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June 08, 2021
The Morning Report - 6/8/21
Good morning kids. Tuesday and while the focus is on Anthony Fauci and the revelations of his collusion with the Chi-Coms to manufacture Franken-viruses, his eagerness to pervert science as a weapon to defeat President-in-exile Donald Trump is equally, if not more of an existential threat to our freedom - or should say our ever fully regaining our freedom. Chinese COVID-19 is beyond all reasonable doubt marginally more dangerous than common seasonal flu. Whatever misery and suffering it caused (amplified by orders of magnitude thanks to Angel of Death Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy, Wolf and others who knowingly unleashed a biological weapon and murdered thousands of elderly people) will fade away. But what is sure to come back with a vengeance is fevered madness of totalitarian will to power.
It's ironic in the extreme that Europe, which long ago lost its mind to atheistic cultural rot and socialism, still manages to produce some of the most clear-eyed, eloquent and passionate conservative thinkers. The epicenter seems to be Holland. The tiny nation that gave us Theo Van Gogh (pbuh) and Geert Wilders now adds another one who, if he isn't silenced (one way or another G-d forbid), may be a force to be reckoned with.
Politician Thierry Baudet, in a viral video, seems to have harked back to that time when he warned his fellow Nederlanders that their response to COVID was not only a gross overreaction but also put in place a template for future assaults on liberty...
...Politically, Baudet is a conservative. He would like the Netherlands to withdraw from the EU and objects to unskilled immigration into Holland (just as Donald Trump objected to the unlimited flow of unskilled legal and illegal immigrants into America). While Baudet is critical of Islam, he would not go as far as Geert Wilders would, since the latter advocates for banning the Koran, something that's inconsistent with Holland's historically liberal philosophy. Baudet also believes the cultural Marxism is eating away at the fabric of Dutch society. In other words, Baudet is very close to American conservativism [sic] in his views, which is probably why we conservatives find his video so darn good:
I hope there will be a moment that we wake up. That we will realize this is a collective psychosis. That the locking down of the entire country, half the world for 1.5 years because of a flu variety is insane. That walking around with those silly useless masks is insanity. That we conform ourselves to those completely senseless distancing rules. That we see that our businesses, our social lives have been destroyed. That we have held back effective primary medicines such as Ivermectin, only to give those experimental injections the status of "approved vaccine" as soon as we could.
That we now ramble on about how 'the infections are decreasing,' when the exact same happened last year -- as it does every year. And that it will happen against as autumn arrives and new infections occur. And now we pretend it happens because of COVID-19, all the while that the thing that we used to call the 'flu' has completely disappeared.
But most importantly, I hope that we realize that with the hysteria about this Chinese flu as the pretext, an entire infrastructure has been built, an infrastructure that can be used again at any moment, due to any occurrence. Lockdowns, masks, social distancing, no more traveling, no handshakes, ridiculous experimental jabs.
This COVID phase has been a practice to train obedience. Our parliament and the Rutte regime have passed this training with grace. Congratulations. Klaus Schwab [promoter of the "Great Reset"] will be proud of you. The globalist plans can be carried out -- and the next step towards mass surveillance and total control can be taken.
Emphasis in bold is mine. If you listen to the speech itself (only about a minute or so), despite being in Dutch, his delivery and the very real sense of urgency about what he is saying is palpable. This guy is for real, and we as well as whatever is left of the free world can use all the Thierry Baudets we can get our hands on. There is very little to constrain our overlords in DC and elsewhere in the nation formerly known as the United States of America, let alone the Chi-Coms. The psychological warfare perpetrated on us allowed them to declare a "crisis," sabotage our electoral system and gain power. If you think that they are not going to do this again, you're not paying attention. The most alarming thing that Baudet has brought up is that far too many people willingly knuckled under and blindly obeyed every idiotic edict from the DC bureaucracy and all the tyrannical governors and mayors across the country.
