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December 18, 2020
The Morning Rant
So here is a tweet that puts pretty much everything that's wrong with "conservativism" in one condensed, little package:
Let's look at what Sen. Paul said again:
"The election in many ways was stolen and the only way it will be fixed is by in the future reinforcing the laws."
I think the most important and telling part of this sentence is the phrase, "in the future". So Paul is not proposing that anything should be done now, or, heaven forbid, that he should do any of it. Rather, let's just ignore everything that happened in the last couple of months, the suspicious counting, the mysterious, appearing-in-the-middle-of-the-night ballots, the unsecure mail-in voting, let's just put all of that behind us now, and, going forward, it's all going to be good. Trust us.
Real conservatives have been complaining for years that fake conservativism, (Conservatism, Inc.) doesn't ever really conserve anything.
What hill should we be willing to die on? The next one. Or the one after that one. But the one we're standing on right now? Nope, sorry, not this one. Too risky.
And here's more after-the-fact bravery from Miss Lindsay: "Social Media Companies And Mail-In Voting Will Destroy Conservatism If We Don’t Push Back". Heh. No, the time to push back on the Democrats' efforts to normalize unsecured mail-in voting was BEFORE the election, not a month later.
Let's fight tomorrow. But let's not fight today.
When is it time to be brave?
When is it time for battle?
When is it time to fight?
When is it time to give your all?
When is it time to sacrifice?
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...
I'm Sure You're All Going To Be Really Surprised By This:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5 (leggy!)
Photo 6Photo 7 (leggy!)
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Monday Who Dis: Sondra Currie and Bradley Cooper starred in 2009's The Hangover and in two sequels.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Cherry Pie:
Cherry pie recipe is here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:11 AM
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