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February 19, 2021
Venezuela embraces privatization? [TheJamesMadison]
"Saddled with hundreds of failed state companies in an economy barreling over a cliff, the Venezuelan government is abandoning socialist doctrine by offloading key enterprises to private investors, offering profit in exchange for a share of revenue or products," write Caracas-based journalists Fabiola Zerpa and Nicolle Yapur.
Well, that certainly sounds like a good movement, right?
What idiot would fall for it though? With Maduro still in charge of the Venezuelan government, and his cronies still implanted throughout the government, what idiot would think that purchasing state owned companies would be a good long term investment?
It's not about ideology, it's about corruption. The socialist regime in Venezuela is massively corrupt. Just buying the company probably involves more payoffs than the investment is worth, and even if you get the company to a place of success, what kind of guarantee could Maduro's government give you to satisfy you that they won't steal the company away again?
Venezuela's nightmare won't end until Maduro shares the same fate as every other dictator deserves, until the entire leadership of Venezuela's government is hanging from nooses by the hands of angry mobs. Only then will there be an opportunity to regrow trust, but it'll still probably be hell for a decade before anything stable begins to form, if it forms at all.
Socialism, kids. Not even once.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:33 PM
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