This is also why Fauci is both being defended to the hilt as well as being shunted off stage as quickly as possible. If people start realizing that they've been scared shitless for no reason into surrendering their freedom and ruining their lives, they are far less likely to fall for this crap again. At least in theory. It would be ironic indeed the next time the Chi-Coms accidentally on purpose do unleash a legitimate Andromeda Strain on us, perhaps as a cover for when they invade Taiwan, and we treat whatever the government says as the boy who cried Governor Wolf.
Shifting gears completely, along with Thierry Baudet there is another eloquent essayist worthy of your time this morning; Jackie Mason. Don't let the borscht-belt schtick and thick Yiddish-inflected accent fool you. Mason is sharp. And he is dead on about another chronic disease that is spreading faster than ever.
I've always said there are three constants in life -- death, taxes, and antisemitism, a subject I'm an expert on unfortunately. All these people here in America and around the world commenting on the atrocities of the Israelis. Killing women and children! Ethnic cleansing! Apartheid! Thousands of journalists sitting on their good for nothing "tucheses" yelling into the internet. All you hear is oy what a terrible thing the Israelis are doing. Evicting people from houses! Stopping people from praying! Terrible!
And, my friends, if you would go to any young Israeli man asking him what would he prefer to do, sit by an anti-missile battery or in a fighter jet, or would he rather go with his girlfriend to sit on the beach? It seems to me that the answer is obvious, and the absurdity of the question says everything about what's going on in the Middle East. Yet we hear so many people who have given very little thought to the topic yelling and screaming like they have lived in the region for 100 years and know every nuance of this terrible conflict...
...The truth is, as much as you might not like to hear it, when Trump was in office it was good for the Jews. Too bad most Jews just don't know what's good for them. Also most of the Jews that might benefit from clear thinking will surely not read this. Perhaps you'll share this with someone who needs to hear it and we can all pray that they will listen. Believe me, it's as important as ever. Now Mr Biden is in office, the flood of money to terrorists has begun again. The funnels of money to Iran turns around into tunnels in Gaza...
...Many people at these Free Palestine rallies are crazed, rabid animals. Just look at the video of the Jew who was beaten up at one of these rallies last week at the New York Public Library building on 5th Avenue and 42nd Street. Hysteria and mob mentality has emerged without restraint, and the irrational forces of antisemitism have resurfaced once again. All this anti-Israel rhetoric from American politicians has tremendous ancillary effects, giving license to bigots worldwide to unleash themselves, spewing invective and vitriol that will undoubtedly have collateral damage.
It's ironic that this is the same exact kind of criticism that was levelled [sic] against Trump. It's clear that all the rhetoric coming from left circles are beginning to have real world consequences. This canard that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism is a heaping pile of smoking BS, served on the finest silver platter. You know, it's like those people who say, but some of my best friends are Jews. Yes, some of my best friends who I speak badly about behind their back...
Read the whole thing. Mason nails it. While both Baudet's and Mason's words are troubling, there are signs out there that in spite of everything, there is still a mass of good, decent people who know things are wrong and are searching for answers and a way out. We shall see if the minions of Dao-Min Yen will have their way come the midterms and beyond. But there is a groundswell, try as the propagandists might to ignore, censor or smear it. Keep praying and keep your powder dry.
- "EcoHealth President Peter Daszak played a key role at the onset of the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic in suppressing debate that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have played a role in the virus's release into the human population."
Why Did a Pentagon Subagency Dedicated to Countering WMDs Give $37.5 Million to Firm With Ties to Wuhan Lab?
- "Lies upon lies, poetic injustice, arrogance, and an agenda that harmed millions of people. A novelist couldn't have written him better."
It's Clear Now Anthony Fauci Isn't a Fool, He's a Villain
- Conrad Black: "China has won this round so completely that the [junta] is visibly dazed, and is lashing out at the wrong opponents."
China Is the Big Winner from Our Chinese COVID Hysteria
- "At no time has the ideological goosestep among the Democrat leadership been more apparent than during the pandemic."
