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January 19, 2021
Report: Chris Stirewalt "Laid Off" Along With 20 Other Fox News Staffers
BREAKING --> Fox News political editor Chris Stirewalt was laid off today alongside just under 20 Fox News staffers. Stirewalt sat on the Fox News decision desk, which has come under fire for its early call on Arizona election night. Story forthcoming...
More at Breitbart.
Stirewalt previously worked for the Washington Examiner -- shockingly enough!
Gee, why do all these liberals keep coming out of these billionaire-funded vanity rags? Is there some kind of connection?
Could it possibly be that billionaires tend to be socially extremely liberal and have used their money to hijack a formerly conservative party and turn it into a left-liberal socially/archlibertarian economically party?
I'm really sick of "conservative" organizations hiring liberals, figuring that if the liberal comes from the old Dixie states, that "counts."
Like when they foisted Kathleen Parker on us as a "conservative," even though she was a raging feminist leftwinger.
They thought her accent made her "conservative enough" to represent us.
No, it doesn't.
I won't be returning to Fox.
This is something that should have happened in 2018, after Fox's first mad dash to be more leftwing than CNN in its election calls.
It's too late now. Fox is a dead brand.
Let them continue chasing the Phantom Audience they would prefer, which is apparently NPR listeners who appreciate CNN's hyperleftwing take but would like some more bad rock-and-roll guitar riffs in show bumpers.
By the way, CNN didn't carry Trump's farewell address -- even after they criticized FNC for not carrying an empty dementia-ridden Biden speech.