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EMT 7/18/20 »
July 17, 2020
Out, Damned ONT! Out I Say!
Friday night, time to clean out the image folder!
A more innocent time
ETA sorry everyone! I was stuck in a location without an internet connection and couldn't post!
I know I'd turn that shit off
Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes
The circle of life
Don Quix-woke-e
Triggering the woke. What nonsense terms can you chair hurlers think up? (Right click, open in new tab to embiggen)
This has potential, methinks
Which branch relabeled this cartoon?
Coming on too strong?
Bunny was asking for it
Is life imitating art?
Most of you will get this meme, in 50 years it'll be gibberish
Issues? Kid's got a whole subscription
Remember, a successful lie takes two people. One to lie and one to listen
Help Wanted
Always has been
Wrong captions only
Choose wisely
No wonder we're so screwed up
Shut up and take my money
No wonder we're so screwed up, part II
Honesty is the key to good relationships
The shit's about to hit the fan. How would you kit up?
Meanwhile, in an alternate universe...
About the “alternate” universe...
Tonight's ONT brought to you by wise words:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:40 PM
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