The Pandemic That Keeps on Giving
- "The panicky response to [Chinese] COVID was unwarranted and not based on the actual facts on the ground but on manipulated and unproven assumptions.Those assumptions were touted for purely political reasons. Worse, too many Americans meekly accepted those assumptions without any of the kind of mature skepticism that is required of adult citizens in a democratic republic. The result: Our rights were violated and false and corrupt politicians gained power, power they eagerly abused."
More Evidence the Chinese COVID-19 Panic Was Just That: An Unwarranted Panic
- "...the Washington Post reported [so-called quote-unquote 'president'] Joe Biden's vaccine rollout is falling short of getting shots to at least 70 percent of adults by his July 4 goal."
Poll: 78 Percent of Unvaccinated Americans to Stay that Way, Unlikely to Change Their Mind
- "Hawaii officials have forced tourists to quarantine, arrest them, and mess up their travel plans for failure to follow the state's aggressive and arcane [Chinese] COVID policies."
Hawaii Plans to Vaccinate Itself Out of Chinese COVID Bondage
- Steve Karp, MD: "In the past eighteen months, Americans have been overwhelmed by too much, often conflicting information, and it's time for some clarity."
I've read that...
- "Despite video evidence raising serious questions of excessive force, a Justice Department investigation determined there was insufficient evidence to bring charges against the officer who fired the fatal shot."
If There's No Justice For Ashli Babbitt, There's No Justice In America's Future
- "There are lunatics that may be listening to her speech right now that will go out and act on her fantasy. She has planted that in someone's mind. That statement should have ended the career of that doctor because she is unfit to practice medicine. This is ridiculous, this is unprofessional, it's un-American, it's probably illegal. If not, it should be."
"UNFIT": Former Professor Blasts Psychiatrist Who Talked About "Unloading a Revolver" on White People
- Julie Kelly: "If the day was as bad as authorities say, why do they have to keep lying about what happened?"
Another January 6 Falsehood: $30 Million in Damages to the Capitol
- "It's a notable turnaround for District Attorney Mike Schmidt, who after taking office last August refused to prosecute 90 percent of riot- and protest-related cases." (he knows that they are a well-organized and politically protected Democrat terrorist death squad. He's either ignorant or in on it; nothing but wrist-slaps I'd wager - jjs)
Finally, Portland Antifa is Being Brought to Justice for Its Violence
- "All Americans have the constitutional right to peaceably assemble, but when protests turn into riots, all violence should be condemned and lawbreakers should be prosecuted. However, justice must be administered equally, and I'm concerned we see evidence that it is not."
"Justice Must Be Administered Equally" -- Republican Senators Demand Answers For 2020 Riots, Capitol Riot-cum-Reichstag Fire From DOJ
- "Mystery motive? Random? No reason? How's this: the Democrats and the lefty media demonize white people 24/7. Biden has black people believing gangs of white supremacists are patrolling in pick-ups looking to lynch their kids. The left tells black people, 'You are a victim. Systemic racism and oppression are keeping you down and white people are to blame.' What happens when you tell people they are helpless victims? They lash out, increasingly at white, Asian, and Hispanic people."
Is Anyone Else Noticing a Pattern With the Increase in "Random" Attacks on White, Asian, and Hispanic People [UPDATED]
- Jackie Mason: "The train is never late."
The 3 Constants in Life: Death, Taxes and Anti-Semitism
- "As anti-Israel attitudes in party's left flank grow, Dem voters stick with Jewish state." (how about get the fuck out of that party? - jjs)
Poll: Democrat Voters Support Israel
- "Gwynne Wilcox serves as counsel for union that spent millions on election."
Biden Taps Union Ally for Board of Federal Labor Arbiter
- "At the center of the probe is the state Health Department's policy issued on March 25, 2020 which ordered nursing homes to accept 'medically stable' [Chinese] coronavirus patients who had been discharged from hospitals. The rule has been blamed for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of elderly New Yorkers."
