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May 22, 2020
Kamala Harris Tries to Get Granpa Sexknuckles' Attention With Yet Another #Woke Politics Stunt
And that little Karen was me.
Kamala Harris is running hard to be the Democrat VP, and by running hard to be the Democrat VP, I mean pushing frivolous Identity Politics gambits to please the Democrats' real constituency, Twitter.
Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris introduced a resolution last week calling on the Senate to condemn the term "Wuhan virus" as racist.
The resolution, introduced May 14, describes the terms "Chinese Virus," "Wuhan Virus," and "Kung-flu" as "anti-Asian terminology and rhetoric” that “have perpetuated anti-Asian stigma." The resolution on the Senate to condemn "all forms of anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID–19," including "all manifestations or expressions of racism, xenophobia, discrimination, anti-Asian sentiment, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious intolerance."
This is a perfect example of what they complain about on Morning Rising: China needs to be punished for unleashing this plague on the world, and hiding it, and buying all the world's PPE while it hid it, and threatening to unleash more coronavirus on the world.
Furthermore, the current state in which China makes all of the US's medicines (all of the generics, and all of the base medicines from which more advanced non-generics are made) cannot be allowed to continue. The US manufacturing capacity for core, essential goods must be brought home.
But that would mean upsetting the main money funding the Democrat Party, which is the main money funding the Republican Party, too: transnational megacorporations and the China Lobby.
So instead of talking about anything real, anything that actually matters, Democrats just flood the ether with constant frivolous Identity Politics non-proposals.
Instead of discussing the effect that 30+ years of a complete national surrender to the China Lobby's interests have done to American national security, American health security, and the wages and life outcomes of the American middle and working classes, instead we get more fucking censorship and speech-patrolling and Identity Politics poison.
And the GOP Establishment is more than happy to fritter away its time fencing with Kamala Harris on this point, because that spares them the need to discuss China, too.