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May 14, 2020
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition

[Courtesy of Mindful Webworker]
Scary Headline? Check.
Throwaway quotations and deceptive facts? Check.
Vital bit of information tacked on at the end of the article? Check.
So; business as usual for our brave and intrepid journalists and editors, who can't seem to think for themselves and always default to hysterical redirection of the topic toward a "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" theme. Obviously they embrace the maxim, "If it bleeds, it leads," but it's worse than that. They seem to be so intellectually lazy, and ignorant of everything outside of their little world of Twitter snippets and 10 second attention span news that they cannot synthesize information. It must be an odd life, with disconnected bits of information rattling around in their mostly empty heads, without the intellectual heft to connect them.
Kidney injury seen in more than a third of hospitalized COVID-19 patients -U.S. study
Over a third of patients treated for COVID-19 in a large New York medical system developed acute kidney injury, and nearly 15% required dialysis, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.
Very ill patients often develop kidney failure as their conditions becomes more and more severe, Jhaveri said.
"It's not specific to COVID-19. It's more related to how sick you are," he said.
It took the writer most of the article to arrive at the fact that when people get really sick from Wuhan flu, they um...get really sick, and have things go wrong with them like other really sick people.
And there's more! The writer seems to be playing fast and loose with the phrases "acute kidney injury" and "kidney failure." Is that because it would be more difficult to paint a gloomy and scary picture if she pointed out that only one in seven patients needed dialysis (in itself a scary word)? Or that the data on permanent injury was lacking, because maybe these kidney complications were temporary?
Who knows? Certainly nobody who read the article is any wiser. It speaks to the complete abrogation of the concept of a responsible press. Provide the facts, let us draw conclusions, and do not manipulate those facts in service of a political agenda.
Sounds simple!