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May 25, 2020
The Morning Rant
This is crazy. Look at the video clip below. What is wrong with this woman? And, more importantly, why are they allowing her to be on the air? I mean, somebody higher up at MSNBC had to make the decision to say yes, this woman is completely normal and certainly sane enough to be watched by the viewing public and to be publicly associated with our network.
I'm old enough to remember the old-school news anchors. Back in the day, we had Huntley and Brinkley, Walter Cronkite, Frank Reynolds. These were serious men who took the news seriously. Whether they were actually worthy of respect is a conversation for another day, but whether they were or not, they knew how to project an aura of, dare I say it, gravitas that made you want to take the nightly news seriously.
At the very least, they knew how to fake it real good.
But who can take TV news seriously nowadays?
Journalisming is not a serious profession. It's a clown college full of clowns.
Who can take Brian Stelter seriously?
Who can take Don Lemon seriously?
Who can take Matt Lauer seriously? Especially when he was chasing women around his specially designed rape room? And if it was consensual as he claims, what was he doing boinking interns on company time?
And this Maddow woman... sheesh! She sounds like she's this close: --><-- to some sort of psychotic break. It's scary and pathetic and disturbing. She desperately needs professional help to work through her psychological issues.
But not on the air, please. What a complete embarrassment.
And on a completely different topic, isn't it odd how the party that is 100% behind open borders, needle-sharing, decriminalization of intentional infection with AIDS, and street pooping is suddenly concerned about the spread of disease?
New Product:
(Click for bigger image)
Listen, Fat:
First, Murder Hornets, and Now...
Alyssa Milano -- Hot Burning Stoopid:
A Superhero For 2020:

Pulp Librarian)
Suddenly Dusty In Here...
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4
Friday's celebs: Loretta Young and
Tyrone Power made several movies together in the 1930s, including
Second Honeymoon and
Suez. And contrary to a couple of comments made on the thread, Power did not play for the other team.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Carrot Cake Cobbler: 
(click for bigger cobbler)
Cobbler recipe here.

posted by OregonMuse at
12:05 PM
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