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December 01, 2020
Obnoxiously Leftwing Former Actress Ellen Page Decides She's Not Getting Enough Attention or Work Lately, Decides She's a Transgender Now
Leftwing lunatic and aging former child actor Ellen Page has had a history with "coming out" as whatever sexual minority was trendiest and "hottest" at the time.
Previously, she decided she was a lesbian when being a lesbian was The New Black.
But being a lesbian doesn't shock any longer.
So now she's "trans," and she'll -- um, he'll -- be called "Elliot."
Elliot Page.
I would say "This is not a joke" but... isn't it?
Ellen Page is transgender and will now go by the name Elliot Page, he announced on social media Tuesday.
"I feel lucky to be writing this. To be here. To have arrived at this place in my life," he wrote. "I feel overwhelming gratitude for the incredible people who have supported me along this journey. I can’t begin to express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self."
Page, 33, said he will use he/they pronouns.
The "he/they pronouns." Um, "he" is a subject pronoun, "him" is an object pronoun.
So you'd say: I gave the ball to him. Object.
"He" now says his object pronoun is "they," so if you're writing about "Elliot" Page now, you are required to say:
"He demands that you call they by his proper pronouns."
We're no longer just rewriting the rules of grammar to let the plural "they" be a singular person's pronoun.
Now we're rewriting grammar to make the subject pronoun "they" an object pronoun, too.
This is even more moronically mentally ill than the usual moronically mentally ill bullshit.
Hey, let's further debase and deform the language by permitting Jared-Loughler-level mental cases to make up a new Lunatic Grammar for us, huh?
Remember, the Oscars now have quota rules for transexuals. Also remember that "Elliot" Page hasn't worked very much for years.
Now: Imagine that these two seemingly-unconnected facts are perhaps very connected indeed.
You can't change your race to become a privileged minority.
But with a single Tweet, you can change your "gender identity" to a privileged minority, deserving of quota positions and minority set-asides.

Elliot Page and his wife, Emma Porter.
Emma Porter married they in 2018.
Please don't laugh at they.
There is nothing funny about they. He is a normal person. You should show respect to they.
Say the Gay Away: Commenters point out that with one simple declaration -- "I'm a dude now or whatever" -- Ellen has converted herself from a lesbian female into a heterosexual male.
Glad to have another one on Team Hetero!
Welcome aboard! There will be no flan.
"Tranglish:" So vmom dubs this bizarre new nongrammatical pidgin language.
ShainS. tells me not to forget about "Transplaining."
It's ma'am!