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April 30, 2021
Ted Cruz: Republicans Have Too Long Permitted Corporations to Attack the People. No More.
He says he won't take any money from a corporate PAC -- and he may not take their phone calls, either.
When a woke corporation needs a favor they'd usually ask of a Republican, they can call up one of their socialist friends in the Democrat Party instead.
After establishing that corporations are attacking Republican voters as well as their political hopes:
This is the point in the drama when Republicans usually shrug their shoulders, call these companies "job creators," and start to cut their taxes. Not this time.
This time, we won’t look the other way on Coca-Cola;s $12 billion in back taxes owed. This time, when Major League Baseball lobbies to preserve its multibillion-dollar antitrust exception, we'll say no thank you. This time, when Boeing asks for billions in corporate welfare, we'll simply let the Export-Import Bank expire.
For too long, woke CEOs have been fair-weather friends to the Republican Party: They like us until the left's digital pitchforks come out. Then they run away. Or they mouth off on legislation they don’t understand--and hurt the reputations of patriotic leaders protecting our elections and expanding the right to vote. Enough is enough. Corporations that flagrantly misrepresent efforts to protect our elections need to be called out, singled out and cut off.
In my nine years in the Senate, I've received $2.6 million in contributions from corporate political-action committees. Starting today, I no longer accept money from any corporate PAC. I urge my GOP colleagues at all levels to do the same.
For too long, Republicans have allowed the left and their big-business allies to attack our values with no response. We've allowed them to ship jobs overseas, attack gun rights, and destroy our energy companies. We’ve let them smear Republicans without paying any price.
As America's greatest basketball player observed years ago, Republicans buy sneakers, too. We cast votes, too. And we pay attention when CEOs come after our own just so they can look good for a few editorial pages and radical activists.
To them I say: When the time comes that you need help with a tax break or a regulatory change, I hope the Democrats take your calls, because we may not. Starting today, we won't take your money either.
Note he's not vowing to not take money from any corporation or CEO. Some of those are actually conservative.
But this is a good start.
It's also a clear sign he's running in 2024.
Even though donations from citizens now dwarf those from corporations, the GOP continues to be a 2 am "U up?" sext booty-call for corporate interests.
Republican leaders were able to rake in millions from grassroots campaign donations during the first fundraising quarter of 2021, leaving corporations in the dust after their freeze on political donations in January.
In January, Wall Street firms paused their political donations from their corporate political action committees (PACs) to some members of Congress after the Capitol Hill riot. Their reasoning was to threaten Republican members who were pro-Trump.
Axios reported, "If those companies hoped to push the GOP toward the center, they may have done just the opposite by turning Republican lawmakers toward their most committed -- and ideologically driven -- supporters."
Instead of the Republican lawmakers becoming negatively affected, they turned to their supporters. This, in turn, gave lawmakers the ability to use grassroots fundraising to rake in millions in small-dollar donations.
According to the campaign's filing, Axios reported Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) campaign committee received $1.9 million in contributions, all of which came from individual donors and no PACs in the first quarter. This included more than $700,000, which were "unitemized donations or donations that were under $200."
And yet China Mitch and his crew will continue favoring corporations over citizens.
And for some bizarre reason, citizens are continuing to donate to China Mitch.