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May 01, 2020
Fake Tapper Deploys Whattaboutism to Cover Up For His Precious Democrat Joe Biden, But Seems to Forget That Tara Reade Is Not the First Woman to Accuse Joe Biden of Harassment and Inappropriate Touching, But the Eighth
Some weren't impressed by Fake Tapper's smokescreen.
But if Fake Tapper thinks that listing names is an impressive rejoinder, then I have some names for him.
Joey Fingers should also be forced to answer questions about Lucy Flores and Amy Lappos and D.J. Hill and Caitlyn Caruso and Ally Coll and Sofie Karasek and Vail Kohnert-Yount.
And of course Tara Reade.
Those are the names of the women who have complained that Joe Biden touched them inappropriately, Fake Tapper.
I'm sure you don't have those memorized, as you've memorized Trump's accusers.
Plan on any interviews any time soon, you scumbag pussy?
And say, didn't Stormy Daniels fucking live on CNN property for two years?
And did I say that eight women had accused Biden of inappropriate sexual behavior?
Make that nine -- another woman came forward today, accusing Biden of complimenting her on the size of her breasts when she was fourteen years old.
Woman Claims Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14 Years Old by Complimenting Her Breasts
by Colin Kalmbacher | 2:28 pm, May 1st, 2020
A woman says she was sexually harassed by presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden when she was 14 years old.
The woman, Eva Murry, told Law&Crime that Biden complimented her on the size of her breasts at the First State Gridiron Dinner & Show in 2008, a long-running roast of and party for politicians, journalists and prominent business figures held each year in Delaware. Murry says she remembers the event occurring sometime around May of that year.
One friend and her sister said that Murry told her details of the alleged incident more or less immediately after it happened. Four other friends of Murry's said they were told about the incident, with the same details, between two and three years after it originally occurred.
Hey Jake Tough-Guy --
So are you going to interview this woman, or any of Biden's other eight victims, on your very lightly-viewed show?