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July 03, 2020
Why Yes, That Is A Pig In Flight! Judge Agrees With The Firing Of Political Apointees
Michael Pack's nomination was held up by McConnell and the "Republican" senate for far too long, but it seems as though Mr. Pack is making up for lost time. And, shockingly, an Obama-appointed Judge agrees that administrative decisions belong to the administration!
Federal Judge Rules in Favor of USAGM CEO Michael Pack, Tells Fired Officials Decision Belongs "At the Ballot Box"
Federal District Court Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell, appointed by President Barack Obama, ruled in favor of U.S. Agency of Global Media (USAGM) CEO Michael Pack, dismissing a request from Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Ambassador Karen Kornbluh, and Michael Kempner, former members of the dissolved Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) and replaced members of the boards of directors of plaintiff OTF, RFE, Radio Free Asia, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks, and Ben Scott, a member of the board of directors of plaintiff OTF, to reverse Pack’s decision to replace them on the broads of directors of USAGM’s non-federal entities. Judge Beryl denied their motion, stating that they “have fallen short of making the requisite showings“ to rule in their favor on their motion for for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction.
It's appointments like these that make me feel all tingly inside for President Trump. Is it happenstance or a plan? I have no idea, but Pack and Grennell and a few others are the ones to drain the swamp, and hopefully pave it over and build a shooting range. And a fundamentalist church. And a Proud Boys Club house. And the national chapter of Keep America Great.
[Hat Tip: muggedbyreality]