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July 23, 2020

The Morning Report - 7/23/20


Good morning, kids. Thursday and the top story is President Trump calling in Federal agents to help quell the violence and unrest, organized and otherwise, in a number of Democrat-Leftist controlled urban disaster areas.

... "In recent weeks, there has been a radical movement to defund, dismantle, and dissolve our police departments. Extreme politicians have joined this anti-police crusade and relentlessly vilified our law-enforcement heroes," the president warned. This movement "has led to a shocking explosion of shootings, killings, murders, and heinous crimes of violence."

"Today I'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime. We'll work every single day to restore public safety, protect our nation's children, and bring violent perpetrators to justice," Trump announced.

While Democrats across the country have condemned the president's efforts to bring law and order back to crime-ridden cities like Portland, Ore., and The New York Times ran an op-ed denouncing the president's "occupation of American cities," Trump insisted, "Frankly, we have no choice but to get involved."

The president specifically mentioned Chicago, where "at least 414 people have been murdered in the city this year, a roughly 50 percent increase over last year." He also mentioned the 15 people senselessly shot in a "merciless onslaught" outside a Chicago funeral home...

Propagandist media or no media, there is simply no way the Democrats can place the blame on Trump. It is plain as day for anyone to see that all of this madness is directly the fault of the Democrat mayors, governors and other elected officials. They are the ones who refused to act and/or worse, stoked the fires of insurrection and hatred, putatively because of the unfortunate incident in Minneapolis. In reality it was and still is yet another front in the effort to overthrow the President and in the long term (growing closer by the day, it seems) America as founded.

In any case, it's because the President refused to take the bait and get involved early on that I can make the aforementioned assertion. It's not his responsibility nor in his purview to do so. It's only after the manifestly irresponsible and criminal behavior of the Democrat rulers in question did he have no alternative than to call in the Feds. Unless you're a brain-dead young robot who's among the predominantly Caucasian terrorists committing the mayhem, you must be secretly cheering the President's decision. I don't really know how many agents he has or if it's a sufficient force to really tamp down the chaos. I guess had he federalized local police forces - something that Obama and Holder did in the wake of the Ferguson riots that those terror twins egged on with their repugnant brand of racialism in the wake of "Pants Up, Don't Loot" - the Democrat-Media Complex would have had it's "Trump is attempting a coup!" meme ready to roll. Maybe he's saving that as a last resort for that very reason. Again, whether or not people swallow it as the Dems are gambling on is the question.

There is another meme that is being set up now in which all this crap is playing a central role. The propaganda ministry has passed out the script that Trump calling in the Feds is his dress rehearsal for when he loses in a landslide to Joe Biden and refuses to leave the White House. The latest foghorn letting loose with this tripe is none other than Maxine "Mikvah" Waters. Here she is on bipedal talking knockwurst Joy Reid's show:

... this is what you see in countries where you have dictators. In third world countries, you have dictators who have paramilitary that they can call anytime they want. As a matter of fact, it has been suggested that this is a trial run of the president of the United States who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election if he's not elected. Is he going to pull out his military? Is he going to engage us? He has already alluded to there may be a civil war if he's re-elected. This is dangerous."

No, it is she who is dangerous beyond belief. I am of the belief that Trump will win, but the danger of the cheat factor because of mail-in voting as well as the shutting of schools, which encompass a sizeable number of polling places means he could "lose" in a squeaker. He will of course challenge that result, as would be his absolute right to do, and all hell will break loose. Considering the words and deeds from such great patriots as Mad Dog Mattis, Mark Milley, Esper, etc. etc., I don't want to even contemplate that possible scenario.

And then there are the generally silent but still deadly clouds of flatus that occasionally intrude with an obnoxious flapping of their orifices. I'm speaking of Bobby Rush. Here's his rap sheet courtesy of Discover The Networks (an invaluable resource you should all bookmark and refer to). One little kernel from the mound of festering feces that is his life resonates today:

... Rush, who named his own son "Huey" after Panther leader Huey Newton, became the "defense minister" of [Black Panther Party] BPP-Illinois and said in 1969: "Black people have been on the defensive for all these years. The trend now is not to wait to be attacked. We advocate offensive violence against the power structure..."

Flash forward 51 years, and dig this:

..."For Trump to talk about sending federal agents in Chicago -- we won't stand for it" he continued. "I think what Trump is really trying to do, my friend, I think that Trump is really trying to instigate a race war. He wants to have a reaction..."

As the saying goes, projection ain't just a river in Egypt. And once again, that brings us to the question of black America. Bobby Rush was right when he stated in 1969, that "black people have been on the defensive for all these years." Except they've been on the defensive from genocidal Democrat Leftist social engineering policies that, if they didn't snuff them out in the womb, made them bullet-ridden corpses by their late teens, junkies or convicts, it made them perpetual wards of the nanny welfare state; wasted lives and wasted potential, voting like automatons every two years for the people who keep them enslaved and perpetually angry - at America as founded.

Funny how blacks like Bobby Rush and Maxine Waters escaped that fate - and accrued a massive amount of power and wealth on the backs of inner city blacks for decades. Forget about the Antifa/BLM pretexts and propaganda. 14 people shot up at a funeral home has nothing to do with that. The black Portland police officer knows it, the brave black woman who dared dump paint on BLM street murals knows it, and I think that there is a significant number of nameless black Americans who know it as well. They've had enough of the Bobby Rush's and Maxine Waters' of this world cashing in on their misery for all these decades - misery that they and others of their ilk played a huge part in inflicting on them.

"Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our star is cast..."

Hope those words from The Negro National Anthem ring true, but not the way the Leftists imagine.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by at 07:54 AM

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