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EMT 11/21/20 »
November 20, 2020
One ONT, With Commentary
So, it looks like there is starting to be some serious push back against these tyrannical lock downs.
This is really cool. I had no idea birbs were this smart. Now if you could stop the green team from cheating (they don't check the ball after baskets), you'd really have something.
This is exactly how these fuckers think, too.
Or else they're wondering why their parents are going crazy over some old guy spooning out food.
After sliding into first, the gal from last night's ONT decided to take up roller blading. Good thing she always wears a helmet.
And now, a word from the mainstream media:
The internet ruins everything
Tonight, on USA: They USED to laugh and call him names. This is the true story of the grisly murders that shocked one small northern town. Blood on the Antlers: The Rudolph Story. Parental discretion is advised.
You gals do know that y'all look just fine to us pretty much all the time, don't you?
I know “artists” who actually try this kind of thing
I think you'd just have to include me out of this. Of course, there's probably an epic weapon at the bottom of the ladder, so...
I'll send kitty in my place
Please tell me this is a joke. I mean, this is just sick. Quite frankly, it's child abuse.
Do you think Japan and Korea like each other? Me either. You'll probably have to right click and open in a new tab, but be ready for some invective if you do.
Is this what the kids today call smooth?
I did not know this either
I would buy something, just for the name alone
I completely relate to this comic. This year I feel more disassociated than I ever have. I think it's because I moved south and "dark early" no longer tracks with "cold". To my limbic brain it "feels" like it's getting dark early in May, and it knows that's just wrong
Graffiti is a crime. This is the Pun-ishment.
Back in the day, I was into the punk scene. It's disgusting how many former punk rockers are now establishment shills. To my mind, limited government and maximal personal freedom are the logical outgrowth of most of what punk rock was about, but many of the assholes are just happy to live as just another segment of the of the democrat human centipede. SMH. ETA Not that I think RATM is punk or anything.
Tonight's ONT brought to you courtesy of the red, white and pew:
posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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