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June 04, 2021
The Morning Rant

Do you ever get the feeling that there's somebody, or some group, somewhere out there, who's trying to get you to do something? I hate to sound all tin-foil-hat paranoid, but I get so tired of seeing things like this being pushed, and by "things", I'm referring to, example, worms or insects being touted as the food source of the future:
Because whatever food you're eating now, it's wrong:
Also, the joys of living in pods:
And then, apparently, I'm constantly being informed that my sexual desires are outmoded:
Where to begin? First, straight men most certainly do NOT cuddle, kiss, and stand around naked together. That's pretty much the very definition of homosexual behavior. Of course, they knew this, they just wanted to confuse the issue. Also, as ace pointed out a while back, the claim that this is backed up by "science" is an out-and-out lie, as all they have is a small, non-random sample of British men selected by the researchers themselves. And there didn't seem to be any provisions for weeding out liars and pranksters.
It's sort of like they used "science" to justify the conclusion they had already arrived at. Funny, that.
Ace observes:
Anyone notice a theme with the media's "reports" on sex? It's weird, it's almost as if they have an agenda to turn men into women or, if that's not possible, at least turn them into gay men, who are less Problematic.
I actually think it's worse than that. The elites' hatred of normal life, which, in this case, means normal heterosexual intercourse, is so intense that it goes beyond trying to turn straight men gay, but rather it's to confuse every possible sexual boundary and identity so that there are no longer any straights, gays, bisexuals, etc, but rather, it's all one big undifferentiated continuum where nobody has any real sexual preferences at all, but rather just a non-specific desire for hooking up, and it doesn't really matter who or what you hook up with. Ultimately, their goal is to make it impossible to identify as 'straight', or even 'gay'.
So here is what they want us to do:
1. Eat bugs.
2. Live in pods
3. Have sex with any orifice in any warm body.
4. Oh, and I almost forgot: Wear bizarre, crappy clothes.
...and that's their idea of civilization.
I keep seeing 'news' articles on these topics again and again, and the pieces are thinly-described evangelistic tracts. Many of them use a not-so-subtle "hey, everybody's doing it, why not you?" appeal.
So my question is, who is pushing this stuff?
In my paranoid fever dreams I imagine some Ernst Blofeld-type villain in a remote island fortress, petting the white cat in his lap while he issues commands to the international media to publish this or that piece and maybe he has a staff of writers there with him. I have to resist using phrases like 'new world order' and 'one-world government' and 'international communist conspiracy' to describe what I sense is being thrust upon us with ever increasing aggression, otherwise I sound like a nut. And I sleep with one eye open so I can watch for the inevitable blue-helmeted NPCs showing up at my house with demolition orders and a carton of bugs, carting me off to stuff me into a pod with some hairy guy wearing a rainbow tutu.
OK, I Laffed:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3 (leggy!)
Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6 (leggy!)
Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Wednesday Who Dis: Most of youse guys probably aren't familiar with Mark Damon (no relation to Matt) who started out as an actor, but then graduated to producer where he developed a reputation as not only one of the leading producers and distributors of independent films, but for his contribution to independent film finance structures by developing the industry-standard practice of pre-selling foreign rights and banking the distribution contracts. His contributions to the film industry were significant enough that a book was written about his career, From Cowboy to Mogul to Monster: The Neverending Story of Film Pioneer Mark Damon. He teamed up with starlet Merry Anders in the 1962 remake of Beauty and the Beast.
Bonus Who Dis: Who Dese Guys?
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Maple Glazed Sour Cream Doughnuts:

(click for bigger doughnuts)
Doughnut recipe available here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:13 AM
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