism. It has used ideas like "hermeneutics of suspicion," "false consciousness," and "repressive tolerance" to foment racialist division and conflict that they can leverage for more political, social, and cultural power. This has been the modus operandi of Marxism from its beginning, especially in Marxism's "late phase" when the revolution will not be waged by the industrial proletariat, but by the privileged, affluent tech-oligarchs, corporate boards, media pundits, university faculty and administrators, politicians, think-tank habitues, and federal agencies, all of whom have lost their nerve in the face of a historically, intellectually, and morally incoherent and destructive movement that has littered history with mountains of corpses.
And the old enemy of freedom will win, unless, as Winston Churchill said to Parliament after the Munich debacle, "By a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we rise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time."
And we're probably not going to be voting our way to "rise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time." Untuck the junk and gird your loins.
- "I'm not a right-wing nut. I'm actually a progressive Democrat. And so for me, the question isn't is this a right-wing or left-wing thing. Let's look at the data and just be honest. And you're absolutely right because that letter published in February of last year was an outrage, because, without sufficient data, the authors of that letter declared that it's very, very likely a natural origin and called anybody, like me, who was raising possible alternatives a conspiracy theorist."
W.H.O. Advisory Board Member: Letter Rejecting Wuhan Leak Theory Was "Thuggery"
- You know who else put numbers on people...
Report: Unvaccinated Students "Numbered" with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom
- "The revelations further cloud Dr. Fauci's attempts to distance himself from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the gain-of-function research taking place there."
EXPOSED: Fauci Headlined Conference With "Bat Lady" and EcoHealth's Daszak Despite Distancing Himself From Wuhan
- "This execrable bureaucrat has been wreaking havoc with Americans' lives in the name of public health for over a year now. Even worse, he's been going about it rather whimsically but claiming that it was all in the name of 'SCIENCE!' That's all he needed to do to keep the Democrats and their media mouthpieces happy. 'Science' is a word that is used to hypnotize leftists into going along with draconian rules, regulations, and laws."
Wearisome Tyrant Fauci Informs Us Rubes That Attacking Him Is Attacking Science
- "They did not want this lab leak hypothesis to be tested or investigated. And you have to understand why, especially now a year later when we know there really is no other really strong explanation for how this thing could have started. I think that's because there was U.S. money that has gone to fund this type of research. I think that some of these grants end up in these charities that can end up in Wuhan. And I think all that needs to be investigated."
DeSantis Tears Into Fauci After Leaked E-Mails Reignite Wuhan Lab Leak Theories
- Lloyd Billingsley: "The dynamics of white coat supremacy."
The Joey and Tony Show
- "For those of us who have recovered from [Chinese] COVID-19, the failure of those making policy recommendations to acknowledge and account for the immunity developed naturally following a [Chinese] COVID-19 infection is beyond frustrating."
Why Is the Government Still Pushing Vaccines on Recovered Chinese COVID Patients?
- "Their vaccines come with strings attached."
China's Vaccine Propaganda: Maligning the US, Bribing the World
- "Over 100 employees filed a lawsuit over the hospital's requirement that they get the vaccine."
Hospital Workers Face Termination Over Refusal to Get Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine
- "It's time for an insurrectionist epistemology: If the government says it, it's likely to be a lie."
Are We All Flyover Country Now?
- PIEOTUS Trump: "Thank you to the Department of the Interior Inspector General for Completely and Totally exonerating me in the clearing of Lafayette Park!"
Protesters Weren't Forcibly Cleared From Lafayette Park Because Of Trump Photo-Op, New Report Determines
- "I am concerned by the DOD's intent to monitor service members' social media to identify extremism," the ex-Marine said. "Multiple groups expressed concern about whether and how DOD will balance First Amendment rights with efforts to combat extremism."
ORWELLIAN: DOD Aims to Monitor Service Members' Communications to Combat "Extremism"
- "The law must be applied equally without regard to party, power or privilege. When the Department of Justice treats similar criminal acts differently, such conduct erodes faith in our governmental institutions and the law." (Grassley's shrunken yutzick and enlarged geriatric prostate tinkling on the smoldering ruins of the Reichstag - jjs)
Chuck Grassley to DOJ: Explain Discrepancy In Application Of Law For BLM/Antifa vs. Capitol Rioters
- "The lawsuit seeks to hold her personally accountable, and to hold the city government accountable, as well. Residents could also use legal action as a mechanism to protect public safety in other cities where leaders have cut the police budgets or otherwise undermined public safety."
