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September 04, 2020
Once More ONT The Breach, Dear Friends
OMG! We're living in a song!
Or Maybe We're In A Role Playing Game

A Smart Military Blog
Greece and Turkey are rattling sabers at each other once again. Here's an interesting article evaluating how their air forces stack up against each other.
What Happened To Good Old Fashioned TV Shows?
The Insufferables, or Sanctimony in the Seventies: How Hollywood Helped Make Liberalism Unpopular
Case in Point: Remember M*A*S*H? Now consider a first season episode with Frank and Hot Lips trying to suck up to get promotions while Hawkeye and Trapper effortlessly foil their plot with hi jinks galore verses a late season Very Special Episode where BJ almost cheats on his wife but at the last minute remembers What's Really Important In Life or the one where Hawkeye's all “OMG Spanky, the chicken was a baby! Waaaah!”. It's a different show completely, right? Why? Alan Alda got creative control and just had to prove what a kind and perfect progressive beta male he is.
I Can Not Lie
How did human butts evolve to look that way?
It's pretty simple: Due to us walking upright, but the article does go into more detail.
Not Bad Kid. Have A Coke
I think I would be way more excited if this was my kid.
Wholesome Content
Political Links
The Real History of Antifa This article does a pretty good job of laying it all out. Personally, I don't give Antifa any credit for being “Anti-Fascist” because they're fucking commies. Communism is the one ideology in the toxic brew of Marxism that's actually worse than Fascism. That's like being in favor of lung cancer and expecting to get props for it because you're against pnemonia.
The Real White Fragility I read this when it came out a few weeks ago. I forget what it's about, but I must have wanted to say something about it because I bookmarked it. I don't have time to reread it tonight so here I present it without comment.
FBI Says 4 Men in LA Caught Bribing Homeless with Money, Cigarettes to Commit Voter Fraud
We always have to win an election beyond the “margin of fraud”, but this year it's worse than ever. The left is pulling out all the stops to steal this thing. Vote, and make sure you take another Trump voter with you. Then go out and find 5 more. Drive them to the polls, and so on and so on and so on.
Better To Remain Silent And Be Thought A Fool
30+ Strange Things People Have Said and Posted on the Internet
This Is True
Fido Friday
Man Was Going To Return Shelter Dog, Until He Read The Previous Owner’s Note
Tonight's ONT brought to you by puppy mills – puppy treadmills that is:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:46 PM
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