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The Left Refuses to Condemn Anti-Semitic Attacks, Because They Are Anti-Semites »
May 25, 2021
Whistleblowers Tell Project Veritas That FaceBook is Now Assigning Comments a "Vaccine Hesitancy Score" to Determine if a Comment Should be Deleted or Shadowbanned for Not Being Pro-Vaccine Enough
Oh, and FaceBook ranks users in "tiers" according to how pro-vaccine they are.
"Tier 1" is "direct discouragement," which means something as innocuous as saying "I'm holding off on getting the vaccine."
"Tier 2" means that you're "indirectly discouraging" getting vaccinated, not by saying "Don't get vaccinated," but by sharing a report on, say, side effects from the vaccine.
The whistleblower says that if the public accepts this program, they'll be rolling it out to suppress content about "everything." Anything the left claims "causes harm," which is, at this point, everything, including simply saying that "women have vaginas," which is a hatecrime because it makes trannies threaten to kill themselves.
Smart people have said for years that when leftwing fascism comes, it will come in the guise of "health and safety."
We're just tryin' to protect you, you know. We're just tryin' to make you safer.
Well, the future is now.