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August 10, 2020
The Morning Rant
"SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE!" shrieked the Antifa thug with a 'DEFUND THE POLICE' sign and an ACAB T-shirt just before he was slammed to the pavement by the driver of the car whose progress he thought he could obstruct.
I've seen a number of videos where there's pushback on Antifa/BLM from normal Americans, either by simply not stopping their vehicles or actually getting out and decking one of the loudmouth protestors.
And I'm surprised (maybe I shouldn't be) how they react most of the time when this happens:
They start screaming "Somebody call the police!"
Isn't that kind of weird?
This is a group that wants to *defund* the police. And now they want *help* from the police who wouldn't be there if they had they way. They want help from from those whom they have previously declared to be bastards, all of them. That's what ACAB means, right?
It looks like the Antifa losers haven't thought through what it means to reject law and order. Because the laws and morality that they despise actually protect them. What if normal Americans did not feel restrained from going out and busting heads? What if the citizens of Portland decided that if the Portland police weren't going to do their jobs, they would do it for them?
If that day ever came, it would go very badly for Antifa/BLM.
In the video below, a scuffle breaks out and it looks like the Antifa losers are getting whupped on pretty good. This is called making them play by their own rules. They claim to have rejected all of the norms and values of Western Civilization. OK then, this is what life is going to be like when you do that. The violence and chaos they bring to others is now being visited on them. It's going to be all against all and only the strong will win. Soy boys with mental health and social adjustment issues will not stand a chance in such an environment. Do they actually think the world of 'Mad Max' is going to be fun?
"I Cannot Spare This Man, He Fights"
Because Why Should You Have To Work For A Living?
Dumbness level = 900 millikohns.
I Think I Found The High Priest of Denial:
Spider Vs. Snake:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Bonus Who Dis:
There was quite a bit of commenting in last Friday's rant thread concerning the manifold virtues of singer/actress Julie London. Remembering that she was a 'who dis' pick back in March, and because I'm a giver, I thought it would be fun to provide you morons with a surprise retrospective of those pics.
So, without further ado:
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7
Friday's Who Dis: Bond girl Luciana Paluzzi teamed up with Australian actor Rod Taylor in a number of productions, including an episode of the short-lived early 1970s TV series Bearcats! and the 1967 western Chuka.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Chicago-Style Hot Dogs:
Hot dog recipe here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:10 AM
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