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January 07, 2021
Insurrection? Portland Mayor and Antifa Supporter Ted Wheeler Punched by Antifa Member at Restaurant
Will she be prosecuted for sedition and treason or nah?
Sergeant Kevin Allen, a spokesperson for the Portland Police Bureau, originally described the interaction as a "punch." Allen said the assault occurred around 8:30 p.m. No injuries were reported and the suspect, who has not yet been identified, left, according to the police. No arrests were made.
Videos posted on social media Wednesday evening show a group yelling and cursing at Wheeler as he sat in an outdoor dining tent.
"You are going to be made to feel like the scum you are," one yelled. "Fuck you, fuck you, shame on you."
Meanwhile, it appears that Capitol Hill Police shot and killed a fourteen-year Air Force veteran armed only with her voice, and the same people that mourn George Floyd are pretty sure this White Trash Deplorable deserved to be executed.
For climbing through a window, and for trespass.
The liberal chin-strokers of Conservative, Inc. are not even asking questions about the appropriateness of shooting an unarmed, nonviolent protester in the neck.
Social media never once banned any of the leftwing propaganda companies pushing the idea that Leftwing Violence Is Always Justified:
No one in the Omniparty has anything much to say about antifa descending upon Senator Hawley's home and threatening his family.
That's not an "insurrection," see -- because Trump wasn't involved.
Chris Nagus
Protestor Patrick Young of @ShutDown_DC
says group wouldn't have gone to Virginia home of @HawleyMO
if they knew he was in Missouri. Young: "I'm very surprised Sen Hawley was not home." I'm told the group is not ruling out a return visit.
"Protester" Patrick Young menaced a Senator's family.
But that's not insurrection. It's just "protest."
Young added "If Senator Hawley continues our attack on our democratic process we will probably try to have a follow up conversation with him." Hawley's office says the group refused to disperse until police showed up.
That's a threat.
Whoops, no, it's "protest."
Hawley's statement "...in fact, when Erin, Josh's wife, asked them to leave they instead screamed threats through blow horns at Erin, a newborn baby and their neighbors., and then they followed up by stepping onto their porch to pound on the front door and peer inside..."
Patrick Young of @ShutDown_DC added "we certainly don't want to do anything to intimidate the senator's family and we understand people are concerned about having political activity at their homes. We are in the middle of a pandemic most people are not working from offices..."
Continued: "people are working from home. So if we want to talk to powerful people we need to go to where we think they are going to be.
A Twitter user name Cate Long immediately pointed out that Hawley was in DC, at work -- something readily apparent by just turning on CSPAN.
The level of deceitfulness from so-called "Shutdown" group is astonishing. All they need do is look at @cspan to see Senator @HawleyMO has been at the Senate during the pandemic.
This is not insurrection, because the left and their Establishment GOP allies approve of it.
This just in:
Make sure you send a check to National Review. They support "politeness."