Feds Subpoena Top Angel of Death Cuomo Aides Over Nursing Home Policy, Chinese COVID Book
- Sick to death of this incompetent, mass-murdering, megalomaniacal fraudster.
Angel of Death Cuomo Sets Vaccination Goal For Lifting Chinese COVID Restrictions, Keeps Indoor School Mask Mandate
- Raffensperger was censured for "dereliction of his Constitutional duty," and the resolution "calls on Governor Brian Kemp and all elected officials to repair the damage that has been done and commit themselves to securing Georgia's elections."
Georgia Republicans Overwhelmingly Pass Resolution to Censure Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger
- "If the last month has taught us anything, today's conspiracy theory could easily be tomorrow's commonsense truth."
What if Proof of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud Develops?
- "If Congress were to enact such a sweeping law -- replacing election laws in all states -- it would be doomed by a constitutional principle even the most liberal justices have recently endorsed."
Even If Congress Pretends H.R. 1 Is Constitutional, the Supreme Court Can't
- "Based on Pullen's Friday estimate, counters have covered as much ground in the two weeks since the audit resumed as they did in the three weeks before the break. In keeping up with the recent pace, the recount could be completed with nearly two weeks to spare."
AUDIT UPDATE: Maricopa County Ballot Recount Ramps Up, More Than 60 Percent Complete
- Project much? and we're not a democracy.
Bug-Eyed Shit-Stain Schiff-for-Brains: "Trump and His Allies in Congress... Took Action After Action to Undermine Our Democracy"
- "The Atlantic Council hosts regular, high-profile events in Washington, D.C., briefs policy and lawmakers, and has presented speeches from the likes of President Bush, Governor Huntsman, and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The Atlantic Council receives its funding from corporates such as Facebook, as well as national governments and even Hunter Biden's Ukrainian oil firm Burisma."
Influential "Atlantic Council" Partnered With Flagged CCP Propaganda Group
- "Organista has been charged with eight counts of Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, a second-degree felony. Organista is a member of the Salt Lake City School Board and has been asked to resign as of June 3, 2021."
School Board Member Who Said "Ditch Trump!" Resigns Amid Child Porn, Rape Investigation
- "A rare bright spot in the controversial super PAC's underwhelming 2020 campaign."
Disgraced National Man-Boy Lincoln Project Founder and Pederast John Weaver Settled $300,000 Tax Bill on Election Day
- "While a top-Biden nominee calls for a $15 minimum wage on a federal basis, he does not call to pay students at his college the same rate."
Biden Minimum Wage Czar Demands Federal $15 Wage, But Students Under Him as Dean Make $13.50
- "I was the first one to endorse him when he came out as a congressman that a lot of people didn't know, and my endorsement helped him tremendously, and I know him very well. He's a great guy."
Trump Sees a Potential New Running Mate in 2024...
- "The report created by three Democrat groups, Third Way, Collective PAC, and Latino Victory Fund, asserts Republican messaging is carving inroads with voters, which 'moderate Democrats struggled to counter since some within the Party identify as Democratic socialists.'"
Democrat Report Indicates Party Panic Over Socialism, Defund Police Narrative with Working Class and Latino Voters
- "The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows that 54 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of conservatives want legal immigration levels cut in at least half, down to fewer than 500,000 annual admissions."
Survey: Protecting U.S. Jobs, Cutting Immigration Key to Winning Over Voters
- "Libs falsely accuse Democrat senator of voting 'to preserve Jim Crow.'"
Veep Throat Harris Niece Meena Harris Promotes Racially Charged Attack on Joe Manchin
- "In February, Villalobos made it known he is 'not afraid to make the tough decisions that have to be made,' which includes the border."
McAllen, TX, Citizens Flip Mayor's Office by Electing Republican Javier Villalobos
- "Do they just have bad political instincts, or is there a waning appeal for the priorities the Biden [junta] has embraced? The New York City mayoral primary may give us a sign."
