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January 12, 2021
Uganda Blocks FaceBook and Twitter To Block The Tech Monopolies' Power to Interfere In Their Elections;
Twitter Bizarrely Declares That the Free Flow of Information over the Internet is Critical During Elections
Remember, Twitter banned any mention of Hunter Biden's laptops or the secret deal to set aside 10% of the money gotten from Chinese spies for Joe Biden.
Before the election.
They have repeatedly banned, shadowbanned, throttled, and limited conservative speech during election season.
And now they whine: but it's so important to have an unimpeded exchange of ideas during an election.

You don't say.
This guy points out that Uganda did what the Corporate Cuck GOP never did: Protected its people from tech monopolists with harmful agendas.
Robert Barnes pointed out, in a podcast with Viva Frei, that Jack Dorsey has opened himself up to a shareholder suit. And an SEC criminal charge for fraud.
Dorsey previously testified, to Congress, that the reason he had not banned the Ayatollah of Iran for his constant incitement of violence is that Twitter had a policy to never -- N E V E R -- ban a state actor account.
And then they banned Trump.
And then their stock price dropped 12%.
The claims of principals of a company must be completely true. If they are not true, and investors lose money based on those false representations -- like, for example, Dorsey claiming Twitter had an ironclad policy against ever banning the chief executives of nations -- then not only can shareholders sue to recover the money they lost, but the SEC can investigate and prosecute the false represenation.
But of course that won't happen.
Because the GOP has delivered the nation into the total control of the Tech Overlords.