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October 30, 2020
Businesses in Blue Cities Board Up the Windows in Anticipation of Rioting and Looting by Democrat Orcs
Remember when constant urban strife used to be something we saw in the Third World, like Paris?
This is what the left has gifted us with.
Meanwhile, Washington, DC is actually permitting Black Lives Matter to take over the streets and have a... Jumbotron display.
Supposedly they'll be "dancing."
Uh-huh. Dancing flat screen TVs right out of Best Buy.
To kick off its planned week of election protests, the local organizing group ShutDownDC is anticipating "thousands" of protesters will come to its eight-hour event at Black Lives Matter plaza on election night. In addition to a Jumbotron with election results, the event will have DJs, performances from dance troupes like DC’s Step Africa, three GoGo bands, and speeches.
The election night demonstration is just night one of ShutDownDC’s planned weeks of action. On its website, the local group, which organized a city-wide shutdown last fall where they blocked major DC intersections in the name of climate change, describes election night as an opportunity to "process our feelings of hope, anger, fear and exhaustion as a community..."
I'm guessing that "anger" will get the majority of spotlight time.
Antifa has announced it will be rioting, targeting the election itself:
At a rally today, Trump called Sundown Joe "the candidate of rioters and looters."
He's not wrong.