Is the Progressive Project Over? New York City Mayor's Race Indicates It Could Be
- "Spurred by shifting public sentiment over skyrocketing rates of violent crime, Democrat mayoral candidates have abandoned calls from the left wing of their party to 'defund the police.'"
Poll: Majority of New York City Voters Want More Police on the Streets
- "Cops, in particular, are wary of the supposed law-and-order candidate."
Is Eric Adams New York's Best Mayoral Hope?
- "Give it up, Barry. The elites and the scientists were wrong."
Obama Still Accusing Trump of "Completely Ignoring Science"
- "The key to defeating the current government is embedded in the Constitution and the disbursement of political power."
The Depravity of the Democrat Party, the American Left, and the Media
- "Kamala is in Guatemala to discuss the migrant surge. She blames climate change and the economy. The Guatemalan president blames Biden's [junta]."
Pro-Trump Protestors Welcome Kamala Harris to Guatemala
- "Handing out cookies with her face on them as the border crisis rages...," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote on social media. "The modern-day equivalent of 'let them eat cake.'"
So-Called Quote-Unquote "vice president's" Office on Defense After Faceless Kamala Cookies Go Viral
- "The answers aren't down there in Guatemala because the cartel is actively recruiting."
Rep. Byron Donalds: Biden's Weak Border Policy Allows Cartels to Make $5 Billion in Human Trafficking
- "Kagan's opinion represents a blunt refutation of this sleight-of-hand attempt to undermine immigration law. Jonathan Turley has suggested that the Court's recent string of unanimous decisions like this one may be a subtle message to Democrats, warning them against packing the Supreme Court."
KAGAN Writes 9-0 Supreme Court Opinion Rejecting Liz Warren's Subversion of Immigration Law
- "This scene plays out everyday and night in the small town of La Joya."
"They Are In the United States": Parents Of 8-Year-Old Apprehended at Southern Border Are Nowhere to be Found
- They jumped out of the fire and back into a frying pan...
SHOCKER: Illegal Border Crossings by Venezuelans Up More Than 8000%
- "...a district judge ordered Lightfoot's office to file within the week a declaration under oath about whether the mayor's policy allowing interviews solely to journalists of color is still in effect or will be in effect in the future."
Light-in-the-Loafers Lightfoot's Attorneys Promise To Clarify Policy That Denied Interviews To White Journalists
- Silencing and persecuting your political enemies? Hell yes it works.
NYT Op-Ed Claims That "Cancel Culture Works"
- "Would it shock you if I told you she's lying about the reason why Twitter suspended her?"
Twitter Suspends Rebekah Jones for "Platform Manipulation and Spam"
- "Meidas Touch, which bills itself as 'a progressive, next-generation SuperPAC' media company, spent $184,854 on a television ad with Fox News this week."
Fox News Turns Down Leftist Group's Ad Pushing Jan. 6 "Insurrection" Propaganda
- "Divisions are plaguing the ACLU as progressive causes fight for predominance over the organization's original mission of upholding the First Amendment."
Internal Divisions Plague the ACLU as Leftist Activism Trumps Free Speech Advocacy
- "Serves as chairman of Otzma Yehudit political party."
Israeli Right-Wing Politician Files Criminal Complaint Against Facebook, Alleges Wire-Tapping After Wife's WhatsApp Account Blocked
- "...she refused to endorse the agenda of Black Lives Matter and voiced her own conservative opinions during a team discussion after viewing a left-wing political film about American prisons.When she also expressed some of her conservative opinions on social media, her coach demanded she delete the post immediately and call all the team's coaches and players to apologize."
Today's Blacklisted American: College Volleyball Player Blackballed for Her Opinions
- Margot Cleveland: "Judge Roger Benitez's opinion provides a perfect primer for Americans seeking to understand the law and the gun fallacies leftists push."
Don't Believe Leftist Lies About a Federal Judge's End to California's Gun Ban
- "As I read it, a roommate or cranky girlfriend can have me relieved of my guns. If you don't think the DOJ has thought this through you are wrong. They are leaving a ton of people in your life with the ability to have your guns, and your rights, taken away."
