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December 27, 2020

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (12/27/20)

a typical sunrise.jpg

(H/T Photo - NaclyDog)


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protests, you can also go to a Christmas party,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany

Quote II

“Actually his or her heart is beating 100 to 160 times a minute at 6 weeks. Simple biology that has nothing to do with the sex of the individual writing legislation.” Benjamin Watson

Quote III

“This is not the desired outcome, regardless of the circumstances that led to police involvement with this individual. Life and safety are our primary concerns, and right now our main preoccupation is with finding this person.” Lowell Police Commissioner Kelly Richardson

Quote IV

“These individuals have taken responsibility for their past actions, paid a price to society, and demonstrated the ability to turn themselves around and live responsibly." Democratic Colorado Governor Jared Polis

Quote V

"If more members of Congress took the bus on a more regular basis. We'd probably be at the top of the list for funding." Joe Schwieterman, a transportation expert who directs the Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development at DePaul University.


The Nashville bomber has been identified. His photo and name are in the story.

That's all I'm saying.


I'm sure we all know at least one person like this. We might even be that person.Why some people always run late.

It’s not always rudeness or scatter-brained behaviour – it can be something much deeper, writes Laura Clarke.

Confession: I am a late person. At least, one in recovery. In fact, I’ve repeatedly, and embarrassingly, missed the deadline for this article. I’d love to pretend this is some journalistic form of ‘method’ acting. It is not.

I know I’m not alone. We all know that person: there’s the child minder who is always late, the colleague who misses every deadline, even if just by a few hours, the friend you must tell to arrive 30 minutes earlier than she needs to for your lunch reservation.

Despite what may be running through your mind as you’re kept waiting, it’s unlikely your friends and colleagues are just being selfish


I found the next link interesting. I'm not sure if you will. I know we have several commenters who are or were in the health care profession. Wonder what their thoughts are. I know I have mine. Vaccine incentives matter

I am a physician in private practice in [redacted]. We have just been approved to order and administer the vaccine to tier-appropriate patients. Medicare has approved a payment of 18$ for the first shot and 28$ for the second. As far as we can determine we will not be allowed to bill for an office visit so that is the entire amount we will receive for registering the patients, screening then for covid outside of the office, taking their vital signs, taking a history to see if there are any contraindications to the vaccine, administering the vaccine, observing them in the clinic for a minimum of 15 minutes up to 30 minutes depending on their history, and recalling them in 28 days and going through most of the same procedure again, minus the registration and history. There is also an extensive regime of recording and reporting all vaccination data daily to the state government. We had anticipated hiring someone to manage this new service due to the amount of new work that is required. At this rate we might be able to give 10 shots an hour in each of our 3 clinics if we see no other patients for illness, injury, or covid testing.

Do I need to say that we cannot possibly afford to do this for the reimbursement offered. The alternative is for patients to receive the vaccine in some state funded site or clinic. That may take a very long time to roll out.

We need many more economists complaining about this, right? Other than John Cochrane, where will we find them? Why do we not find them?


For years the left has used the courts as their battle fields. The tables have turned.

In an attempt to discourage the continued assault on their city by ideologically based activist groups, the City of Detroit has taken a new tack in filing a lawsuit against the activists of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Officials for the City of Detroit have filed a lawsuit against Black Lives Matter activist groups alleging a “civil conspiracy.” The lawsuit claims that the protests in that city “have repeatedly turned violent, endangering the lives of police and the public.”

Fed up with SJW crap, a Nevada mother sues over critical race training.

Plaintiff alleges he was “compelled … to make professions about his racial, sexual, gender and religious identities in verbal class exercises and in graded, written homework assignments which were subject to the scrutiny, interrogation and derogatory labeling”

I wish her well. However, I'm not holding my breath that she will win.


I'm almost tempted to go to the ER. My schadenboner is fours old. Go woke and go broke NBA.

The NBA put its best and shiniest presents under the tree of the American television viewer on Christmas Day and America said, no thanks.

The NBA, which uses Christmas Day to showcase their best games and talent to jumpstart their season, had their gifts returned by viewers who were less than enthused.


You can rationalize anything you want to. Don't believe me? Cuba's next delicacy and it's nutritious to boot.

Rats-on-a-stick: Cuba touts 'nutritious' rodent meat as healthy, 'sustainable' food

Socialism, it seems, always boils down to being forced to eat some kind of rat.

That was the case in Chile during the early-1970s Salvador Allende period, where my old Chilean college roommate told of seeing canned rat meat imported from Maoist China on store shelves there.

Now it's true in Cuba.

