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June 03, 2020
Snapchat Announces New Censorship Rules Aimed at Trump (and Republicans): We Will No Longer Promote Accounts That Promote "Injustice"
You know, for years, those on the right have been saying the left's endgame is a total campaign of censorship and deplatforming on any effective speaker on the right. The c**ks of National Review would be allowed to remain as harmless tokens.
The pseudoright has been telling us, "No, you're fearmongering, you're being silly, you're ginning up fears, but I assure you, our Very Good Leftist Tech Monopolist Friends who are by the way Bankrolling Our Shitty Websites would never do anything like that. They just want to delete some Pepe the Frog accounts and RUSSIAN bots, that's all."
Once again: How are your prognostications working out for you, Twitter Pseudoright Smart Set?
Do you ever get anything right? And if not -- and, by the way, it is in fact "not" -- how do you cling to your self-delusions of intellectual superiority?
Don't the Smarty-Pantses have to be right every once in a while to continue with their nose-in-the-air Superiority Dances?
Or nah?
It's nah, right?
Snapchat will not promote President Trump's account in the Discover section of its app, the company said on Wednesday.
"We will not amplify voices who incite racial violence and injustice by giving them free promotion on Discover," a company representative said.
The decision comes as Facebook has been embroiled in controversy over its handling of Trump's posts about the George Floyd protests.
How do the Corporate-Funded C**ks of the Pseudoright feel about Tech Monopolists adopting the standard that anyone promoting racial "injustice" -- that is, opposition to the left's Maoist campaign of minority supremacy and white subservience -- will be censored?
Everything thumb's up from those on Google's pad?
I imagine so -- they'll write "Two Cheers for Our Benevolent Tech Overlords (and Paymasters) and Their Wise Decision to Enforce Our Precious Normzzzz."
Hey Peasants Not Elite Enough To be Drawing a Check From Google
If you don't like Tech Monopoly censorship of your basic American right to free speech, hey, just start your own Tech Monopoly.
As all the Smart Corporate-Cons know, it's very, very easy to displace a Monopoly. That's what Monopolies are known for, being easy to compete against.
This process of starting your own Tech Monopoly and displacing the previous Tech Monopoly should only take 60 years or so, if it happens at all.
Until then: Eat sixty years of increasing censorship, Peons. Google's flying us all to California to tour their campus!!! They say that they have Free Slushie Machines right in the lobby! WHOO-HOO!!!
Hey, as long as Koch Industries and Google are paying the "conservative" media's mortgages, that's really all that matters.
By the way: Keep your eye out for news on this general topic of Tech Monopoly censorship of conservatives. There will be news shortly.