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March 17, 2020
Katie "Queen of Throupling" Hill: I "Almost Certainly" Have Coronavirus

She was also diagnosed with an advanced case of
College Women's Softball Catcher's Neck.
Oh, I see: We're now at the point where fame-chasing neurotics announce publicly that they may have a disease, rather than waiting for confirmation.
Our ruling class is so neurotic and bizarre that they're nearly diagnosably insane.
Her claim is that because her dad spent time with someone with coronavirus, and she spent some time with her dad, therefore, she "almost certainly" has it.
Former California congresswoman Katie Hill claimed Monday that her doctor said she "almost certainly" has contracted the Coronavirus.
"I have had a dry cough, shortness of breath, & a fever since Saturday," Hill wrote in a tweet on Monday. "My dad found out Saturday afternoon that he’d spent a lot of time with a person who tested positive for COVID-19. I was exposed to my dad, but I could have been way before that too… we will never know."
However, Hill says she will not be tested unless she is "hospitalized" because she did not come in direct contact with the individual who had the virus.
These people do know that it is, as usual around this time a year, flu season for the non-coronavirus flu, right?
This crazy dick-diving whore has more drama than a road production of Fame.