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July 30, 2020
The Leftwing Democrat-Media Complex Has Given Moral Permission to Leftwing Lunatics to Literally Attack People For Not Wearing Masks
This is a growing problem.
The media scolds growing problems -- they are no longer primarily reporters, but free-roaming moral scolds who use their nominal jobs in "journalism" as a cover for Moral Policing.
So they would scold people for their social-distancing lunacy if they thought it was morally objectionable.
But they don't find it morally objectionable -- they find it morally laudatory and politically useful.
1. Man fires gun in Miami hotel because people weren't social distancing.
No scolding from the media about someone using a gun to assault people?
MIAMI -- A South Florida man fired a gun at a Miami Beach hotel after police say he became enraged over a mother and son's lack of social distancing.
A mother and son weren't socially distancing enough for this leftwing Karen's liking?
The incident occurred Monday evening in the lobby of Crystal Beach Suites on Collins Avenue. Marks noticed a woman, later identified as Veronica Pena, sitting on a couch with her son. He approached the two and told them to leave.
"You all aren't social distancing," Marks barked, according to the arrest report.
Ignoring him, Pena and her son didn’t move. She then overheard Marks say, "Let me take care of them, I have two people not following directions," before he grabbed a black firearm and let off several shots, according to Miami Beach police.
2. Female lunatic wishes death on little children for not wearing masks.
Note that these self-declared Lovers of Science apparently did not get the word that it's almost impossible for kids younger than 10 to catch covid, and there is not a single known example of a kid younger than 10 transmitting the disease to someone else.
But sure, Lover of Science. Scream at children because Tater told you to.
The masked woman approaches a mother with three kids in a grocery store, asking why the children aren’t wearing masks.
"They're not supposed to wear them," the mother says.
"That's not true," the woman shouts back.
"Yes, it is," the mother insists, mentioning something about schools.
Then the angry woman -- the "Karen" -- turns to a little girl, and says, "I hope you all die.'
She begins to walk away, and then repeats, "I hope you all die."
These impressionable mentally-ill lunatics are all wound up by the hyperpartisan hatred they catch from Jeff Zucker's CNN.
But does CNN ever counsel the many hysterics and hatemongers in its audience to be polite and reasonable about these things?
No, the example lunatics learn from CNN is that they should attack people if any deviation from Fauci's rules (however imaginary that rule might be) is detected.
This is going to wind up with someone murdering someone else because they saw Dr. "Tater" Stelter getting very riled up about Trump not wearing a mask outside.
And CNN will just giggle and collect its clickbait, hate-bait ad revenue.
Oh and by the way, you're suppose to fucking wear goggles or full face shields now, according to Dr. Brix.
Remember a month ago when they said we were monsters for buying masks instead of leaving them for our brave health care heroes?
Now we're supposed to fucking wear full face shields.
And I suppose deranged leftwingers will be instructed by CNN to shoot people who fail to wear the proper Contamination Hazard Level 5 PPE.