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June 11, 2020
Warning To Neoliberals and Pseudocons: When Antifa Says "Abolish the Police," They Mean It.
Including the Security Guards at the Lobbies of Your Buildings and at the Checkpoints of Your Gated Communities.
Personally, I favor declaring any area declaring itself autonomous to be, in fact, an autonomous nation outside the US.
That would mean we no longer have to send it money, and that we can establish border checkpoints and walls around it.
And when they're all almost dead in a couple of years, maybe we can send in clean up crews to see if the area can be refurbished to be habitable by actual civilized humans once again, or if it should just be allowed to go back to nature.
On a related note, Kyle Sheideler has some information about the antifa/BLM campaign to replace the professional civil-service police with their own vigilante squads and Morality Police.
Elite media representatives hurried to explain that "Abolish the police" actually meant "defund" and "reform" the police. Never mind that police abolitionists explicitly reject notions of reform. As one Chicago Police and Prison Abolitionist declaration noted:
It is completely sensible to assume that this Settler government would permit and grant certain measures of reform over others to divide and demobilize the People. We imagine if they are to "defund" or "disband" the police, we will see the intensification of fascist paramilitaries and private armies form up to retain the fundamental oppressive apparatus. This after all was the central function of white citizens' militias and fraternal orders for the last two hundred years, to which we today now have--no thanks to reformers--THE POLICE.
In other words, if neoliberals think they can support police reform and defunding efforts, then hide behind private security and gated communities, they have another thing coming. No, police abolitionists mean exactly what they say.
Yes, they mean that private "paramilitary" police are to be outlawed same as professional civil-service police.
The only police will be Warlords like Raz and their crew of Morality Law Enforcers. And, of course, straight up bandits and rape-gangs.
Kyle Shelideler quotes the document that guides antifa's scheme of governance of "liberated" zones -- a doctrine called "Community Armed Defense."
Conclusion: The armed thugs who will act as enforcers (not law enforcers; let's say, lawlessness enforders) will use force to impose... Identity Politics notions of racial justice.
Street-level racial justice.
The sort of "justice" we've seen BLM and antifa meting out with bike-locks and bricks.
While traditional policing implies deputized professionals enforcing laws passed by the legitimate representatives and--it is to be hoped--duty-bound to respect individual rights, Community Armed Defense rejects the individual rights upon which the U.S. system is built in favor of the collective communal "rights" of identity politics. It exists not to uphold law, but to enforce the "political demands" of favored groups.
Quick, let's negotiate! I think they're ready to compromise, despite the fact that the people who would normally oppose them are actually their allies and patrons (Democrat politicians) or are weak and cowardly and lack all confidence in their moral authority to put down violent nihilistic insurrectionists and terrorists (Republicans, especially of the Conservatism, Inc. strain).
Update: Kyle Sheideler points out that the media are voluntarily -- eagerly -- offering up propaganda in favor of the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone," portraying it as a utopia.
That guy is a reporter for KOUW TV, his bio says.
His bio also specifies his pronouns. Because, of course it does.
I wonder if I get together with some conservative militia members to announce our own Autonomous Zone, if we'll likewise be supported by the Democrat government officials and the media.
Or if they'll go Full Waco on us.
I kinda think the latter. Not sure why. Call it a hunch.