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June 17, 2020
WSJ: Justice Department to Propose a Rollback of Legal Protections For Companies Which Demonstrate Bias in Their Moderation
At the Wall Street Journal.
That headline is similar to the WSJ's.
Here's the trouble, though: It's fake news.
As I've said, this has to be addressed through Congress. Congress wrote section 230. Only Congress can repeal or modify section 230.
So the Justice Department has acceded to Trump's demand to produce some kind of reduction of section 230 protection.
And the Justice Department has done so -- sort of.
They've proposed reforms... that require Congress' positive action to enact into law.
WASHINGTON--The Justice Department is set to propose a rollback of legal protections that online platforms have enjoyed for more than two decades, in an effort to make tech companies more responsible in how they police their content, according to a Trump administration official.
The department's proposed changes, to be unveiled as soon as Wednesday, are designed to spur online platforms to be more aggressive in addressing illicit and harmful conduct on their sites, and to be fairer and more consistent in their decisions to take down content they find objectionable, the official said.
The Justice Department proposal is a legislative plan that would have to be adopted by Congress.
Basically, this is very nearly "Not News At All." It provides details about something that will not happen.
Might as well be about the physical traits of sasquatches.
But I thought I should mention it.
The proposal will not be passed --both speech-hating Democrats and corporate-money-loving Republicans, like Mike Lee and Doug Collins, will combine to stop any attempt to reign in Monster Tech.
Conservatives will not have their speech rights protected until they rise in revolt and purge the Corporate Class from the party, and kick them over to the Democrat Party, where they belong.