DOJ Successfully Chipping Away at Gun Rights
- "A recent poll from the Susan B. Anthony List found that a decisive majority of voters oppose on demand abortion and support a 15-week limit."
Poll: Majority Of Voters Reject On Demand Abortion, Support 15-Week Limit
- "Zelensky has been critical of Biden in recent days, speaking out against his decisions in a June 4 interview with Axios... Zelensky said that the Biden administration was endangering Ukraine's national security and empowering Russia by waiving Trump-era sanctions on companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2, a pipeline that would move natural gas from Russia to Germany and double the capacity of the original Nord Stream pipeline."
Biden Backs Ukrainian President In Tensions With Russia, Extends White House Invite Ahead of Summit With Putin
- "How Biden should handle the upcoming U.S.-Russia summit." (with the Kalorama Klowns running things, Putin knows he has us over a barrel, or millions of barrels - jjs)
Time to Make a Deal With Vladimir Putin
- "Biden [junta] restarts taxpayer aid to the Palestinians as they fund terrorists."
Palestinian Government Pays $42,000 to Family of Terrorist Who Killed Israelis
- "UNRWA condemns the existence and potential use by Palestinian armed groups of such tunnels underneath its schools in the strongest possible terms. It is unacceptable that students and staff be placed at risk in such a way."
UN Agency Admits Hamas Had Attack Tunnel Under Gaza Schoolyard Bombed By Israel
- Daniel Greenfield: "Violating Israeli sovereignty and US law to support Islamic terrorists."
Biden's War on Jerusalem
- "Thank you, Netanyahu."
Cheering Iran's Bad Luck
- "The Cold War is back, with a different adversary."
China Looks to Increase Its Nuclear Arsenal
- "DeSantis is also signing the Combatting Corporate Espionage in Florida Act, which creates 'new criminal offenses in Florida for the theft and trafficking of trade secrets.'"
Ron DeSantis Signs Bills to Stop Nefarious Foreign Interference: Corporate Media "In the Pocket of the Communist Party of China"
- "Colonial Pipeline paid DarkSide $4.4 million after the Ukrainian hacking group conducted the cyberattack on the energy company. The attack crippled the company's ability to ship gasoline and caused severe gas shortages in several states along the East Coast."
US Recovers Millions In Colonial Pipeline Ransom After Tracking Cryptocurrency Payment
- "The Court did not give reasons for rejecting the appeal, as is typical of such orders. But in a separate statement for three justices running the ideological gamut, Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted that Congress is weighing a change to the registration rules. The opinion is a signal that the Court could revisit the issue if a legislative change is not forthcoming."
Supreme Court Denies Challenge to Male-Only Draft
- "Afghan withdrawal could put interpreters at risk for Taliban retribution attacks."
Veterans' Advocates Slam White House for Lack of Plan to Evacuate Afghan Interpreters
- "CAIR and ICNA cry 'Islamophobia.'"
Florida State Rep Randy Fine Calls Terrorists What They Are: "Animals"
- "Muslims have been in the slave business a thousand years before 1619. So Nicole Hannah-Jones needs to write a new book: The 617 Project."
The Missing Half of the 1619 Project
- "Conservatives in Congress need to speak up about the nasty trend of investment firms using our money to go all woke."
"Woke" Asset Managers Rip You Off -- Using Your Money
- "Down-payment subsidies won't solve the housing crisis."
Help Homebuyers By Expanding Supply
- Daniel Greenfield: "BLM race riots and pandemic lockdowns made carjacking into big business."
How Democrats Created a Carjacking Outbreak
- "A recently published article from the American Psychoanaltic Association describes being white as 'a malignant, parasitic-like condition.'"
Health Care Journal Publishes Research Calling Whiteness a "Parasitic Condition" Without "Permanent Cure" ("permanent cure" will mean "final solution" - jjs)
- "...while the drug has shown it can eliminate the toxic protein clumps experts believe contribute to dementia, the regulatory agency doesn't know definitively if it actually helps improve cognition in the patients who receive it."
