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June 02, 2020
Media, Including a Washington Post Reporter, Laughs at Mere Chain Stores Being Looted and Set Ablaze
A friend sent me photos from his DC neighborhood, Penn Quarter. He says all stores are boarded up, some because their windows have been smashed, others because they know their windows are the next to be smashed.
He says that workers boarding up shops and businesses is the only economic activity in his neighborhood.

He adds that all of City Center and Chinatown are being boarded up.
That's a bit of background for this post: A post about a Washington Post reporter -- whose newspaper takes money for advertising from Washington DC businesses -- giving either a shrug or a thumb's up to antifa's demolition of local businesses.
First, someone laments that downtown DC has been looted and pillaged, after years of attempting to bring it back to economic life:
Then some leftwing woke fringe media asshole snipes sarcastically:
This wouldn't be worthy of a post, except a Washington Post "journalist" then jumps in to laugh, ha-ha, these are Common People Franchises and Chains, and gives what appears to be a Thumb's Up to their destruction:
Mollie Hemingway asks him what exactly he meant by that -- and of course this guy knows who she is, he probably is on a listserv trash-mouthing her -- but he just disappears, refusing to clarify his meaning:
Hey, Downtown DC businesses -- are you sure you want to advertise in this sewer paper that calls for your businesses to be ransacked and razed?
Maybe we should call up the Washington Post's sales department and ask them.
Maybe also tweet at the Washington Post's PR department several thousand times: https://twitter.com/WashPostPR