According to a detailed report from Frances Martel, writing in Breitbart News:

In an alleged attempt to promote nutritious eating on Tuesday, a news broadcast on Tele Mayabeque, a Communist Party-approved network, revealed that the Castro regime had organized a meeting with chefs to design meals featuring guinea pig meat. The broadcast also encouraged Cubans to "socialize the experience of raising the guinea pig" by the entire family.

Cuban officials, the reporter explained, sought to promote the alleged health benefits of eating rodents "to incorporate this animal protein to the family table."

"According to the experts, the average protein content [of guinea pig] is 19 percent, superior to porcine and bovine meat. Its consumption is a clear ally against anemia and malnutrition," the reporter claimed.

To "elevate the culinary culture" around eating rodents, the report detailed, the government asked a group of Cuban chefs to design new meals around guinea pig as a core protein. One chef noted that they designed 11 dishes, but ran out of time. Ideas left on the cutting room floor included rodent meatballs and hamburgers.


How the DOJ arrested Roger Stone was pure unmitigated Bull Shit. Good luck with this Roger. Although you have a snowball's chance in hell of success.

Roger Stone has announced that he will file a $25 million lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) while his lawyers file complaints for prosecutorial misconduct against a number of key DOJ officials.

The lawsuit comes just days after he was granted a presidential pardon on Dec. 23 by Donald Trump. He had previously been granted clemency, with his prison time, unpaid fine, and supervised release commuted.

“The terms of my pardon allow me to sue the Department of Justice, Robert Mueller, James Comey, John Brennan, Rod Rosenstein, Josnathan [sic] Kravis, Aaron ‘Fat A**’ Zelinsky, Jeannie Rhee, and Michael Morando,” Stone posted to social media site Parler.

“My lawyers will be filing formal complaints for prosecutorial misconduct’s with DOJ office of professional responsibility at the same time I file a 25 million dollar lawsuit against the DOJ and each of these individuals personally.”

“In fact I am going to add Bill Barr to the lawsuit and I will handle his cross-examination personally,” he added.



Fox News ratings will continue to fall. Brit Hume snarks at Donald Trump and it doesn't go so well.

On Saturday, Fox News' Brit Hume lashed out at President Donald Trump in a Shakespearian style tweet. The comment from Hume comes as Fox News' rating continue to crumble after they completely abandoned President Trump after the 2020 election.

Hume was replying to a tweet from the President that read: "The U.S. Supreme Court has been totally incompetent and weak on the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. We have absolute PROOF, but they don’t want to see it - No “standing”, they say. If we have corrupt elections, we have no country!"


Just another reason to dislike Tesla owners. Tesla’s new Boombox feature will let car owners fart at unsuspecting neighbors

Tesla’s new holiday update will finally give people the ability to use a new Boombox mode, which can broadcast custom audio on the outside of the car (hence the name). As is common with new Tesla features, Boombox combines real utility with lowbrow humor: owners can use fart and goat sounds in lieu of normal, boring honking sounds car horns usually make.

The mode rolled out with a number of other updates as part of Tesla’s firmware 2020.48.26 update, and is something Tesla fans have eagerly anticipated. In the new mode, which can be seen at the timestamped section in the video below, several sounds are available for Tesla owners through the Toybox section they can use in place of a regular horn: goat baaing, applause, a little “tada” clip, someone speaking posh and, of course, the fart.


The cries of "Let it burn" and worse are caused by shit like this. Congress spends tax payer dollars to subsidize the people who have declared war on us.

Congress to give Pakistan $$$ as they free Daniel Pearl’s killer, refuse to free doctor who led us to Osama

Pakistan will NOT release the doctor who led US forces to Osama Bin Laden. However, Pakistan WILL release the killer who beheaded an American.

Congress is handling this by giving Pakistan 24 million dollars of taxpayer money. NOT SATIRE!

Among the handouts in the $900 billion stimulus bill that ostensibly is to help Americans survive the impact of the coronavirus lockdowns is $10 million devoted to “gender programs.”


The ONT Musical Interlude



By God this will show her! Genius Award Winner.

A Spanish prisoner cut his own penis off on Christmas Eve after his wife wouldn’t come to see him for a conjugal visit. Medics saved the unnamed inmate’s life in the medical centre of a prison in Puerto de Santa Maria near Cadiz, Spain. It is not yet clear if staff were able to reattach his penis. Local reports claim the man has mental health issues. TAMPM Puertos – an association representing prison workers – confirmed the case, saying: ‘An inmate amputated his penis because his wife didn’t want to go to prison to see him.’


Who knew a bunny could lift one's spirit? Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Creative Photography.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. ONT tips, loose change, drink tokens, fruit cake and burner phones to petmorons at the gmail dot com. Ugly sweaters, ill fitting socks and complaints to someone who appreciates them.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:50 PM

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