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October 21, 2020
Breitbart: Hunter Biden's Swamp "Business" Partners Spoke Openly of "Leveraging" Their "Other Currency," Which Was Their "Direct Pipeline" into the Obama-Biden Administration
Remember: Joe Biden met with these guys.
To show that his son did have the sort of clout that would justify giving him huge quantities of money.
And then the "Big Guy," Joe Biden, would take his 10% share.
Hunter Biden's business associates spoke candidly in emails about Hunter Biden's role in the business, particularly as it related to foreign ventures, apparently viewing the Biden name as a form of "currency," and bragging that they had a "direct... pipeline" to the Obama-Biden Administration.
In another email, Hunter Biden's associates touted Hunter's access to the White House and contrasted his willingness to "take on risk" with that of Chris Heinz--then-Secretary of State John Kerry's stepson and a close friend of Biden and Archer--who was uncomfortable with some of their potential partnerships.
In October 2013, Hunter Biden's associates (including Devon Archer) discussed which one of their corporate vehicles would be appropriate for a new deal they were working on. Archer noted their need to use a "Rosemont Seneca SPV" (also known as a special purpose vehicle) because Rosemont Capital was too close to the Heinz family and because using an SPV could "bring Hunter into the mix." Archer explained his desire "to leverage Hunter more" in a way that didn't involve Heinz, who Archer called "much more risk averse."
Another benefit of the Rosemont Seneca SPV was, per an October 5 email from Hunter Biden and Devon Archer's business associate Bevan Cooney to Archer, it "would be good to put some honey in Hunter's pocket." That same day Archer responded: "Agreed. I also have more autonomy with that company as I own it with Hunter and he's willing to take on risk... Hunter will work if we need him too [sic] as well."
In an email on November 4, 2014, Biden's business associate Jason Galanis discussed a draft pitch that he was preparing for possible investors. Galanis explained that the presentation would cover boilerplate issues like investor protections. But Galanis also sought to emphasize their connections to the White House, specifically Vice President Joe Biden: "I wanted to focus on the 'other currency' we are bringing to the table... direct administration pipeline." Galanis also mentioned dropping Joe Biden's connections in their pitch when dealing with union pension funds. Galanis wrote, "maybe we should also remind of HB's dad's union relationships to justify the ask??"