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March 29, 2020
Israel's Experience With Integration Of An Alien Population Bodes Ill For America
Our elites have been telling us for years that if we embrace multiculturalism, open our borders to "natural conservatives," and in all other ways dilute American Exceptionalism we will achieve some sort of ill-defined goal. Nobody has yet to show me the advantages of importing millions of foreigners who have very little concept of Western political philosophy, especially the part about personal freedom and liberty and the evils of an all-powerful and overweening government.
The reality is that changing the demographic of a country will change the country. Did America change with each successive wave of immigration in the 19th and early 20th centuries? Of course! The English, the Dutch, the Germans, the filthy Scandis, the Scots-Irish who began our grand experiment were joined by their cousins from the old countries and by many others. Middle and eastern Europe, Italy, Russia, and several others later contributed to what was to become the greatest country in history. They had very little in common except their desire to be American!
Arab Israelis are pulling away from society, not integrating
Middle East scholar Professor Raphael Israeli, 84, one of the preeminent researchers on the Arabs of Israel, recently returned to Israel from a research trip abroad and went straight into coronavirus quarantine. But he is much more bothered by the political debate over how Arab Israelis will be represented politically. In contrast to widely publicized claims, Israeli sees a "clear trend of disconnect, not any desire to integrate into Israeli society" among Arabs.
But integration, assimilation -- the melting pot -- is the key, and if immigrants, or in the case of Israel, residents, do not participate but rather actively subvert the dominant cultural norms (freedom, liberty, etc), or in the case of late 20th century American immigration -- create parallel cultures -- then the country is imperiled.
American Exceptionalism created what we have, which is better than any other country on earth. We did it with immigrants who accepted the basic premise that American political and cultural philosophy was, is, and will be successful.
The lesson that Israel can teach us is simple and chilling; Allowing a fifth column to flourish within one's country is suicide. Israel's is violent...ours is less so, but no less dangerous.
posted by CBD at
12:15 PM
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