Could Lawsuits Stem the Tide of Violence Sweeping the Big Cities That Defund the Police?
- "Politicizing a tragedy."
Canada to Fight "Far-Right" Groups After "Terrorist Attack" That Killed Four Muslims
- "We urge Congresswoman Omar to clarify her words placing the U.S. and Israel in the same category as Hamas and the Taliban." (she'll "clarify" by primary-ing their asses out of the party - jjs)
Only 12 Democrats Condemn Bro-Fo Omar/Nur/Burqawitz/Ikeeelyou For Comparing U.S., Israel to Terrorists
- Daniel Greenfield: "A compelling story is about struggle."
Why Pro-Israel Hasbara Fails
- Hunter also reportedly kept a meme on his computer showing his father and former President Obama hugging. It read, "Obama: Gonna miss you, man. Joe: Can I say it? Just this once? Obama: *sigh* go ahead. Joe: You my n***a, Barack."
#RacistHunter Catches Steam: "He's a Product of the Biden Family Household"
- "Biden touts his Catholic faith, but the recent Catholic League report highlights 32 times the [so-called quote-unquote 'president'] has publicly gone against the church."
Catholic League Slams Biden for 32 Direct Violations of Core Church Teachings
- "Gavin Newsom's attempt to dodge a recall bid is shaping up to be a nice glimpse at how power protects power."
Gavin Newsom's Hollywood Collusion Shows How Power Protects Power
- Yes, but those are the wrong people...
Poll: Only 28% of Americans Support HR 1 - the "For the People Act"
- "The new ad from the National Redistricting Action Fund, a partisan lobbying group helmed by former attorney general Eric Holder, goes after the power billionaires wield through anonymous 'dark money' contributions. Unmentioned is the at least $3 million funneled anonymously to the National Redistricting Action Fund in recent years by Hansjorg Wyss, a foreign billionaire who has quietly emerged as a liberal mega-donor in the United States."
Liberal Group Funded by Swiss Billionaire Spends Big to Attack "Billionaires Buying Our Elections"
- "Grant comes as Biden attempts to secure Manchin's support for infrastructure bill." (not a smidgen of corruption! - jjs)
DOE Grants Manchin Donor's Company $1 Million
- "It's almost like a shakedown," fumes Reinvent Albany's John Kaehny. One lobbyist calls it a "quid pro quo": "You're essentially leaning on people, letting them know if their name doesn't appear there, the leader is going to know," so it's "a ransom note to either contribute or be on the bad list."
Laws for Sale: How the Democrats Run Albany
- "Fourth in a series."
Racist Mayor: Quinton Lucas
- "The photo in question features Jill Biden sitting at a desk on Air Force One with the caption 'Prepping for the G7.'" (burly black dude with epi-pen is to Hillary as Shill Biden is to Joey; and both are controlled by the Kaloramans - jjs)
Who's Really Running the Country? A Jill Biden Photo Has Us Wondering
- "A memo released by a pollster describes new Democrat voters as 'not hearing enough about what Democrats have accomplished' and having "trouble describing a clear positive vision" for their party."
Memo: Democrat Voters Unsure What Party Stands For
- "That 'President' Biden is an unmitigated disaster as our chief executive is so painfully apparent to everyone that it hardly seems necessary to point it out."
Biden to Harris: Disaster 1 to Disaster 2
- "Lo and behold, the single most important issue to them apparently right now is Critical Race Theory. Who knew that was the threat to our Republic?"
Democrats Enlist Obama to Defend Crackpot Race Theory
- "[Former Detroit Police Chief James E.] Craig retired from the Detroit Police Department on June 1 and is expected to formally announce his bid."
Potential GOP Challenger Would Defeat Wretched Whitmer in Michigan Governor's Race
- "Ay caramba, Democrats."
