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June 01, 2021
Flashback: Complete Lack of Cellphone Signals Coming from the Wuhan Lab in October 2019 Suggest The Lab Might Have Been Evacuated Due to Accident
NBCNews, May 8, 2020: Report says cellphone data suggests October shutdown at Wuhan lab, but experts are skeptical
U.S. and U.K. intel agencies are reviewing the private report, but intel analysts examined and couldn't confirm a similar theory previously.
A private analysis of cellphone location data purports to show that a high-security Wuhan laboratory studying coronaviruses shut down in October, three sources briefed on the matter told NBC News. U.S. spy agencies are reviewing the document, but intelligence analysts examined and couldn't confirm a similar theory previously, two senior officials say.
The report -- obtained by the London-based NBC News Verification Unit -- says there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a "hazardous event" sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.
It offers no direct evidence of a shutdown, or any proof for the theory that the virus emerged accidentally from the lab.
If there was such a shutdown, which has not been confirmed, it could be seen as evidence of a possibility being examined by U.S. intelligence agencies and alluded to by Trump administration officials, including the president -- that the novel coronavirus emerged accidentally from the lab.
Why were there suddenly no cell-phone signals in the lab?
Obvious conclusion: Because they evacuated the lab and kept it empty while they tried to clean it.
As the NYT just reported: Biden is now troubling his Deep State agents to examine "unexamined evidence" they've just left sitting around.
President Biden's call for a 90-day sprint to understand the origins of the coronavirus pandemic came after intelligence officials told the White House they had a raft of still-unexamined evidence that required additional computer analysis that might shed light on the mystery, according to senior administration officials.