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[Buck Throckmorton] »
January 17, 2021
A Serious Question: What Makes The Most Sense, Switching Party Affiliation To Independent, Or to Something (Anything) Other Than Republican?
It's all done except for the check mark in the "Independent" box or one of the other minor parties that my state recognizes as a viable political organization.
Strangely, I see on the form that one of the choices is "Republican," but I don't see them as a viable political party as much as a funnel for money from the unwise to the head grifters. If I had hired a contractor or a car mechanic and got the kind of shoddy work I have received for my support of the Republican party in NJ (and nationally), I would have fired him that day and asked for my money back.
So...Conservative is tempting, but judging by the state of the website, I might be quite lonely.
And what about registering as a Democrat just to vote for the most idiotic and outrageous of their candidates? That would be fun but unproductive.
The U.S. Constitution Party is another option. That sounds like fun! But I might need a custom-made tinfoil hat. I mean, they are correct that our government is corrupt, but their perspective is right out of left field.
I can't see myself as a Green Party member. I just don't dig chicks with hairy armpits.
Libertarian? Yeah...no. I am not a stoner, and I want the damned borders closed.
Ooh! here's one! The Natural Law Party. I like their platform, all seven planks! It's nice and short and hasn't been touched since 2002.
In reality, it doesn't matter at all. the important message is that I am leaving the Republican party, not that I am going anywhere else. And it's not just that I am leaving them; I want to hurt them. They need to suffer; they need to bleed; they need to be driven from the public square, metaphorically chased by patriots with whips.