Viva America! Conservative Hispanics Crush Minority Stereotypes
- "Congressman Donalds has expressed interest in joining the CBC but has yet to receive an official invitation." (unless it's a stunt to expose their hypocrisy, why the hell would he or any sane person want to join that pack of miscreants? - jjs)
Report: Congressional Black Carcasses Blocking Black Republican Byron Donalds from Joining
- "Ohio cannot afford for Mike DeWine to be the governor anymore. My path may have been diverted in 2018, but my will really to change Ohio was not."
Former GOP Rep. Jim Renacci to Challenge Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine
- "How Donald Trump defied the conventional wisdom of the political mainstream to expand the Republican base."
Lessons From 2012: Bush, Trump, Voter Demographics and the Future of the GOP
- "The Trump administration turned around the situation on the border starting late during Fiscal Year 2019 and kept them low throughout Fiscal Year 2020. Biden's border crisis has worsened every month that he has been in office in terms of the number of illegal aliens apprehended at the southern border."
Biden Border Crisis Sinks To Worst Level In DHS History, Explodes 674% Over Last Year
- "Residents of rural Val Verde County, Texas, have never seen illegal immigration on this scale. It's a full-blown crisis, and no one is coming to help."
On a Remote Stretch of Texas Borderland, the Whole World is Crossing the Rio Grande
- "This notoriously violent drug cartel [Sinaloa] has infiltrated deep into California's high desert and other areas of the country."
Border Insecurity: Huge Cartel Marijuana Farm Bulldozed 300 Miles Inside California
- "Ignoring the obvious solutions to the border crisis, his administration prepares to double down on ineffective policy."
Biden's Foreign Aid to Latin America Helps Nobody
- "...And that happened on January 20 when Joe Biden took office. And he essentially opened our borders, reversing very effective policies that had our borders under control. That's true, even in the eyes of the presidents of Mexico and Guatemala, who during this trip, said that Joe Biden is largely responsible for his rhetoric on the campaign trail and during the transition, and then his policies during the [junta]."
Sen. Cotton: Harris "Didn't Have to Go All the Way to Guatemala... The Root Causes Are in the White House"
- "The crisis at our border continues unabated. Meanwhile, Harris' job is really more about political optics than policy solutions."
The Sad Farce of Kamala Harris, Immigration Czar
- "Yahoo noted the spending extravaganza also affords Buttigieg the opportunity to travel the country and introduce himself 'to prospective voters, and tout those aforementioned feel-good projects to media both national and local.' Despite Buttigieg's efforts, the deadline for a bipartisan bill has twice passed with no agreement in sight."
The Atlantic Lays Out Peter Puffer Buttigieg's Path to Presidency - - in 2024
- "Twitter has not made any public comment on whether the report violates its 'hacked materials policy' and has not blocked links to the report."
After Censoring Hunter Biden Bombshell Over "Hacked Materials Policy," Twitter is Silent on Hacked Tax Info
- "Virginia Heffernan believes home buyers should be able to see gun ownership statistics in a designated area, saying gun violence should have a 'meaningful tax.'"
LA Times Writer: Real Estate Listings Should Report Neighbors Who Own Guns
- "Say what you will about Nigeria, but at least it has enough sense to know when it's being taken for a ride by someone to whom it doesn't have to answer." (Mugu says "remain blessed..." - jjs)
Twitter Broke Nigeria's Terms of Service
- John Stossel: "Emmanuel Vincent says he hopes to expand his group and censor YouTube and Twitter, too. He's eager to make sure people are frightened about climate change."
The Climate Censors
- "Ohio's Attorney General filed a lawsuit against Google on Tuesday asking the state to officially declare the Big Tech company a public utility."
Ohio Attorney General Sues Google, Asking the State for Stronger "Public Utility" Regulations
- "What can we learn from the library of volumes by Trump haters?"
Making Book on Trump
- "While once they celebrated and defended her, even when it was clearly shown that her work was shoddy and inaccurate, now they want to ban and cancel her. And Twitter has been very glad to oblige."
Today's Blacklisted American: Leftist Radical Feminist Naomi Wolf
- "Republicans are also pushing to exempt Wisconsin-made firearms from federal regulations, period. Numerous other states began taking action to protect gun owners and the Second Amendment after [so-called quote-unquote 'president'] Joe Biden began his gun control push in earnest in mid-March."
Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Push to Bar Police from Gun Control Enforcement
- "This could give the Supreme Court the opportunity to correct its errors in District of Columbia v. Heller, which otherwise could be the basis for effectively nullifying the right to keep and bear arms."
Second Ruling Against California's "Assault Weapon" Ban Offers Supreme Court a Chance to Fix Heller
- "We're disappointed the circuit court refused to let Missouri's law stand, especially with a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case already pending," said Sue Liebel, state policy director for the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List. "Missouri lawmakers acted on the will of the people when they enacted some of the nation's strongest protections for the unborn and their mothers in 2019."
Court Blocks Implementation of Missouri Abortion Law
- "While Paxton Smith no doubt thought her speech was that of an empowered woman, it revealed a young teen cowed by the oppressive propaganda of Big Abortion."
Paxton Smith vs. the Texas Heartbeat Law
- "Harris returned from her trip to Guatemala and Mexico on Wednesday. The trip was intended to address the 'root causes' of illegal immigration, but the tour ultimately drew criticism from both sides of the aisle in Washington."
White House Reportedly 'Perplexed' By Kamala Harris' First Foreign Policy Trip
- "This trip is about realizing America's renewed commitment to our allies and partners." (and eating ice cream while groping tweeners - jjs)
Biden Departs on First International Trip
- Israel's envoy to the U.S.: Hamas was using the building to "develop an electronic jamming system to be used against the Iron Dome defense system."
IDF: Hamas Was Using Gaza Tower That Housed AP To Jam Iron Dome
- "As The Wall Street Journal notes, China 'sees Taiwan as a breakaway province and vows to use military force if needed to annex the island.'"
US Opens Trade Talks With Taiwan and China is Butthurt About It
- "The economic opportunities offered to the People's Republic over recent decades were unduly optimistic."
China Shows That Money Does Not Necessarily Lead to Peace
- "Terrifying and destructive."
Republican Rep. Sends Letter To West Point Demanding They Stop Teaching Critical Race Theory
- "Defense cuts will likely mean fewer nuclear weapons, warships."
Biden Budget Forces Navy To Cut Construction of High-Tech Ships, Internal Memo Reveals
- The Defense Department "will maintain the existing policy from July 2020 regarding the display or depiction of unofficial flags," which includes the pride flag.
Pentagon Upholds Ban on Pride Flags on Military Bases
- "The passivity of the Biden [junta] can never become the standard for political leadership; otherwise, our nation will fade away like all the other great empires of old."
Why Security Matters: A Lesson in Leadership
- "The [so-called quote-unquote 'president'] has not informed Congress of his intent to close the detention facility -- and for good reason. Barack Obama entered office promising to close Gitmo within a year. When he announced he was going to transfer the prisoners to U.S. mainland prisons, the bipartisan outcry in Congress forced him to shelve those plans. Both parties refused to fund the transfer and that's where the matter has stood since 2016."
Biden Has His Eyes on Guantanamo Detention Facility
- "Tamer Tang identifies himself as TikTok's Global Operations Manager, a position he's held since August 2018, on LinkedIn. He was previously a direct employee of the Chinese Communist Party, serving as an attache at China's Egyptian Embassy from 2015 to 2018 and a secretary at the regime's Ministry of Tourism and Culture from 2014 to 2015."
TikTok Global Ops Chief Is Former Chinese Communist Party Diplomat
- "The [so-called quote-unquote 'president'] was under enormous pressure from his far-left base to ditch the talks and have the Democrats go it alone on infrastructure. That would mean trying to ram a bill through the Senate using reconciliation, a strategy that two Democratic senators have said they would not vote for."
Under Pressure From Radicals, Biden Pulls the Plug on Infrastructure Negotiations
- "Louisiana senator cosigned a letter calling for justices to disclose a decade of travel records."(WTF Kennedy?! - jjs)
John Kennedy Gives Cover to Sheldon Whorehouse's Latest Attack on Supreme Court's Conservatives
- "Calls for the jurist's retirement are indicative of a deeper predicament within the party."
