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November 19, 2020
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
Commenter "Blake" suggested a topic for a rant, and it is apropos to our current situation. So I "Binged" it: "Paul Ryan's Betrayal" got lots and lots of hits!
We all know the unfortunate litany of his failings.Here's a sample:
- Failure to support perhaps the single most important issue of the 2016 campaign; building the wall and immigration
- Losing the House in 2018
- Not immediately endorsing Donald Trump when it became obvious that he was the nominee
- Slow walking every bit of the Trump agenda
- Dishonestly proclaiming himself a budget hawk, while doing nothing substantive
- Publicly proclaiming his desire to work against the President as a Fox board member
Add to that list at your leisure, because it would be difficult to write a complete one in a single sitting. It is also hard to imagine a less successful Speaker of The House. What exactly did he do? Help pass the 2017 tax cuts? My neighbor's dog could have shepherded that bill through the House.
It's called "The People's House" for a good reason. The House of Representatives is the most local of our federal connections, and the founder's intent twas that it reflect, for better or worse, the desires of the American people. And the people spoke loudly and forcefully in 2016, but Ryan, in his infinite wisdom as a budding elitist and social-climbing prig decided that their voices would not be heard.
Instead, he threw barrier after barrier in front of the President, and clearly showed where his loyalties lay...his masters were and are corporate interests who are nominally Republican, not out of conviction, but out of a finely tuned venality that is often at odds with the greater good.
But what galls me the most is his cowardice. He wilted under the lights during the VP debate in 2012, and he similarly shrank from the responsibilities of his position as Speaker of The House. He could have led a resurgence of conservatism in America, and had he galvanized the representatives who were on the fence, we would probably have held the House.
Instead he ran with his tail between his legs to a cushy and well-paid position as a fluffer for the liberals at Fox. Unfortunately for American conservatives, that is where he is most at home, because his political philosophy begins and ends with his defense of his masters, who should have been the American People, but are obviously not.