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October 16, 2020
The Consequences of Election Fraud - What If LBJ Hadn't Stolen the 1948 Texas Senate Election [Buck Throckmorton]
200 fraudulent ballots in 1948 changed the course of 20th Century history. We cannot let election fraud in 2020 do the same to the 21st Century.
In the 1948 Texas Democratic Senate primary, Lyndon Johnson (“LBJ”) came up just short in his race against Coke Stevenson, trailing by less than 150 votes after all the ballots were counted. But six days after the election, the local political boss in Duval County produced 202 more ballots that had been “found.” Exactly 200 of them voted for LBJ, in alphabetic order, and with the same handwriting on the tally sheet that voters had to sign. LBJ won the election by 87 votes. Texas was still a one-party state in 1948, so winning the Democratic primary meant LBJ went to the US Senate in 1949.
What if Coke Stevenson had not been cheated out of his Senate victory? How different might history be if LBJ hadn’t become a Senator?
There would have been no Kennedy-Johnson ticket in 1960 without Senator Johnson. LBJ had become the powerful Senate Majority Leader during the 1950s. Because Texas had voted for the GOP presidential candidate (Eisenhower) in both 1952 and 1956, Kennedy picked LBJ to try to bring Texas back in to the Democrat column. Without LBJ, would there have been a President Kennedy? Without a President Kennedy how different would history be?
What if Richard Nixon had carried a Johnson-less Texas in the 1960 presidential race, defeating JFK and becoming President? There would have been no JFK assassination. And with Nixon stepping down from the presidency in 1965 or 1969, there would also not have been a Watergate in 1973.
More importantly, without a Senator Johnson in 1949 there never would have been a President Johnson from 1963 to 1969. Perhaps the awful damage done to this country by President Johnson could have been avoided.
The civil rights movement started during the Eisenhower administration, and it was gaining momentum when LBJ became President. Just when black Americans were finally escaping the government-mandated poverty of legal segregation, LBJ rushed through the Great Society to keep blacks dependent and poor, destroying the black family in the process. Without LBJ’s poisonous welfare policies, how different might things be today?
How about Vietnam? How different might history have played out if Richard Nixon was Commander in Chief in the 1960s?
Without the Kennedy assassination and Vietnam, how different might the 1960s have been culturally?
Without Watergate in 1973, we likely wouldn’t have had President Carter’s disastrous presidency. Of course, without President Carter we probably wouldn’t have elected President Reagan. But, without President Carter we may not have needed a President Reagan.
The mail-in ballot debacle of 2020 is for the purpose of sowing confusion. Democrats want to harvest as many ballots post-election as are needed to change the results of ballots cast at the ballot box. I will accept the results of election day. I will not accept my candidates losing after ballots continue to be found after the election. 200 fraudulent ballots in 1948 allowed “Landslide Lyndon” the opportunity to cause so much lasting damage to this country. We cannot let it happen again in 2020.

posted by Open Blogger at
04:52 PM
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