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June 10, 2020

The Morning Rant

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I remember watching the 1950s version of The War of the Worlds on TV when I was a boy, maybe age 8 or 9. What scared me most about the movie was not the fearsome aliens cruising around in those tripod things laying waste to everything that moved not the scene where the main characters encountered an alien in that abandoned barn, but the scene where Dr. Forrester is trying to get out of Los Angeles with all his cool Science Stuff in a truck and he turns a corner and lands smack in the middle of a riot. The scene shows some policemen trying to keep order and one of them (actually, I think it was a national guard guy) gets into it with a rioter who punches him in the face.

And that really shook me. It's difficult to describe how creepy and weird I felt.

I was just shocked. You're not supposed to punch policemen in the face! That's just wrong! What kind of world is it where policemen get punched in the face? I don't want to live in that world! My 9-year-old-boy brain had a very difficult time processing this. And then the rioters threw all of Dr. Forrester's Cool Science Stuff out of the truck (along with Dr. Forrester) and drove it away.

I couldn't stop thinking about that scene for the rest of the movie.

So when I hear news about the police being ordered out of certain areas and BLM/Antifa allowed to take control, as happened in Seattle and Portland, I get the same creepy and weird feeling. This is not supposed to happen! The police are not supposed to run away! They're supposed to protect us! What the hell's the matter with them!?

Well, it most likely isn't them, i.e. the rank-and-file police. I think they probably know that their supervisors and elected officials do NOT have their backs and there's a very good chance that they'll be called out for even the most minor mistake to appease the mob, and they don't want any of it.

Some poisonous fruit from trees planted in the 1960s is now coming fully ripe. Because that's when many of the elected officials who are running our blue cities came of age and they've seen those protests. They may even have taken part in them. At the very least, they sympathized with them. The point is, these elected officials have more in common, ideologically and culturally, with the BLM/Antifia thug rioters than they do with the citizens they've sworn to protect. So they are really hesitant to do anything to actually stop the riots (which they keep insisting are "mostly peaceful"). They don't want to see their besties in antifa get their heads busted or water cannoned. They'd rather see stores looted and burned rather than be perceived by their buds in BLM as being insufficiently down with the struggle. They know whose side they're on and guess what, it's not ours.

Imagine being bullied at school, and you go to the teacher for help, and not only does she side with the bully, and tell you that you need to give the bully some space to be a bully, but you see her laughing and joking with the bully like they're BFFs. A lot of blue city citizens and business owners ought to be feeling this way right now, and if they don't, they need to wake up. Maybe they should be planning an exit strategy. Because when the thug rioters can get away with punching cops in the face, that's when it's time to get the hell out.

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You May Not Be Interested in Social Justice, But Social Justice is Interested in You:

The 2020 Woke Olympics Are Going To Be Lit:

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"Maybe a 4Chan op?"

President Trump's Campaign Ads Are Pretty Much Writing Themselves These Days:

Every Now And Then A Blind Squirrel Finds A Nut:

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Please Try And Keep Up: Social Distancing Is Now Back In Style

AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com.

Prayer Requests:

4/29 - SH asks for prayers that the boys would graduate without problems this May and that things would turn out as they hope.

5/5 - H requests prayers for his daughter, who is struggling with a relapse in her eating disorder. The shutdown has greatly complicated the situation.

5/20 - Jane D’oh requests prayers for a friend whose wife passed away last Saturday evening, as they were home, watching television. It was a complete surprise, and the family is devastated.

5/26 - Heisenberg’s Uncertain Principal asks for prayers for his daughter and her husband, who had twins in April, and with the stress of no sleep, lockdowns, and job worries, it’s killing their relationship. He asks for prayers to help them get through.

5/26 - Aelfheld requests prayers for a co-worker whose house was destroyed by a tornado in Bowie, TX on 5/22/20. The co-worker and his wife came through the storm safely, but the house sustained significant damage.

6/3 - Clyde asks for prayers for his younger brother, who is a Chicago police officer on the south side of Chicago. Please pray for him, as well as all police officers, during this time of chaos to help them help keep the people of their cities safe as well as remain safe themselves.

6/3 - thathalfrican asks for prayers for his wife, who just had a miscarriage.

6/4 - PH requests for prayers for his mother and father. His mother went into a nursing home just before the Covid lockdown started, and the isolation she has endured has taken a terrible toll. They saw her last weekend through a “window visit” and she is just a shell of what she was. Now his dad is facing learning what a new normal for him will be without her.


5/26 - Sock_ra_eez sends the wonderful news that his surgery has been scheduled for 6/11. He was afraid it would be delayed until late summer.

For Healing:

5/16- The Village Idiot’s Apprentice asks for prayers for Anna, from Ohio, as well as the other residents and staff of her Assisted Living home. She is 99 years old, and just tested positive for Covid-19, as well as many of the staff and residents of the facility. Patient #1 has already passed.
5/23 Update: Anna has taken a turn for the worse. He asks for prayers for her recovery, but if God has chosen to call her home, may her passage be peaceful and pain free.

5/16 - The Village Idiot’s Apprentice also asks for prayers for his Uncle Bill, who was hospitalized in Pennsylvania with possible a-fib.
5/23 Update: Bill is stable and at home now.

5/19 - M needs prayers for his grandniece, Chloe, who was born with bad kidneys. She’s a year old now, her kidneys have been removed, and she is on daily dialysis and a feeding tube, to try and get her ready for transplant surgery. Please pray for health for her and strength for her parents. There have been a number of scares with fevers and seizures.

5/19 - CFO Mom has a request for prayers for her husband. He was unwell for a couple of weeks, and has been hospitalized since going to the ER Sunday evening. He has cellulitis, which may have gone to sepsis. He is on IV antibiotics, and now they have discovered he has an irregular heartbeat which is causing other risks and problems. He is also on a heparin drop to prevent blood clots. It’s very hard to not be able to visit and be with him to hear what the doctors have to say, or see and hear what is going on.

5/23 - The Village Idiot’s Apprentice asks for prayers for two more relatives diagnosed with Covid: one of whom is young and otherwise healthy, and another of whom is 89 and lives in a LT care facility.

5/26 - Ibguy would like to add his friend Dana B-S to the prayer list. She has immune system issues, and now has been diagnosed with Covid.

6/4 - PC requests prayers for a friend named Joanie who just had surgery for a serious rare ailment.

Job Issues:

In addition to the people who have been on the prayer list for some time, please add Brother Cavil who needs a better paying job that meets his skill set. He also needs “rough places made smooth”.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com

If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her.

Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after five weeks or so unless we receive an update.

Please remember the Prayer of St. Francis:

Keep calm and pray on!

Who Dis:

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Photo 2
Photo 3 (leggy!)
Photo 4 (more leggy!)
Photo 5
Photo 6

For the 'Ettes:

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Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Friday's celebs: Rosamund Pike and Victor Webster. Victor holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and holds an undefeated record as a heavyweight in both Tae Kwon Do competition and amateur kickboxing and has 2 bronze medals from the No Gi Jiu Jitsu world championships. He appeared with Ms. Pike in the 2009 science fiction film Surrogates.

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Steak and Fries:

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digg this
posted by OregonMuse at 11:15 AM

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