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December 14, 2020
The Morning Rant
I think there are different kinds of TDS. Or perhaps it's just degree. Some like, Rick Wilson and Bill Kristol, seem to have totally succumbed to madness, as if Donald Trump is shooting rays from his eyes directly into their heads, and it is melting their brains. Not pretty. But then there are those like Rod Dreher, who, like many cancer or dementia patients, have good days and bad days. I generally don't like Dreher, but sometimes he can get it together enough to write
something good, so I'll give him props for that. But he was not having a good day here:
Apparently, Rod was watching the Washington DC Trump rally, and the somewhat dormant TDS woke up and engulfed his brain. The thread and the responses have crossed the border from 'batsh1t insane' to 'clinically delusional'. It's like a late night dorm room bull session where everybody is passing the bong around and the comments just get more and more hallucinatory:
1st stoned guy: Trump is a dictator! ( *toke toke* )( *passes bong* )
2nd stoned guy: Trump is a fascist! ( *toke toke* )( *passes bong* )
3rd stoned guy: Trump is a fascist dictator! ( *toke toke* )( *passes bong* )
1st stoned guy: (stoned laughter) Yeah man, I was watching a Fellini movie once, and ( *toke toke* ) it was just, you know, like, well, you know... (stoned laughter) (nods off)
2nd stoned guy: Hey, pass the bong, man.
1st stoned guy: (wakes up) What? Oh, yeah... ( *passes bong* ) (stoned laughter)
2nd stoned guy: ( *toke toke* )
(several minutes of silence)
3rd stoned guy: Uh... so what were we talking about again?
(more silence)
2nd stoned guy: Trump is a fascist dictator...
1st stoned guy: Who? Oh yeah, the guy from that Fellini movie.
3rd stoned guy: Trump was in a Fellini movie? Oh, wow...
1st stoned guy: Hey, I know what.
2nd and 3rd stoned guys: What?
1st stoned guy: Let's do some 'shrooms!
All: (stoned laughter)
I've never understood the 'Trump is a fascist dictator' schtick. What has he ever done? Name one thing that he has done that is dictatorial. Issued a few EOs? That's pretty much par for the course for every president these days. Put kids in cages? That was a program started by Obama. I can tell you some things he hasn't done. Like this summer, when blue cities were burning, he could've signed some sort of emergency decree, then used that authority to send in military units to quiet things down. But he waited for the state governors to act, as it is their primary responsibility. He waited until he was asked to send National Guard units.
That's not dictatorial. That's pure federalism. In fact, I would say that Donald Trump is probably the one president most respectful for federalism and aware of the boundaries between federal, state, and local government in modern times. But Dreher sees him transported in a helicopter above one of his rallies and he soils his pants. And what that proves mostly is that we need a better class of political commentators.
So It Wasn't Really Broken, Then?
Who Dis:
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For the 'Ettes:
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Friday Who Dis: I always have trouble picking out modern-day actresses because I'm familiar with hardly any of them. But I did see Anya Taylor-Joy in the Netflix series The Queen's Gambit and found I could pair her with Paul Sparks (known chiefly, I think, for his work in Boardwalk Empire because they were both in a 2017 movie I had never heard of, Thoroughbreds.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Chicago-Style Bagels & Schmear: 
(click for bigger bagels)
Chicago-style bagels courtesy of The Bagelers Coffee House, Chicago.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:13 AM
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