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July 02, 2020
White House Sources and Politicos Say Jared Kushner is a "Moron" and "Fuck-Up" Destroying the Trump Administration
Amber Athey asks the question, is Jared a saboteur destroying the Trump administration, or a scapegoat for its failings?
Most of the evidence seems to indicate the former:
After a string of broken promises, policy disappointments and sinking poll numbers, the populist wing of the Republican party knows who is to blame. It's the President's son-in-law, the prince of the administration, Jared Kushner.
'Trump has a Jared problem,' is how one conservative activist who works with the White House on immigration puts it. 'Jared is a total fuck-up. Everything he touches turns to lead.' Others groan about 'four more years of Jared' should the President be re-elected in November.
Various sources in, or connected to, the administration are stunned by the amount of power Kushner wields. He is a 39-year-old rich kid who had no experience in government before 2016, yet he is in charge of Middle East diplomacy, police reform, a major immigration reform package, criminal justice reform, PPE procurement during COVID-19 and construction of the border wall.
Kushner’s inexperience might be excusable if he were particularly brilliant. People who have sat in meetings with him, however, describe him as 'slow,' 'a moron' and 'not really that bright'. He struggles to master detail. One official suggests he doesn't have the acuity to master one, let alone all, of the tasks the President gives him. For instance, he was in charge of producing the 600-plus-page immigration reform package, but conservatives were horrified at how little he knew about the issue he was leading on. He didn't even seem to know what was in his own proposal; others had to step in when he was unable to answer the more technical questions.
One conservative source who attended a briefing on the plan led by Kushner told The Spectator he was shocked that Kushner seemed to have no sense of how to answer basic questions about chain migration and the diversity visa lottery. 'He presents as someone very knowledgeable and in the know until he faces questions,' the source said. 'He goes off the record or on deep background so people don't realize he's a fucking idiot.'
But it's not all just stupidity: Part of it is that Jared is a progressive Democrat rich brat who is subverting Trump to achieve his own leftwing agenda.
His negative influence on the administration, it’s whispered, goes beyond incompetence and veers toward deliberate sabotage. Several individuals close to the administration claim Kushner's history as a rather progressive Democrat makes him far more ideological than he lets on, and this causes him to subvert Trump's populist agenda. 'The depths and lengths Jared is going to to stab Trump in the back [are] quite profound,' one source claimed. 'Trump's been burned by Jared so many times,' said another.
Read the whole thing. Amber Athey writes that immigration experts say that every bad thing that's in Trump's immigration proposal, or every good thing that's somehow absent from his proposals, is due to one thing: "Jared."