FDA Approves Alzheimer's Drug for First Time in Years
- "Pizza Hut launched the Empowering Educators initiative in August 2020, at the height of the riots that engulfed several U.S. cities in the wake of George Floyd's death in police custody in Minneapolis, Minn."
Order Anything From Pizza Hut and a Side of Toxic Racism Goes to Kids in Public Schools
- "The leftists appear to be threatened by any acknowledgment that Texas and the United States are in any way positive."
Leftists Pounce as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs '1836 Project' Law
- "Part three of a three-part series on extremist indoctrination in America's schools."
The Radical Reshaping of K-12 Public Education: Critical Race Theory and Woke Academics
- "A summer accounting program sponsored by a number of major New York universities and designed for high school students does not permit white students to apply."
WHITES NEED NOT APPLY: NY Accounting Program Bans White People
- "Economic and political pressures have worked in tandem to hollow out the humanities."
How Corporatization Killed Classics
- "'It is about brute force' rather than 'all this bullshit about the law and facts,' said now-disbarred lawyer who stood to gain $600 million in fees from pollution settlement."
Dems Ask DOJ to Help Lawyer Found to Have Falsified Science, Bribed Judge to Shake Down Oil Company
- "While they virtue-signal, everyone else gets to wait."
7-Eleven Chooses Wokeness Over Convenience With EV Charging Stations
- Our intrepid science reporter with a twofer Tuesday. First, "Capitalism in space: Jeff Bezos announced today that he and his brother Mark will be passengers on the first manned commercial New Shepard suborbital flight, now scheduled to launch on July 20th."
Bezos to Fly on First Manned New Shepard Suborbital Flight in July
- Next up, "There are many such pitted cones found in this region of Utopia Planitia. McEwen is especially hopeful that Zhurong can reach one and determine whether they are lava or mud volcanoes. He admits however that it is 'probably too far away for the rover to reach it.'"
Mini-Volcanoes (Mud or Lava?) Near Zhurong's Mars Landing Site
- "Cardona replaced former U.S. Secretary of Education Molly DeVos in January and has a completely different outlook on transgender athletes' participation in sports."
"If We Feel the Civil Rights Are Being Violated, We Will Act": U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona on Transgender Athletes in Women's Sports
- "One would think that Joe Biden's willingness to exploit a false story about Trump over the respect for those who fought and died serving our country would mean he'd never snub those who fell on D-Day, when roughly 2,500 Americans died. But he did, which makes his 'outrage' at Trump over the false story from The Atlantic seem even more contrived than it did at the time."
Veterans LIVID That Biden Failed to Acknowledge D-Day Anniversary
- "I guess this is what happens when you go out of your way to alienate fans, act like a petulant child on the court when losing and when you dox a police officer for saving a girl's life."
STUDY: LeBron James is the Most Hated Player in the NBA
- "Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a Reagan administration member, filed an amicus brief Monday in New York."
Former Reagan Attorney General Files Brief Against MLB For Relocating Atlanta All-Star Game
- Christian Toto: "Liberal scribes walk on eggshells to defend it, knowing they could be canceled next."
The Wrap's Film Critic Confab Cheers on Cancel Culture
- "The once-great chemical company's latest recruiting e-mail focuses on diversity, sustainability, and equity without ever touching on its corporate mission."
Dow Chemical is Boasting -- About How Woke It Is
- "Musician and author Andrew Peterson leads DreamWorks alums and Angel Studios to produce The Wingfeather Saga as an animated action-adventure TV series."
Family-Centric Fantasy The Wingfeather Saga Crowdfunds Record $5 Million, Heads Into Production
- Salena Zito: "Appalachia is complicated. On one hand, G-d, country, family, and work are the ethos of the people. On the other, the very locality of the land they love contributes to the disease of despair."
There Are Deep Roots in These Mountains
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:47 AM
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