Stephen Breyer: Dems' Unwanted House Guest
- "Under Biden's budget proposal, the federal government will continue to deficit spend (accumulate debt) for at least the next 10 years, with total borrowing hitting a combined $14.5 trillion in 2031."
Fauxca-Has-Been Warren on Balancing Budget: We Can Change Tax Laws and Raise $6 Trillion Without Breaking a Sweat
- Maybe if we abolish colleges then students would never be in debt to them. Winning.
Titty Caca Ocasio-Cortez: Biden Should Bypass Capitol Hill and Push Forward Student Loan Reform
- "The report estimates that the total value of unemployment benefits for a family of four is more than $72,000 per year, which is higher than the $68,000 median household income. 'The maximum benefit package when including the $300 a week supplemental UI benefit exceeds $100,000 at an annual rate.'"
As Unfilled Jobs Reach High, Economists Point Toward Unemployment Benefits
- "Businesses have been paying more for supplies and raised hourly pay to entice people to return to work. Therefore, menu prices went up."
Chipotle Hikes Prices by 4% to Cover Higher Employee Wages
- "We worry that the painful lessons of an inflationary past are being ignored by central bankers, either because they really believe that this time is different, or they have bought into a new paradigm that low interest rates are here to stay, or they are protecting their institutions by not trying to hold back a political steam roller." (Deutsche Bank to get a visit from the IRS/FBI in 5-4-3-2... - jjs)
Deutsche Bank Issues a Terrifying Warning for America Under Biden
- "It's an awful idea hostaed by anti-free market bureaucrats and should be soundly rejected by Congress."
Don't Be Fooled by the "Global Minimum Corporate Tax" -- It's Really Just Another Tax on You
- "Biden's proposed increases to U.S. corporate tax rates will continue to make the United States uncompetitive internationally."
A Global Minimum Corporate Tax Would Help Democrats Hide Their Appetite for American Wealth
- "...And in 1999, [Judge Denis] Boyle signed off on a deal that let a homeless man live in a shelter and attend therapy sessions while awaiting sentencing in an attempted sex attack in the Bronx -- during which time authorities later said he went on a spree of sex attacks in Manhattan."
How a Lenient NYC Judge Left a Reputed Gangbanger Free to Allegedly Kill an Innocent Dad (the judge is a leftist, that's how - jjs)
- "This pathological anti-White racism is where [Crackpot] Race Theory is leading all of America."
A Peer-Reviewed Psychoanalytic Journal Publishes a Grotesque Anti-White Screed
- "Critical Race Theory is about labels and stereotypes, not education. It teaches kids that we should judge others based on race, gender or sexual identity, rather than the content of someone's character."
Iowa Bans Critical Race Theory: Schools Should "Promote Learning, Not Discriminatory Indoctrination"
- "The board adjourned the meeting after the outburst and told the public to leave. Parents claim the board members reconvened in private after the public left and continued public business behind closed doors, which would be a major violation of open meetings laws. It remains unclear if they voted on the diversity hire or not. If they did such a thing without the public present, it could result in a lawsuit. One thing is certain: parents are fed up with school boards."
School Board Ruckus! NY Elected Official Screams Obscenities at Parents Over Objections to CRT
- "When I saw a teacher express an opinion and suspended for expressing his religious beliefs, I could no longer stay silent. When did it become acceptable to be tolerant only when someone expresses a view that we agree with?"
"Chardonnay Antifa": Community Rips School Board For Suspending Teacher Who Opposed Trans Pronoun Policy
- "Harvard bears a unique responsibility for disseminating the toxic ideology known as critical race theory into our national discourse."
Crackpot Race Theory's Poisonous Roots Trace Back To Harvard University
- "Emily Cummiskey steps down as Chair of School Committee, blames others for smear of Nicole: 'The PR firm delivered me three statements, one for social media, one for Fox news, and one to read at last Wednesday's meeting.'"
Update: Smear of Mom Nicole Solas Was Prepared By Public Relations Firm Hired By South Kingstown (RI) School Committee
- "Critics overstate the flaws of the SAT and ACT -- and understate their merits."
Keep the Tests
- "'I'm just so grateful that this is a free country, and that we have freedom of speech, and so we can fall back on the Constitution and express ourselves,' Lefler said."
