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September 25, 2020
MuhNorms: Noted Norms-Defender Charlie 3-Wives Sykes Wishes Death Upon Trump, Hoping for Him to Be Put in Front of a Firing Squad Like Romanian Strongman Nicholas Ceaucescu
See the thread here, of Noted Norms-Defender Charlie 3-Wives Sykes openly wishing for the president to be murdered, and then all the Bulwark fanbois (and bots, frankly) amplifying the death wish and calling for other methods of execution.

Wow, I can feel the Civil Discourse becoming more Civil by the moment!
Another guy who wished for Michael Anton to be decapitated still has his tweet up -- Twitter only cares about death threats and "glorifying violence" on a highly selective basis.
Also note that they always include a very Basic Bitch historical reference in their death wishes/death threats. They believe this transforms an possibly-criminal incitement to political violence into an erudite Cocktail Party witticism.
Charlie, what if someone were to be similarly witty and erudite and say, Oh, I don't know, something like, "When I think about the Charlie Sykes, I start daydreaming about a Robspierrean comeuppance..."
Or a Maratian ablution?
Do my Basic Bitch allusions rescue these from the category of thuggish, vulgar death-wish and incitement?
Are only your incitements to violence witty and playful?
Does my clever repartee help restore our precious Norms, or just yours?
Is this a game anyone can play, or is it only permitted to those protected by and serving as pawns for the Leftist Establishment?
Remember, guys, they oppose Trump not because they're urban liberals (Charlie Sykes has a notoriously liberal attitude regarding marriage and divorce) and corporate libertarians and always have been -- and have always used their positions to subvert the agenda of actual conservatives, a case of the enemy infiltrating their own agents for almost all of an army's leadership -- it's just that they can't stand how Trump erodes and betrays Muh Precious Eternal Sacred NORRRRMMMS!
Yeah that's it: It's not about liberals insisting on a very liberal form of the anti-liberal political party, it's just about MuhNorms.
And also: Muh Clever Incitements to Political Violence.
A little from Column A, and a little from Column B.