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November 05, 2020
Remember Chicken Pox Parties? Would You Attend A Covid Party? [Buck Throckmorton]
I have head chatter from those I know in academia that a growing number of students are attending “Covid Parties”. These parties are a young-adult Covid-era equivalent to the Chicken Pox parties of the 20th century. Chicken pox parties were for the purpose of exposing children to the disease, which was usually only a mild case which generally inoculated them against future cases that could be more severe. Chicken pox parties pretty much went away when a vaccine came out in the 1990s.
Are students intentionally exposing themselves to Covid? It would seem to be a logical decision, so long as they quarantine themselves for two weeks afterwards to avoid exposing someone who is older and at higher risk. Best of all, they advance herd immunity while also freeing themselves of an ongoing Covid-phobic lifestyle, since re-infections of Covid have been extremely rare.
In the New Covid Order, healthy young adults have been instructed to lead the life of lonely old shut-ins – perhaps into perpetuity. That is cruel. And now Generalissimo Fauci is talking about the need to repress freedom until 2022 or beyond.
If I were 21, it would seem like a fair trade to get the disease, go through the mild symptoms that most young folks endure (if any), stay home for two weeks, then go through life liberated. I’m also glad to see a little rebellion from Gen-Z. Somehow the Millenials produced a whole bunch of humorless hall monitors who would have excelled as church ladies in another era.
What about you? If you are/were a young adult, would you attend a Covid party to put this behind you? If so, how would you let the Covid zealots know that you are done with them making you observe the sacraments of their religion?

posted by Open Blogger at
03:05 PM
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