This High School Valedictorian Fought Her Government School For Muzzling Religious Speech -- And Won
- "While Nye was invited to testify on the threat of climate change, Democrats used the opportunity to criticize the Trump administration, promote [so-called quote-unquote 'president'] Joe Biden's infrastructure plan, and ask for Nye's opinion on how to enact legislation in the face of opposition. Nye, who has a degree in mechanical engineering, was a popular kids' television host in the '90s."
Dems Invite Bill Nye the TV Kiddie Clown Guy to Testify Before Homeland Security Subcommittee
- "'The Minnesota Freedom Fund has committed to supporting the movement for all bail needs,' the Pipeline Legal Action Network, a group supporting the legal needs of the pipeline protesters, stated on its website."
Bail Fund Backed By Kamala Harris Is Now Being Used To Support Pipeline Protesters
- Our intrepid science reporter with your twofer for today. First, "On June 7th the Jupiter orbiter Juno made its first close fly-by of Ganymede, taking the first close-up images of this Jupiter moon since the orbiter Galileo flew past in 2000."
Juno Takes First Closeup Images of Ganymede Since 2000
- Next up, a little closer to Earth, one of "the many mysteries of Mars": "Cool image time! The photo to the right, rotated, cropped, and reduced to post here, was taken on April 19, 2021 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)."
Ending Martian Lava?
- "Facts and history are not the concern of the morally-elevated professoriate."
Gender Studies Faculty Sides With Hamas
- "Transgender people are entitled to authenticity and truth -- not paternalism, hollow words, or empty leftist slogans."
The Recognition of Transgender Identity: Respect, Lies and Bullshit
- "If your child is struggling with mental health issues and the word 'gender' comes up, you may lose your child to the system."
Beware of Child Protective Services if You Love Your Kids
- "The age at which minors in Washington state can receive 'gender-affirming care' without parental permission is 13. In other words, the e-mails Ahmed received from the hospital were effectively a courtesy; the hospital didn't require Ahmed's permission to begin his son on a path to medical transition."
Lunatic Laws Let Gender Radicals Deny All Parental Rights (wipe out the family, make the State supreme - jjs)
- "Political theatrics."
MLB Assails Lawsuit Seeking Return of 2021 All-Star Game to Atlanta
- Robert Spencer: "However, despite being a towering figure in a musical and cultural context that is dominated by the far-Left, [Anthony] Braxton, a black American who is now 76, in an interview Friday expressed his unabashed love for America and his deep consternation over the forces that are now endeavoring to destroy it."
Giant of Avant-Garde Music Says: "If We Lose America, Shame on Us"
- R.S. McCain: "Don't let them erase the knowledge of where our 'liberties, privileges, franchises, and immunities' come from."
Liberals Ignore the Roots of "Our Democracy"
- Christian Toto: "Three troubling examples show a profound disconnect between the two groups."
Does Country Music Care About Country Music Fans?
- "Our decadent ruling class is playing games with esoteric jargon to burnish their own reputations at great cost to everyone else."
The Tyranny of Jargon: How Elite Leftism is Killing Efficiency and Risking Lives
- "A faith-based program in New Orleans teaches adoptive parents how to understand children from troubled backgrounds."
Fostering Trust
- "Rush created a giant that is challenging the propaganda ministry -- and it's here to stay."
Radio Free America -- Rush's Legacy
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:32 AM
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"328 Rosie O'Donnel, Mohamadens aren't going to tou ..."
mindful webworker - unexpectedly:
"Either I had a brief bout with something like the ..."
"To this day many/most in medical community believe ..."
"304 Just watched an early version of The Beverly H ..."
Joe Kidd:
"321 Ya sure it wasn’t a rat?
Posted by: Bul ..."
nurse ratched :
"324 @RealAlexJones
Elon Musk Was On The Same U ..."
"The US House just EXTENDED the statute of limitati ..."
"Might throw it off a rooftop.
Won’t work. ..."
" For those paying attention, Piper came home about ..."
Braenyard - some Absent Friends are more equal than others _ :
"Rosie O'Donnel, Mohamadens aren't going to touch t ..."
"How bout we find a nice anemic thparrow
Sylvester ..."
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