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July 30, 2020
Tonight's ONT Is For The Birds
The Name Is Bond. Roger Bond
This is a great story from @right_movies:
I know he's not often spoken of as anyone's favorite Bond, but from every story I've heard, Moore was a true gentleman and an all around class act – plus he once beat up legendary tough guy Lee Marvin. (Marvin was hung way the fuck over when filming a scene for Shout at the Devil and started to fight for real, Moore calmly put him down. “The guy is built like granite. Nobody will ever underestimate him again." Marvin later said.)
Running Red
Goodbye, Washington DC.
I get the feeling. We're right now in the critical juncture of getting all of the mortgage stuff finalized for the move to Texas, and frankly I'm about to go a little freaking crazy. The lender is demanding a certain tax document, and the IRS, an organization known for it's glacial inefficiency at the best of times, is running at about a quarter speed as all its employees are taking coffee breaks at home due to covid rather than taking coffee breaks in their offices like they normally do. I just may not GET the document in the next 3 weeks. Prayers would be appreciated.
The true measure of a man is how he reacts under pressure. That and and not dressing up like a little girl (sound on).
Wild In The Streets
Stop me if you've heard this one before: A motorist driving through a crowd of protesters who madly try to get out of the way. We see that all the time now, right? Well, reality is now directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong because there's a twist to the story.
All At Once, Or What?
Five Women Masturbated Inside An MRI Machine. This Is A Video Of Their Brains During Orgasm
I mean, those things aren't that big, how did they all fit?
Strange, This Black Life Isn't Getting Much Media Play
Prominent Black Trump Supporter Murdered in Milwaukee
Gunned down in the middle of the day. What coverage I have seen has always referred to him as “black Trump supporter. He had a name: Bernell Tremmell. Remember it.
Related: (Language warning)
Attack Of The Karens
Ace posted about these social distancing Karens earlier, but he missed this one:
I have no idea what the woman I saying in Spanish, but the Karen's raw screams of rage are typical. The people are, I think, quite literally deranged. And they're holding the rest of us hostage to their unbalanced insanity.
Two For Bluebell
I know she likes these things, which are called doodles, by the way.
I haven't seen her around lately. I'm not saying she hasn't been around, I just haven't noticed her. This one takes a more realistic approach:
Well, I Always Get Up When It Comes On
Maybe He's French
This is the Antifa terrorist who fired 5 shots at a blocked car in Texas. He missed from about 30 feet. The driver returned fire. He didn't. The terrorist's pronouns are was/were
Tonight's ONT brought to you by The Bard:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:58 PM
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