Insurrectionist Cafe: Knockouts and Goats Edition »
June 09, 2021
Lee Smith: The Real Reason Why The Democrat Party Is Using Antifa as Its Street Army
Third world shithole.
The Democratic Party has had a problem. It's a small, incoherent, and privileged clique funded by billionaire oligarchs to push policies that even mainstream Democratic voters oppose. How to bridge the gap? The solution they chose, which party officials made clear this week, was simple: the way third-world elites always do--by using street violence to keep their clients in line.
This is all "intersectionality" really is -- a branding mechanism to unite the various sects the Democratic Party has gathered under a big and potentially bloody tent. The current-day Democratic Party is a top-down structure paid for by the corporate establishment, led by Big Tech and finance, that appeals to a small class of managers, technocrats, and educators who for a variety of reasons, from self-pity to psychopathy, really do back the party's most sinister policies--like open borders, designed to impoverish America's working middle class. The party has lots of money and owns virtually all of the country’s major institutions, from the press to the Department of Justice. What it lacks, however, is voters. So they packed together interest groups and turned them into clients.
The trick is making them all fit...
That is, keeping them all united, despite having little in common, except hatred.
The point of the street violence, Smith deduces, is not to intimidate Red Staters.
It's to intimidate the nearby Blue City residents, letting them know that if they break faith with the Blue Street Army, the Blue Street Army will break their fucking heads open.
The Democrat Party tolerates and supports street violence to keep its fractious coalition united -- in fear of the mob.
Speaking of that fractious coalition -- the other conformity-enforcement mechanism is the filthy propaganda media, these last two or three weeks deployed to harass Sinema and Manchin into ending the filibuster so they could give their 2020 election-rigging legislative blessing and make endless fraud the rule going forward literally until the end of the Republic.
Which shouldn't be long now, frankly.