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February 19, 2021
Tim Miller, Bulwark Writer and NeverTrumper, Appears on MSNBC to Wish "We Could Just Blow Up All the Trump Buildings"
Do we need some debaathification here? Maybe a drone strike to destroy the Bulwark's offices? We can't have this nest of viperesses spreading their toxic insurrection thoughts around, can we?
If it saves just one life to drone-strike the Bulwark, how can we refuse our duty??!

Wait, I'm sorry, I had that wrong. I was blaming The Bulwark's Tim Miller for this, when obviously it was 90s riotgrrrl Alanis Morrisette.
Whoops, no, I've been corrected again -- this is The Bulwark's writer, Tim Miller. Who is, it is alleged, male.